..-Numerous transportalion issues need addressing, opXment, traffic congestion and transit. I ounditable discussions will then enable res. !dents ta discuss points raised dur.ng the. day. «Our desîred outcome is that we have an eut- - gaging discussion about the cnitical issues Ifacrmg te municipalities of the Western GTA and the whole GTA.sald Crombie. 'We want to have an impact on shaping the. transit and transportation agenda in the Iwhole GTA, give the. Western GIA a vaice. and engage residents in shaping the. future of their municipalirie0. Nalton Region Chair Gary Carr. who will ulso Iserve as ca-chair fit the sumnut, souid theei no hoageofreasons ta talk about H=atas -Under the provincial plan, Places to Grow, k alton's population is expected to mushiocin Cc-Chairs for the Western CIA Sumut tram Brampton. Bwtlngtan Caledan. fbsissauga. amd q Oakv*Ie along wirh Budingtan Mayor Rck Goldring anci Oalcville Mayor Rob Burton gadier a <rom its current 500,00 ta 780,000 by 2031 Shria Colg to discuss the upcoming agenda. Froin left arm Sheridan COU@"g Preident CEO ICari said te transition wiIl involve challeng- "i Zabudsky, Burlirugion Co-Chair AIt Zeuner, Mayor Rick GoWdrinog. MaMan Regioal Chair Gary es. Carr. Mayor Rab Burton, Caledon Cc-Chair Tayter Pamnaby. Brampton Co-Chair Pete VmnSicIct fBurlington Mayor Rkck Goldrîng agreed. and Mîssissauga Co-Chair Brion Crantie.M.taU Sdf aG 5 'As great as the communities in the Western IGIA are. we cannot takte our current situation nitses EIect.d officiais, as weII as the people .very day Gotdring; said te cons cf traffir for grante« si Goldring. we serve, need 10 work toçether now more congestion for Surlington carnruters ani »Qur approach going forward connot te than ever so we can have the future that we cansumers are significant. goverument andi politkcs as usual. We neeci ai aspire to., Burton saici ail the munkipalities in the West- 22nd Century thinking 10 help us address ouf With haîf of Burlington's labour force Ieaving cm, GTA are neighbouri andi when they wark current and future challeniges and oppaitu- for wo.k un the Hamulton andi Touronto areos toqether, theur residlents benefit. saysHafton chair »If you look bock at how we have corne such a long way, you wîlI sec we dici it by worksng liard every sttp af the way. The. sarne solution, the saine method i s gain#g ta be requîred for the futuret le said. Ihere i na better way ta calibrate your plans for the future, check your plans for the future and rediedicate ycurself ta rnalcig the future bette-r thtan by coming together andc Iistening ta the citizeuis cf the Western GTA at the sum- News a! the summnit cornes as the. Ontario Chanter of Commerce and the Oakvle Charnter of Commnerce in pancrfship wtth other GTMA chamters and boards of! nde, unvetied the resuits of a GTNA-wie consul- tation o! businesse an how ta fuinc Tht Big Mcv.. Tht report showed a cita consensus (66 per cent) arnong GTHA business thut new revenue tacts are inevitable te !und the nmas- sive projcct. Sori, pottotial revenue-generating tools recommendeci by tht rnajxîty a! the bus.- nesses surveyed. uncludcd hughway toits and a fuel tax- The Western GTA Summit is fret. but residents are encourage ta register Mt www.wittrflg- taswnmit.ca. Tb. Missêssauga Convention Centre istlocated at 75SDerry R& 1355 North Service Rd. W l el: 1.888.948.5548 1OakvîlleVolkswagen.com