AM Ids& of grbae and discarded items found during spdng dean-up Sauft Nad..m fl Wusof(a~ valuntiarWho cam oi tcla pherrai arm las Month. sorin dman ipi ame becmkig nxread n1e lm~im as rural duming confinues taonces v .- a - --- -oigm M ississauga Volkswagen you 011911- >"i hi Mlsslssaffa M~ êa'o bemn award.d the pres*igiovs WoMhurg Crest Club. Our Mor4wiemerd tsom hot omr 22 var s exuef ince se<vcino youf locol commuvnity. caue ow 2010"e 2L !Ua $1 6,500 -,., Des %.Me-ItAuto. Usual coc« yot on tust. bfnsUCho hxc ý 90 PwA 3 $M i ho . fw aomI17. o4 + %uv r,w-w. .ruu rlu-uwnu 2013 Jeft Taudin. Phis 2010 Touef.g IDI C $I6,499,,; $36p999,i + i '~.- + ~Wu2vv Mississauga Volkswcag.n 2420 Moforwoy Bivd., Mismisuauga, ON Tel. 905.569-3233 * Fax: 905.569.3022 %WWw.MMMlsaIuv&wcom onglof »012 Ilgun TSI Comf«W$n. $27499,,-. "»A0 b'" ww t wW "18 MPIwOM6 ai M4us,. 0,4 w" m apoeu- .plsIomd _. U Perff Î< ý" a4 ..,i.f, , -,l fl.'t.- ý Î- cpi C., ., ... o An eH - v* le- bo &. oe m v u Io 24 .oeA" Onk, ff ait 2O7 vol A' Y ýobs-,, o. l .I d Io*, llela f 90% & 9% .. 6z 0 ~'~"."..'-,, a-A OS# Il:, à Ili ltgro. Po'w 1,.360y,' " 0 f. %m >,i (> " ýl, . j .. d 0 Pr'A ie d oco M * . .' .... Y (ae + 4 1 Dcame int effkct April 1. Theres a three-bag limât but residents are abeto get extra cornplimentary tags iliat cari b. used until September 7. However starting Sepiember 9, garbage tags wuil cost $2 pet tag and can onl9 be purchased tin sheets of fove tags ($10 pet 1Shee). SMit t.unau admits dumping pefsists throughout the rural areas. despite the communitys best efforts in trying to keep the area free of litter through Good Neighbours Community Day, Earth Day adNassagaweya clean-ups. The last clean-up which took place on April 20, saw a number of volunteers out collecting bags fuil of empty water boittes. collée cups and other debuis andi items like tires and oid televisioris. Lunau notes that dumping doeWn' only happen on quteter streets, but it also, hap- petit on well-travelled raads like Guelph Unie. She rteiýenI1y 5law irisuIdlaici fildtelidlS dumped alorogside the major arterial rood. «rr not sure why people feel the inte- rior of their car is more sacred than our countryside, she said. »il jusi boggies my mine Lunau sa.d icornes down ta praeZtin, whlch cari be toogh, and chaglng scia attitudes. Garbage that is durnped is usually not a identifiable, whicti makes it difficult ta fine a person, she said. *Uniest people " fse t truly soclally unac- ceptable, sanie people will continue ta do Kt.'idded Lunau, She said lis Important ta continue on with public awareness campaigns ta de- ter people from dumping garbage. She said commundiy clean-ups also, help as people are more likety to litter in areas where there is already garbage. Cripps added ta help the Town enforce its bylaws. help frono residents is needed ta report people who are littering or dump-u ing waste. A licence plate number and the location will help enforcernent officers ~ track people down. Cat the Town at (905) 878- 7252, ext. 2137. The, Tuwri dlIO LurIiiiiu,~ tu put up Nigiel in the rural area to help deter people from dumping waste. Juba Le can be reoched of jk@<miltoncona - dî or on Trwin'er obJuhoM- ilonNe. .