ttiilor Cindy Lunsu, tao put Irn roqu«et t ha Town of MlloVs Sup the area Howem aMetr walng a kew hour4 jAMM calh Hilton Police as w« to let fthm know ci tht po- tetsakfty hawd O id it woiid btsa danger to Lar cornln9 down tht raid and around the corner, h. toot mnatters. bno is own Nands, pushing tht sol o the Uêdt of the rad wlth fus I flctor whlle police hulp.d block ofthe trfot until h. wes ifinishtd. TeTown dldn"t respond witll the -Monday, accordlng ta Town ai Mif- ton Engineering Services Director PaulICrppsý at whkch point th. Cpp adthey geerll rewond S in th next business (ay Kdp= é ai e and hs wie Mn- ionwhohm ved n d &«for 25 yens. m p he aif opf uulng the councysid as thuir gar- -g an. On any gNon dey. theyl se htter, lent fsfated @er reont dumpng of potted soNl fumniture, tuirfigerators. air candi- #maers ania vuuiety ai otherltm whe -" ttwough Campb"e ville nd in tht$r-9 & owgbard. lb.y'Ve Nid ta pay a betty wtwi- nan b#1 of $16hW because thuir jdog got loto srne garhap disa nas durnped -Wi thtk mteut nd nas sîck for days. lre%«f no reed for duraying. sadd Marion. 'keep the garbage in your car, not on the roid. iRlck Matcheti. who Imes on Second jUne, said wfth the increase i taxas nd cont of servces. recent qar- lbage filrntatlos and garbage pick up only evey aiNsi weoK.dump- lng is becornang la major proNoem alortg ouf once beautifu country roadsldef* In tits particular case Ne said ai lent t gaibage nas comopostaNte 1and could be swotto the roadsldt dtcw. but fl ruait> a mboed bag Mien it cornes ta what's left b>' <hase pasungi through. Liansu sWd she bellieves ifs îoa ilfly tOtdthe ffbCtof thefltw -«M bag -gî <hiC Pod sol un dwnped Sang a iCO m suth dU Sidiroad r.oestl>~ <Ut hi irait dtbwTcsn dMSoe*Ho Dia- ing dpi, wNdi ispisys tht mwdrnwn fred $SAOO a pensa bas ta psy Wcaa~t - T etM amnso"E uagn -u - L~ by c#rwI bYB, u Job - t tlem a abb #Mno a s HowarHd &aeM St ooegflo Auqles Curék Mu GSI Lb. (nt Dm Led) OU3 amqbS ON LW lIS fu687-1l2u -ce-oDalbvmw i. s~ ~ 1a sta. NE LBUBRi SusS -MnM » a -M -d -ai CHURCH 0F CHRIST mWoohp & Commnunion 11:00am Smidy Scho Gksso lOi» amn Watch for lCey Io Kingdorn Frklay 8:30 amn, Visio TV