ie#ee shrs b in Onai beler strides avel b ort te con*ln ouimtvüt* govoment andi the bose rclin Iua tnuisrt «sre a suistalnable Vul- * ure W *th. ndusWyý aeen taken to ensure hous radings future, says Snobelen Mardi 31 marloed th. end of the Siots at Racetracks Program. a prof- It-sharlng agreement betiveen the gonniment and tract caners *%ht saut 20 per cenit of dlot revernes h int pure -ol mrahtai and I unde th. rdNtue and enhance the sport of tive raong. The govemment tbas since renego- tiatesi agreemeusn wftti 14 ;racks IOIC I LARVAL MOSQIITO MONITORING AMC PESTICIDE USE 407 ENR Concession Company Limited wIIl condluct larval -mosqulto monitouing tram May 27 to October 11, 2013 nd, Sas may be mequloed, a larvlcéilng progoem from May 27 bo IOctobor 18, 2013. 407 ETR is undertakig Visse measures t etany requirements Wf local Medical Officeus of Heatth to control Iaîval mooqultoos to prevent their development into spotential carrers of Vhe West Nule Virus. Applicators, lscsnsed by the Mlnlstry of ErIvironmOR(. or trained techniciens AUi ~appy Vhe larvicide n storm-walt detention ponds and catch; basins on H#gway 407 ETR throughout Vie municipalities otf Maison, Peel, Voik and Dudiam only where Ml w determinedJ prudentto do so.j Thue pellet formulation Wf the. larvicide Vecto8ac 200G (BUi), Poot Control Producta Act No. 18158, whN b. placed int f, stormn-water detention ponds and the briquette formulation utf ft larvicide Altosid (Methoprene) Pet Control Produets ActI No. 27694. MhI be placed int catch basns on Highway 407 ETR throughout Vie municipalities Wf Nalton. Pool, Vork andI Durham, only abers lb is determined prudent to do so. For fuither informnation,j Contact 407 FTR Conritsn my I Wwld Office: 905-264-5380 - plonse Cami collect Fax. 905-264-2662 «WEM 407 ENR Concesian Corpmny LMWnd1 across the province. In its re-released final report the blue4ithon -ae recoinnendi the prouine allocate SI179A million in -udW ovwrte. yenm Mhen ycu onddo "h dm. uudus- if>' vm geng about $345 million cat -sfil *Uen the fan tht none cf tht money roe toutards the hors people,"saW kianTropea, genera nmge of the Ontaulo Han Horm Mssocation f~NA. *tt lochs Me In not enough monhy ai have a sustalnable industry cor- tmminly not e the kewh lU am dtIs$- tornesi in Omado Tht panai estimates dme the cost ta operate racan t the premier dmo- oughbrod lova MI b. $175.00 per day - or $28 million por yen. At th. signature lent, thoroughbred races would cost $60M00 dady lb. cost to oane emet ai the stan- dardbre lewi r> greai>, costin track ownmr $175.000 for etch pre- mier race day, $60000 daM>' t the signatur lent &Ws $30.00 por dey fur grs ic tomtaln $4&.7 aâio -wào Hcaet tut oe te opuuurt.ung acres the -rvi under the n eut SusaiabeNom hdcn, Model should not iloe, 1 $78.3 millio an- -uy asidd re - WhiA trct caners wr able to sature aunoh i -n frei the prauinca. aonn d -oe we~n' se lucks>' sUd Tropea. iMors -epl ah recelve fron frein --M"wg-dr VfIth moeig opportunities dausid b>' ro.4ty SO per cont hnividuis aie uggWqi tu rmm t* horses. -And when tIb ial>' do get an opportw*éy. **y> are gon for "t> less mono>' <ha th" used to go Wo saud True& -Thue whofr indus- Uv1'î predkatad on racîng opportu- nitdt andi prîze monbey. Wht sil- ficient amusants cf elte of <hase, te nkiwtay stnt tu cwmbkW andi people are usneg ft rnove kco.dhito te MhStycAgrkiu- ture andi Foo&i the -" ai woe doésa>' wiÎth ixnty pan the MiSsty of Fiinels the Ontarlo Lottery andGamiuugCoeporirton on kflgrti bouse tac"mgith the provice gan sflg> toeofler mut g.mkigpm&nband qee 1fladVoenUa %At Trope& dautts <lire' a praduct osA ituee htwt VA rpiste dm $345 milmeo geniei b>' the mut de- fimct Sica t Raoerrct Progrin. Thue paries *ft plankisdue inanm Mds tkxis b. comisi b>' Oeto- bor Ukwi dmn the horst radng kin- dwty vM couna. no bold ooe*zr - op le -* aximywl prosipeç saisi the OMM ranmesw Ir~ Maximizo your c o Job Beach Tb tre he»lps job»" seekr aie camer goals. crat a sucSfult rsmeM, interviw effectiel, ani improv Ite siclis necessary for lann woulc. Titi Monts Wouloehops: Moc k#teviews, IMPRESRS Cusomnr Serice & much M" moe PWEo %e"swr 50Ontroi trt ufi. #2M6 Uai -W nwma.nait leuM a betw tbtw Co