4 Uyb ~InuII adamant: it dleserves another trust- METROLAND WEST te but has decided To retain the tMEDIA GROUP "tausqcuoin ternisof whre they o- servei at the sane tim. Iobbylng -The Hilton Cathofic school board Is the provincial govemment tu, make i1 .11r cahflcSholBod Changes as To how it allocutes elect- cvi school board phsnat. At iast weeks board meetig, trustees votevi 6-3 in favotir of a mulh-prong-ed motion put forth by Oalcviie trustee Paul Marai. Stating there is a neevi for more trustees in intensive growth amaus o< die boadt fike tmikn but not wifl to accept a reducion in Vaeçj, / i;rta A Iar 1 - lJ"ubwsdaj- M aï 22 ,&g;i rd ci i cèn t r e .. representation in its the coffimu- nities, Murai~s motion rei.ffwrms the status quo of trusee distriution foir the 2014 municipai efection, --<0wf for Oe&kv1Nlé tfee for Surfington anid one each for Halton HdI anid MNtort unteis the prouliali gmernut al- kmw an addbtonai trute. 174 motion that p.used also mmtu trwu elctmons withim the Haillon Catholc boanrrkdn min mthe curM~ format - with truste« e vinq * Large in Oalcvol MIlon and Malton M&s but by wards focr Soelingtmn tastly, the motion adoptec iects the Ilaiton Catholk board to crene a multi-er plan to éob4 theprown- 'ciel government tc: alter regulgor kWr aclcng trustees, to acco.wno- date sxgnifiai growth in ares Me Milton. Three weecs a"o, Education Direc- tor Michael Pautder deliveved a staff report to trustees that indiated i e board wasn't ernitted to an extra <lothi trustee for the Octotie 2014 municipall electiont, a theshold based on tax ratepayer per trustee and student per trustee gowrrmment cakulationL Pautter previous teustee that u»sng currein statistis, they wouldot b. eligible for a 1Oth epmemntatlve for about anothier 16 years That befng the case, board admints- Itators had suggested the most eq- itable solution, for now, was to tace away one of the four trustee posi- tions ftr Oalville and gîve a second trustee position to Milton at the time of the next mufncipal election. Both towns are acknowledged as unden4oig rapid housing dewtlop- mient with Mtons amonq the most intense in Canada. -This motion attempts to get to tht deficiencles in (educatioin mnistry) policyý. .Marai suid i n support of his *We are in a wery uniqlue position; w. are one of the few (student papâ.M 110«um- - -421 uouiwwbMm,' m 10 FOe R an Foà m'dsi a te W~ 102442f)t [p~u Pc 7011) 3 m w1 um ; M ua e ah z qm MsX es P acn s u 11 L.l