Bning Oie indoors outside to create a famil hub k-A C"qa m Haras & ISTATIS GoodaMillewreamn CENTUR 21 MILLER REAL EBTATE LTD. BAUOKERAGE Q0S5,5 9150 1 - S 4<2 AV4IR <jdlMIeta. When encwarmg a horne. peopk ohen forge cme of the m1st ampomi campons:u the ouidoor çpac. if domz r~Wx yazr -w cm becen mixe thai m ens cf >or borne - t cai kW a pnivar cqx-e The experts lt Hoer Depcw Canada recammd the " ing uips Wo crea*ing an cutdoor retreat. ht i importan te kecep the chnat mn mmdK 1441. chooengw >NMA ottdfl furvuure. For exaiwle. if vu kiw ti a wmndy ana, zcîc l-W*r furniurr as hgbt plastic chatrs are Ik*ey to turnu p on yeur oeighbourt kwn- if you expericmn cvy rzjegvkr raifil uy ru stay away fron mattrnal like wreught trmn dta rnuy rust. And te, lengihen tie eféf your out- door pieces. make sure w> store your patio Iurnnture whe' weahe asn'r in your favour. Many nuIdoor cushionis and pdlows ai Home flepot leinuoe vibraru, fade-resistant <retours ami arm made usmng high-qualty weadrer- trmsst*nt inatrals Sesé tht nS Like any rSicn yeur heur. hmg as kcy when ut cornes toi the orndeers, Solar powered ghsame a grea opti and help save on eoeW~ bills IMUIISioR as easy as therc L's no wtrmg or plug te worry aboct. WIUa many sizes amd stylas te, chooe hum, ySu ame sure to fr8d th petfec t mto boighun Up yeuir out- é,e qxso. cu alp.oen*karrp De you w=n te tu3 your içacze to, lest par- des, relax or ge your c}IIIdrIi semwhicr drey can play? Iiow you plan on usang tht açuc wxllt detennàri wtyer of fprmwmre yoe noed. And wuh oesdooe bnomur, yen can re cnmivr: chairs cart kw îrphcd widi reclan- en,. swu%>. kwwn. or even hanmmoeks. Decoitave acecti am oessenua Thmwu a kew cokdWru pdIewsl on yoes ouadoor (ulni- turf or put an outdoor ana nmg undar your patie set. As long as àhin uru fucon, anyrhîng goes With t nigha tools and tips, setîrng up A [un ami furictinl outrdoor space deesn't need te be an ovýerwhehrùng proppeciMore informa- tias avaalabk aunen at w whemdepo ltca when,, yeu cm vrw the puCe buyîng guid and unsmin gulkry nwnewscanado to CUSTOM SWLTy WXUA HOM -1$.9.0 On Blu S~dngs <i@ (une. 11000 sq Rt ftlxury living wlth 5 car garage, 5 bdrm% ail with ensuites& balcony arcesa sepurtte goes suite. cuut=r walot mUiwoÀk t/c, 2 laundvy roomt% 4 vtison suntroorn main M maste suite Uy fin LA with heatd foots wulkcout cutom wlne ceUa, waI*-in badcge & freezer dea ganse à enwertaln«ot ns. Gunite pool, à mom. Gkw. clams tue» ul mmn by un. a dkq~~~moe aig ptd «MW% ce àua mi - - -sy~labue LUXJIMUIM LtVtl. MUTt Aflýf W.c mmim 13 e p.pst sç-1i Chwud Emin 4 buta..buagitta km mn bu ma kwihm omi tKiM de ptaý hIN% Uer itêbta buk am..d WKORUISTON - $979000 Pvoudily sltuatedi on cnuy 1 acre in the town et Morriston, thés 3564 sq. ht. home bonits 4+1 be*ooms5 bathit 2 storey foyer wlth 18 h. celing, 10.5 & 9hf cellings throughout main leve, hardwood throughout. Gourmet kitchen with granite open te tamlly roomn wltti ps firopbac. Finished lowmr b ith gaines rooc. gym. Sdi bed and tull 2nd granite kîtchen. Charm*g mulet use duplex. kde for lve-in wok spae (retalVoffice> in thse villae ot CampbNiIk. hast south of dtho 401 on Main St. in a hit trafhic ara&with an abundant. of parking. Currently used ns hair salon on the main level witti 2nd level 2 bedroon residerice/ apurement ($ 1 00/meth). Complete* updated wieh newer root windows, electrical, pkîmbing systeins. Great locatIon/flxible roslng. A taiS. #lITeam in Canada Ifor Century 21 &f2012 mi »V a M07U mema am wR 0wr i > Urn .amlng IMi disfnclion * aim*âv MR~ <W ýrlf &Ic< "s %fl tflhst'rut.r 1m <s <f> -8 I4 51 " p k, fr' a vrexy e*n rw>@tr asrrr Are you connected to your community? Get ail the news from Milton, Oakvile, Bwltington and surrourdlng aoeas quickly and convenîently anime andi on your scedle.