Decorate with the Iatest home-»fash ion trends %Vve seen druor trends corne and go aver theit. lis retun tte decorauing wortd was a and depth ai thr widow designer sbo)whuse bedmom. Silwc years. but accorcbng <o home dcoren expentruîoe way to case us awîy from ail the golden Chevron paterm Whether you ciii it zig- Fannhouse style- h goes wubout sayrng 4Kart lnohnes îherr are a few tha have hcld the taupe diii we had grown so fond ol- But this zag. heniîngbone or chevron. thîs angled linear thai counîry-style decoraning is stilt he mas Çtest of lime and ha onr cla-ssîcs trne around the grey s aibbt warmer (rhink partcrn bas corne n and oui ni dccor fashion popular forrn of décor Ccountry bas bren In the 198k %attrai sca glass tarpetmng grey flannel) andid s uses] for bath iradinona for decades. Currenzly, the desagn is hîghhghu- trmnsfonned of laie ioaranhouse Chc' Irc(amie a classîc duat neyer wrnt away ln the and modern decoung. Look for dits neutral ed by conî.rastang calaured stipes. which add This new counitry siyle allowsl us ta mix hum- I X stamnless temdn appliantrs apprard t uc ~k around and waîch àî warm Up a bit punchy pattemrs to wallpaper. hedding. Iabncs ble. wom furnîshangs wiîh a touch ut indus- on tir domestimrarket and stabîlzrd as long- more mn an ciephant, oir dnifiwoo colour This and carpeus luook for ibis patterni <n calm înself trial chic iri aider in make it cool agam. 11e terni nvsrents. %_x whaî recent and riew wl l b the new taupe. conter than wha wec down hy heing shawn more as a texture thb styyir cari look very upscale when [mriy antiques decoraning îrrnds ar makirig thrir way it remnember and] lookîng great wirh of-whte, an obvious print. Tane-on-mone is the way un irecarne pani ot th mix. t hall of fame o10xk around fur the nmien 11w gold metaltts anid shtxsofai suong colour go wuh the classat chevronpattern if yau wanî Morerinkonaion i1 avaulabte anlIme ax I o 10 years Lohars duares his insghits Progressive décor tompantis hke Hunier un lîw wth it fer a whde. Use îu mn large doses www%ýhuntrdouglmscî. Gry: Tlis solemai neuiral was ver>' popular Douglas has îrtcluded a foesh gry in its new or srnmll. To ilustrat, designer Katie Leede n the mîd 8O0%; hack uhen it was a sicely Nlue Parkand wood hhnds collection- aied -Sait mmmwd lier Provenance woven-woad shades Igrry and used only 10 aclueve a modxem ses- andi Pepper. k s a mîd-îooe tht adds laytnng in a îone-an-îoe chevron pautem in her