1' i i 1' i c I Kids bai hockey toumoament comning, ta Milton The Friencis of Milton w11 hold its flrst annual chrity kids bail hockey tourna- ment Saturday, June 15S at the Home Depot plaza on _ Mapie Avenue..e The toumnament i gured towards chil dren seven te 13 yeors of age, and conts $10 per playef. Parent must pre-registe theïr childien, and can cio so at www.tinyurl.com/ctn2625. V IIow Can Chiropraec Help With My Allergie? Millumn Mi pcopk sufrenng lin a nI& vi~mely of cilmdsnw, aiIerpcs îmhidid. hav'e benelited hou &tàpnauiac Cam tw even <hougi urnpra, c os oil en alkSa treauwrdni Why? FBoaeNrocwpucuc,ý nc a rnthof a ha"id cm ùha pemuu, ytmu twdy tu lwu i o bwt. That i% aeccaf <tqff f O youf ote ni afkorsks. Voua inmane syiem i wlu ogmoeiw amd due"% anylkwig dwa os IXu< V"WM< t> lie Ms >au bocui, V'iame.. PwlU&M . é<sL oliAM éfup tunion. drad pwoecai ya.w com celhi. A heailly unwtoe .yumn mnS Ilgh rei.Ia oi lu Jutaitmd mîrmain. home ahility Io dm tui %toe... &Ma grenkr hoealh una wellheing, Yiau immumi %yswm i % rinmd bw % (xx nuvc« muid horwSooe.. CW y dort &Ma hv ermuoocnal %ueru Il it is ufàaWodi>i n umy fail Mi mmgnule WAi oenuiwe "adinra Le1l. tt mxvy ntt wm ournr ueunu my aveai 10 Wi alItryo&, m'ha çwx6-un os thât lIt ùmnmn myumu'na lu m aIIeageu ("hai. ptgiko. uulk. dog or cat âaût. uuwfrnie. euc. ada pItoho.e tom n<my meutuhvsg4 cheircod tojmoialy hMniaa. mw cowuftui clS BY lekmaug motru un t cmwua syum chwaupruc pefinbl dt anvmm $>,mm tu Unmc<ao moreehewly .. ail <cqgy ouffen net& A hrahhy noa Syumn bp Uit amatmn SYuMa. lâmu conomc a banc cane u body nuIhaLlIo su lita di, animan myuicc. A briay body xs capda( mouruIlWs dbim isir udiatae mid a hody dut ham mulu.c6umq defemur a.lumum caunu flte esqUiau 4o1kIIwome am lie un ha*i a bemhhy wNdY. Mx cM uyvig 10 un o<umw tactn by cI.una dmi du Ioges If Yeu he aMy qssSm SoeW&t Nm MW*. FMIssas MW O& sia a-&M- llcé « ou Ma<W1S cal Rotarians, C>ptimists, Knights of Columbus andi Itallan Club members, the Friends of Milton have also, in- vited memvbers of the Milton Nre O.p.rtm.it as well as 42anadaIs most talented dLrag acei, Tony Peon wholl be bulngig along his dragstert A special hockey guest may also be on hand. The piayed underaà ie> format andi age groups. w! olis playînq f(rm 8:30 a-m. ta 1 p.m, and the oider kais taking over from 1 ta 4 pr..m Teams will be picked by a kotet sys- teM. Net proceccis wtilI be to support MM- tonIs ROCK (Reach Out Centue for Kids program, a chiidren's mental health group. Organizefs are Iooking for local busi- ness"s to sponsor teams anid for an overal event title sponsor. tournament will be Those interested in sponisouing a team four-on-four (with gol- are asked to contact Angelo Posterao wtl be divided into two at (647) 588-9466 or ange4Witonor- tthe severi te 10 year thotkweliness.com. Youth.'su),re not holding MD basebaqIl team back Rwin, which Wited the Mustangs to 3-0 in Hatonls Tier 2 ranks. TheY've outscored apportents 35-4 ini ?hose games. ?kt too shabby for a team with fr<e ninth grader%, inctuding standouts Nkcholas Tinsan and Andîrew Pick- ering- Captaio Quinn Wilson - whdWs pttch- mgq a litai. when not piaying first or thi.rd - kleads an-ubeaten am that went 2-0 yesterday to start the Mder- shot Tournament with wins camun agalnst Lester IL Pearson andl St Mi- cbaels. The latter half of the tourna- ment was calteci due te rain tod.ay and will resurne sometime next week. MD was bock in action yesterday e- tarnoon at Milton Community %a, (bnd Milton Sports centre) agahist MM-tomn rival Bishop Rsdng> tolvnedc tit ai .aib& @uinenl. *&on Olx ." te 1> um Wu, Oî»ý905-876-1188 &se uwau MA c sa ~ What iS Druxhm? "~M i uxw«oeU ... 0- *adU w~ ibu<S bum gilMMIm Nha o cm «w &o1% k miol h= t1n mmt Fm Ma orna 0b mai ab wâmq wa uc<uwa>b bo Fçis 0 u in .dk - a di no of cibu F Mo M k a nopmut mm (1V4Isdi1 m bM In cd*kui la àpu plon.MuWe qo IW et Wb U adwm utm b~ OW Imm ai dms ni maa*o wMvu 0 piU gs Id pi VSih hm buais> - Pirm~ 1b oe c W leu I pi wI usf M Inl Ma k>1 b>Vm. hInia Mua tp Ms OM a r Wmngm MM Ow u b*INul a MWvm*p. NIIMaou$*0dUSRI FW.wbi owhol uWM WM lumi ui lxus *4 U' bloi ftvAs wixl.n Ifl la susbam RU bu m -h cankl bum. i wu avo* b 1On b In flM *M* li.s dMomh Iwle. S i amo» "i wM Uv = pi us aws*mommmm. & OMM u0 hi àm#A PriUAMoCIA. SOLUTIONS ft p Pbr* M~ Cou~ rr IN~r~TMiI.j e ORPCIAOa, * Q.LC ~m * AAIJ ~ * U<o huww * T.FA.A.. 4»11emm IM. à*" M4 -m iomi a ila NtMIoe cfWMM aue n d ac11t. iar' . Am4e Yocar Notice of Amm (NOM is hou' Rrosaw Caua co.àcawau boo«* te.y bu yo.i u m m. Yom itil .or Y notio "s. 6 moul aflur flh.q u aiMouwe Wbm Oe yu n >Oe fcoaLthora arma amp.uoi stflobuld l: 1. Confora, <ba ymu toai ro<d as dû=tdpoio or cmii ymo ma4'.d dwoquc You did @« a(w reun r 2. Camp.. yo N(A to du. tau rumu yu mbminuod. If <hu ame d«mâ commox you tux pq'0uc amE ai dom <o mm a aMd «# I dWqmm De à« rnomealy Umm Yi are. MOME Uoimoe fects m. mauwood or euml, Mawrm4b Y. wa *m -wo for (hq a ÏNoý 0h4scm 3. Rad al mmi ftom P4 am Cmadb- If yow do sox 1Uu1 <hu. .1k u aIllmm p ýa Ilànmrnm I topai. fi« FwuIrat Hom buyrs or 11%1»U ami oonamw kmn dost). 4. Look ne the NOM. IP uimur> 1à w« wd yw uh uuo RRcmrvm kwwnd yo. hm. ami uhuhr "w hm. lISP omb"uim *ta*, lie m yet boom daimied. 5. M&ke al CMp &Rd 8iVo it to YOUr fMaUKial pianner KC.P your orifam NOA wflb yowa tui Mus r1w 6. SM ma > ax plamm&q lamot acuoe to r.dum MM ywir Poui<um laxe o.i - S"cl Ms un'n up mur of yow RRSP cray 6imnl rm or pflig MM of your tai We<#m MOMma llrd of pa)*g n.oer t -0a lu owî ake cikwp .fw <auft pimng Mwkqfr We M w* upce Mmm, Aaciae Fémmui SOoérMnwfàr a no' aiupiy nuuikam 995-M01 INMPIANoe pmOLJcT AVAJ5LE -HOU M~ 81unoe V16U111. LIII US 11004 FM-w lo Q ~ ~ ~ R n. My wwM w» 1-nwmývq E cwuk u"oud li.. wBok dk -« noms Htr bM siud~um A.w comad mp.d mi eqs. mIe -ooue aimano do n be o -rl~m tm unmet <o tiuld "Mo -m M doL lm M bue - <o Ma pay ui » ga bmimym mtu en dua mmun à a aàd~imd e pRUaa .i dmt bap ofa bwye mu~k ~ u eh mpos.<fymmm- d Yo - -qmi M hi Il rv -Mu wci lm â* n ad hav a BoyFaWM& sufon Tht amI Md boooo Inq wau cm yo A i SiomY b cha Md ifdilà"mmi «P âlquw"yS lie mmibe lSUP.iM M lm " Ma â Pm uly à--ma thlmibcpavau bm w rém ao doeprovidw mdw Oa IN. ý ào e w fa m*bs lua bâ hé. glo YOM. Y« bu M CWM #*m hé. e. If Yo FMMn di.. uah am, yo& rm 0 soa- m mp lMy <wo Sh u b hé ewis. -Aaua la à o0 hm r 1'l.mhip khué dm*t 8e@1 etib 0 m b ffl ge o Pçum. -11 0' L Each player wili receive a t-ehrt and protectiv eyewear. A volunteer group comprised of lo- -1q11tý - - 'le.-MMMMF -- -W -Mor