Sud~~~~~F ivrhsetlihtldatnathlon$ Dr. Erik Secdhouse enjoyd an aw- fuHy bwlght mtm ta the SunsNént Stt Api 2&. kid the bahny vwe W85asny pat af the rason for that Avoi&dingierekhpfema e kness tht filud s effcm et test yeets St Anthony¶s Trletbo i St NFeMsboeq RL, the 49-yeer-od Mgkanlan managtd an adwursky' ftren this thne round. And the resulis cettainty reflecoied ot De*vering one of the bet tmes i tht entre fihld dwing a shatened swun twith waed judged ta be toc big) mnd sctthig a heultfrn psoe ove the renedr o! the Otympk distance caine. Seedhause shed exactty 10 minutes off bis 2012 fin- ish - clocking in *t 1-'048. wasn -oo -nu for fouulli pla, n u is 45-n49-ynh-oid monf ranks, - just thee minutes bock of division winnerf Derre Deieuck of SouMet CO - and 6e offlag i anespecia4tdeepclass thatseverai wadd -hr* mid O#ympln it alio ecllpud Nis beit-ever finish nt St Anthony a 2:02.40 shawing i 2011. «TNS s as gaod as rw er reced thmez peelaly given that rim et the end of Oni a"e grW sud Seedhause, a ftwmer professional distance race. who% cun'entty tran- sitioning frem Nis wcwk as an acro- space proWtc maenager with De- fenoe Research and Devetapment Canada to being sel-empk>ed as a tiatan coach and writr he Milton raoer laaed poised ta whi Ns sgt division mter the swfm, which h. campleted in a swlft 1 0.56 Il wesWte vert breathn liard. I had a Nage adventage ont thet est of the field because I was weuulng the fastest wetsuit an the planet - the HuubArchimedeflsaid Seedhause, who ptaced thtrd in Ns age class eerlitr this spring ait te Lavaman TriathNon in Hawaii. ¶Sy thet Urne1 lied swun iO 10(l was in the Iead -and neffr loaked bock' But Ns frt-m noer status would eventually give way, as Dereuck came op with a bllste#ing 36-and- a-atminute run ta take over top I Admieted Seedhause, -1 us wotaldnt hm avled an mnswer ta tisat (Dtreucks nn) 1Up next for the highly accomr- pkislwd trl*fte Is tht Iroamn 70.3 thael irn Mont Tremblant, Que- bec)une 23. WWW.SHQP.CA rn tam Hn Ipmy Coda!ov o o on mof prodcfl oo Fresesm 36i5clays ayear No Duty or Tariffs CA SHOP 1 - 1 )1 F) 1;»(