*1 t~4tt~t **4C *t~t t ttmehtnhsltsmran t sI;~wwswuuwwuuE mtL01WMlA BBdnssNr tming 8O sIuprveat 6each dq Marlo Durante also oelebrae 50 >ears in business titis month By Julies SIack CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF SMaria Durante needs a lot more than two Ihands to count the ways h&s shaped busi- fless Îfl Milton. Tamnorrow he turns 80, but stili looks as qý though he moght oniy be approaching re- ôtirement âge. May is alsa the month he cci- ebates 50 years ot daing business here. SFromn the gis station on Hwy. 25 ta the stor- â ge business on Peru Road, the Durante busi- ;.ness namne has been synonymous with suc- SCes$. Personally, Durante has grown fron a small- town Italoan immigrant to a smart succesîful businessman. Along tht way, he's malnteined the samne down-to-earth humblenesi thats won him friendi and a vîluable reputation. As he puis il, 'im stili clown here,« he. 'aises hîs hmnci a foot off the grounci. liot up here, pain tîng ta the ceiling. «Ive stayeci the sanie ... I'm stili the same guy.» Hîrd worker doesn't corne close ta doîng Du- rante justice. Mes worked Nis tiii off and then saine. Even now, approachlng 80 years old, he's up et 6 arn. ready ta go to the office off Steeles Avenue. 'Ive Qot sticks of mail titis high to open,* said tht curly-huired gentleman, «and phtone colis ta make... business ta do.* In 1953.the samt year Queen Elizabeithtlwas crowned Quten of Englend, Durante irriveci in Halifax and headeci dlrectly to Milton wlth Si 9 in fis pochai - money he borrowed tramn Nis aecin I tsly ta corne here. Mis brother was his sponhor, hav$nig arriveci two yeers teiller. Mark> Durante fias twa rossons to celobeat this montit YWth his Soth blrtbday approachin tontarrow. May also merlu Ns 501h anniversary as a Milton businessman. Aucdhmëlsp« toa.2 chys. Lite here starttd oui tough for Durante, who wus anly 19. His brother talci hlm lie coulci stîy wlth hlm in Milton for a week, fret room and board, but alter that fie was on fis own. Fortunately for hlm, Durante wasn't afraid of hard work. The on>r words fie knbew in Engllf mee 'Have >rou got a job for me?' so ho landeci a job crusling limnestone et the query neai Kelso. Puy was SF12 5 per giant palflt Tht hack-bveaking job was five de»s a w*ek but being a clever businessmnan, Dxrnt says he founici a way to get into the site of- ter houri on Seturday sa be could watt an extra heUf d. 11l four more buchats and be aheeci $5 cornie Mandeyrnvlg He was livin on Port Roed ai the *mne -where most of the nrlgyuus uid et the t ho said. He na Ns hie uffe SAVE a UP TO 1" ON VOUR NEXT GROCERY BILL! <P i .ttt' "n.b% Mnne> f.vw re ' - : 4 . tee - A efyerIand.ca bal a mW-4 won=wuo ~tm qw». anc day witen site was visirg trMTant at 17 yens old 'Wboa, site wms lcodcl goo«. he s"id '7m 901ng ta maury beC A few yens liter be dld just that sitovt$y Wfter thte fst dm eta&ked to herwhen hes&ed ber 'do you wmnt me ta carry you acros tai maCd. refenin ta the mucky ground in front af the bouse ont day when she arriveci. i &essed up, wearing a bihî red Nouse and ned shootý Refmkiscenî ai the mavle Lite is BeeathS ie refused his aller, but egreed ta goaen a date. Nosvtî ea a houselteper in Toronto. They narliedi n 1956ôand teyve been in love cier stric. Site tumed 78 on Sunday Soon afier their wedding. they wre expect- ing titeir firît child and tbeyd go on ta Mire thîte boys: Lorry. Dennis ami Marco ami a dauigiter MlcheII. <Mang<nu-h). Ail ni th.m lire within 10 kitometres of hlm todlay. Durante beqân warklng at Pt Robertson, where Ns brother wodced. Eventuay, 1w bult bi frist home - lUs stiNl stuidkng a yeiow-brck home on Hlgitway 25, nantI of Nêý 5 Sidenaad. M-e ciug his own we#. cUmb#g clown the hale. diggng out f. 6rteS. ane ut a ldm that bis wife, wbo waî sevn onhspregniant wud empty On wuokends, tht couple pectced the crib kmt the bactaofther i1949 Cheralet wbich Duran- te baugbt front the aut wreckers on Ltotes Avenue for $25. ami drove ta a faim in Monby on Ninth Une. lbeyd set tç the «lib ancen a blg treo in the stade am Noti wouêd fred the baby wben lie woke up. Togetbe, theyd work for $ 1 an haur, p.dung tontatats or ca- bage. Miter the day, with $ 16 tin their pochai. **y0 do #ir gocufy sbopprqi 8ynw fiee workfrtg pani-tirne ai a gai ste- don eadi weehend utle Ns boss vncatlaruc 'l tiaugit ta my-se If. ho can do thet, I con