IM w 'vaer what hlrud of town Mifton would b. if fi dldnN have les legon of<dedlcated volunterts. Witu would sports groupe do 'ithout coaches or 5the canai soclety wlitout its nework af drivers? IWhere would Mon District Hospital b. without t SWhat wouid bicorne ai the Mileon EaIl Fair, Steam- Ers Canada Day festivftes, and Motn and Campbell- Iville Santa Claus parades If titan were no volunteers 10 dri ts.r a* vents? Witst would ouf town be like wlthout the comfort- ing ?tands ai the volntiers ai the Darling Hom for KI ds? Could the Mhlon Salvation Amry continue ats good work if volontiers werene ready ta leSd s hand? Even abmndoned anomale receive kindotess front strnger 'vio boety give of tieir valuaNte tinte. Esiti Day 'vas just chat much grtener Monday i chants to, 0w volunteers ai ail ane wia cleaned up 0w commnunfly and plane sNoubs and trens Tht Naseagwaya Comnfliy Consultation Coni-j mintt ingagid volunteen wllh ête Nasegaieya Sprlng Roadee Clan-u Day hma Sturday mcn- I ln%, aSd -ér 300 cammunity voluiites helpe plant 3600 titi nd <titubset Kelso Ouarry Pét Re -ensovt offur up titei lime for dm bittermnent of oSier mate Milon a gea place to cal home. We art a knder. genier and nmt empsiieel saclety becaus of titesndividuai Titis week is te 71 st annuel National Volunter Week and ne chan lit min amen and yuuth who soif- lessly give ofitheirne and talent 10 s0 many wortity causes, avents and orgfléatlont. Accordl, 100wm Canada Survey cdaiml Mng,w- teein, aid Pbmtkig taci yar more titan 13 million CanaSans volunteer more tan lim billion houri a o Urn Mwo sheet Nb Yu slrnply can't put a pUéce tau on duat Vb alue you. HA SIIm.I a fte Reporter 4iofsprùng MUt sprln va bandarwa% tM MIW Pond bas bemn sning a lkt mm or lors Wudlng ts bont a rare <4< ai the pond. i V - I.. je* V Ctoere otdoeifl post ofo a sad d Canada feu s dtcldtd w0coeiidwew itn f t o SmI use t0e bant tule it ri thit auto- retaPm po a effâeve May 10. mated machin And I tn downton businss nien Sut donN wony afti ita reudents cn accSu a nwwly- iý enoytt convenlence of wa*tln o the pout oMfce ta WoN rn"a and operatians outtet about Ove km amy, on drop off or pi up a parai. Lawscn Rad north of Hwy. 401. Google maps siaggest Cado Peut bas sUd fl ming to the new location tu #n about a ont-haut wdh mpaee fllmca Obvousl>, INn nst hap about the move*. bellevna I frd dita h'onlc. Amen ub eit an rwyhi Io do the downtown post office le a stapIe ai smull-town lig sa w dtktg? And doesn¶ dowiitowni tuufl. by *nt or pé.* cong et atfl - office. ibmy swap nies, othewlse boos a downeowft vlailty? W* tht Wue ta stoplnio ptk up stamnpeor maia parctl.Forsomne p.o itave peopdp bythpostfficpm*drp by anoh- phutto Ilve on titei own. the ek t t00w post office le the r downiown business eltie *heyý,e lnt the are? ou#y regula contact ey have 'vitti peuple - sérnai tu lhei how tuwns used tu 1uncuéon long balaie loch-» 5m5 kflatWI~ AOi. C>ty I-ST 5E1 AU.0W4 Feox9054S236 atosannoo -*« Gmo tkhoer Pme aeo4-Poam ON ai eu-M nu am- 1 1 wwwwqýl