NeRR concs Wiel CANAS PAVOuhi eu Io I&AN mN A RN@" M03 Cl-V LX '129@199% PAYhEnt/C AD 1O SEuvRIY EpOST ~~~~~~~~~~fw *Wu ffl fuOUuiý Ian velîmi 0eo 5 tr 11 a fltSts CE-Vme 0, mow tta* moUCsn dam %"go"~ SMWb wm» eiwum m 1 mw ta~~~~~~~-o MM Se103MCé. 03Mt aN53 tAu n1 2013 Ina C LX édis -g dflia 201s3 bua A- M~uI tes bas n à4 mm 0W wmI MiSé bwuX Mois m 0N0? t% POK f Créer SS 0Nui mMI au1 Hicle cS L, Sm 9lm MeV** rwm 2W>m t moomV IlS OlUSIl tut> M S tX cSa CMitE mm UNflp Wlîtbicc M3 SSum PooSSCUIIJ0,4ViA UO'MM CA-V a * MS ROCOIS ma'M OWC sa flun5ftg a* r fl V359 O'IdMw 4Fa MMio 1,1lm asw-éwm An *Nminw m<taytW"e-Mnhfo* ra sU ni eti fbans *p Pail v *<30 &01 Ma mana nort irts W caecuw m inipii im aO ut da orA MWr tIn~ Fole Vu4 amme te uia Imm Pno sire ctAs y Mol Oi w.m sus a Sériem pip Ai assi nom a é ra-m el via .nAM i he 0 *"b Siifla m dl 1pa cri Soie n 50 i mk . Wi bas aua étAi n its l .P sacW . an 'W «W é aý tisa ,goeoiouSpsap Na d i(ar n os Hl a iimpmto i sDm il a la Motroland Media Wha.lsTaIkýcam Two tant prodscts vM1 te fRng*w ai alli ance iWw fus >w - the Phono umn Apple n the Bette frum flMmn. As a resut the snwtphone *W interface witli the Beelle anid Boette Cabriets y- tie functons via a spoc$aty Usvolopod app {NtWcswaxgmn Car Net The AmePUO&) and a docking station. Tbis maies the Boette the *Me modIel ti the Wficwqen Gruup ti hie Phono *111 becomne an innhgrated component. There are two routes Wo acquring thue wfaertw firs as an oç*tio<na feature. and second as a standard footure on tie new iBoette and iBeetie Cabrkiet The Germa carmaier *wH be taunchêrw tiese special modela on thue fmlcet i per- ail wflh the Phono 5 ontegration et the beglnnirg of 2014. Located contral on tho damètboard of flhe Boette ms Oie nw* cesod dockk station (cradia), in ~Nd the Phono ts tto- Wted byskîr4 n"" i4t in- siulfl a mobie natation systom. Once in, essentia1t> H Stx P honofucan -m be usedin the Beed the Scie car ho used to, Ïewpb Wtefphn vu a tuds- fte unit ilsMn ta mmmtic hum the medi try va the ado sytembs ampiie mid -odpaes and nwch more. flan the app Is Iawucled, It can ete Apple and VIkm»gen have teamed up ta produce the iBoette tat goe on sale early in 2014. conneet the iPhonie to nie Boette doclced or udocked. As soon as the iPhone conneets ta the Beetils data networc via the qip «id the docldrg station (doctedk a menu *1thme foftowing functions is sattabe: "Spotyt *)er» WTra-J5.~<~ naese" 4Poscaod , eRuoto. 'Post and *Kleauxms. Wtnflen concotyed the Boette for thue dabut of Phon 5 hitflon an. siaibtWe as à coupe nd cabrkMlt it es onie of me fistcr on the wouldto hma gamine in- teg'alve fhace for die Phono tbat uns coodnated wfth Apple. Thue c01015 amd auq>mm jeans Of the Boeette are stMtioe#y IÈted to, the Ctçertfnbaoed US conpwa>, twt mhe mmconcf ils srartphonos toto hanrw i uéhat 's cedrtady cmi ai Vie wouldrmo tcone aom desou. Ask about otorcycle coveg. Thec only thsng botter thon fee*%# tie wind in your face s ficng extra nioney in your wallet. So ride over and let's see how muich you cam save. 0*l te a her SU*tV' Get Stote Farn. C tN A SC FfAtM AGENJTDA DnMacula h. i A.y Oon MacRae, Agent Bus: 905-878-8109 n*e r 485 Main Street Eâa Milton, ON4 [ST IRI Anta Cutaia, Agent Bus: 905S878-8871 AState Farm w . onop NANSon MOF CAR £10 am"ur UUEST mO tu "WN nEu 04A ROW TMG ALL-NE WU ACCORD LX **WIIELY Eum m $129@39V% FORÉ0 MONTMS» *TH '2.1, 9OUM PAMNM1C ANC 'O SECLM DFPOSIT =78m