Wtchne Datine is a free litng fr local noan-profit communhty groups ta promote their eyents for the conilng week. Msps Otaudier a youtb pro- grain for boys anid gils aget 12 ta 18 yean% nets ai 6:15 pin, ai the. itton Fair Grouni, StaNding 3, w'ý Ro ut For more k*nrnadioe, cati <905)>815-1400 ani lew a mes- sage- Milton Distrkct Hospital bolds a ne- n-amabrahud cwha oentffmd lactaim onesultant tram nm to 4 pai lb mate an apolnt met cmg Mié -k ut M)878- naal nia611 lTe Milon S"b? Ac#vt Cafr- treOS OiNts W,. baus :eebt -iff fmm ta9 tm Ioueift Cm* Ché fron 9 &m. ta noo.x Cocas:t Madi -hurm 9t1 ta 11h30 arn.. hmg Spbwns hein 93 anm ta m0on. Sl* tqram noan to pin. Spbnssfram 1 ta 3 pm, Canaf tramn 1» tu 3.30 pin, anti efl fram 7 ta 9 pmn Each activiy cuits $2 for mentes anid $425 for non- membmrt Fur - frnnatfor cati the cte gt MM 875-1681. Th. WnJh tact Cow isaopen todthepublc*r oen andfegtus mmeeand soupo&k.Signupauet h rctinde* in aôvanc or phone kn y'oade t the «nu fy b«l k h.ld gt #m ilo Laisawe Cenre fron 12-30 ta 2-30 p. lTe ca«t b $315. For rm hnbiatioi. cal CM05878-794&. nua Oa* -ot &optI cenur. 900 N4diiUfg M.&1 if M *05 4 t4 5 pan, for aui ages. Uit www$ycmil- &~.District Hospitl batts anam- a*nce bu.Sludbtdc wt>a cer fld lactatio comuhmtat trame6 ta 9 p.m To mate an appointent call WHclks ai (95> 878-2383, ext. 76101 latue tan kew&g ts playeti huam 1lia 3 pin >. *thb Milton Soccer Cetuz 82I'Main St. EPayuasyou go for $7. Novice iiuining ks pmoviti- ed by meuiters of lte Mian La" Blowling &nocsuton. The Miltaon Smniar Acnivity cen>- ire, SM Chitis Dr.. batis Sitar Cbb frei 9 ta 10:30 a.m.. Suotur lapa.l tran 9 a.m. la noan. Wa&- Inp Club tram 9-30 a.m. ta noan, Lkma Dancing fram 10 ta 11:30 a-m,. HUard fram noon ta 9 pin., Fe* Art from 1 ta 4 p.m., Bl tu- dur tram 130 ta 4 p.m.. Cloggg fran> 2 ta 3 p.m. anti Taba" ori tram 7 ta 9 p.m. Each activîty costs $2 for members and $4.25 for non- nmnmbers. Far mare informnatiorn, catI <905) 875-1681. R* Mq3 Thea Dm* yath drap-r> centre. 900 Nlpissing Rd, hs open from 3 wo 10.45 pin, kwr aif ages wtt? parental pemison ta stay ltue requiret for idn Grades 6 ta & Uit www.yfc- MitnDistrict Kospital iol*di a a csriSedhtcuto conutait front itIo 1130 &m. at Our ady of Vc- t r S ntio 54 Cmeurt t wue4ed For -oe anti babies o.4. Cat i# icks1d ai <905) 878-23U,. ext 7610. The mil= on mb? AchIty Cemm 500 Chidi Dr. bttis the Paris In *ia SpuI.gtsu.àW $uhm et a2 pent ra*ckta $10 amt are avallable gt the emres re«option desk. The con- tre iso boits SAIWkU#LeaMafront 9 aSII ta r«nac Ceqrmnas Fi ige rn 9 m ta ni Ouop-b Tai Cm tram t30 ta il an, Dingo front 9:0 àm ta noon nd Cyba- CMfro to 3 pin. Eac> acflity cts$2 for <uneus andi $425 for .mn-nember. -ob ad sud» i tatasplagth Naaawoy Ton- nis Club front 7'.30 ta 10 pan. The aot s $3. For mare information, cal prsent A Nice Famity Gatboutng byPl OiS et the. Milton Centre jfor the Arts 1010 Main St. E. CUrtain ires 8 pfmSor ticketscontact the 1cmntre's bo office at <MS)>878-00 or go ta ww.iactr.fanh- A nisad for Mtants ofte csa 50.4MuoSc mal 50.4 51&M ant areside set "*e taitas place ai St. Da&$t churdhi n CamptelMtilo. To rogistur ta attend, send $15 ta B. hicMullon, Bow 183. Arthur, Ont, NOG 1 AO or minail tejalympaticoca. April 26 is the fast day for iubiiia<i Th. eveni includes finger (bats anti dmo prmzs. Atimuidees are wtlcame ta bring along aid photos andi year books. 1 eo trop-I. motet i boit ai the. Miltron Saccer Centre, 821 Main St. E. for ages 12 ta 14 frain 7 îa 8 p.m. for $5; ages 15 ta 17 tomn> Sro9 pin. for $5; mand adults fbon 9 ta '1&30 500 Childs Dr., baids Billard tram p.m. for $7. 1 lto3p.m., RaadsClrdefroni ta The Milton Seniorf Activtty Contre, 3 pm. andT Tabebnis from ito 3 eJ eAL ' e >îsdehalton.com4 p.m. The casi is $2 for members and $4.25 for non-members. For more information, cali (905) 875-1681.j ms