,Datchine eDateline is a free listing for local non'-profit community groups to promote their events for the corning week. .IL- &dfhmoLcom Notices should be emnaied to is mlon Tuesdaypreceding S.uiq AVu. 28 Skmlceij@miItoru:onadD4ncham- the »wk of the e vent No- Mtion Branch 136 of the Royal '.pion.com. tices won't be accepted by Canadian Legion holds an Mle- iedeodfine for subm;ssionj tephont m* a f.inteCu broom. The Mtton Senirsm'Activ.-ty Centre hoids ft0 at the MIlton Lt- sure Ceintre, 1 100 Main St E.. from 7 *to 8 pmThe costIs $1.75. For more infoîrrition, caff (90S) 878-7946. Milon cistrict Hfsfl hodis a n.- en-a .. mt! m a - 9 dINc wfth a certied lactation consultant <romn moon to 4 p.m. To make an appoint- ment, cati if Hidi at <905) 878- 2383, ext 7610. The MUtas Robuy Ch* meets ai the Conwnurvty Living NIorth Hilto bard room, 917 N4plsUn Rd, <rom 6:30 to 8 pin. Pleas arive at 6.15 p.m. For more informution~ cali (90) 878-4094. 11w Dm* youtti drap-m nte 900 N$psin Rd& is open <rom 3 to 6 pin, for au agies. Visit www.yfcmil- ton.corn. 'The Milon Senior' Actvity Centre, 500 CMâds Oç. holdis M Ch*rom 9 a.m. to noon, SuM Lof <îrom 9 an. teon Cmft Os* fram 9 a.m. to nomn OtqdIU Ordge frein 9.15 iam te noon, omp- 1w - OuId from 930 to 11 a.m UM I from noon to 9 p.m.. Cyboe Cu <rmi1 to 3 pin, TWDairi gfrom 1:30 to 2:45 pi..# Manim bmo DomIns from 1:30 ta 3:30 p.m, MdUdfrom 130 to 4p.m., Ce*- go c bsklp from 1:3Oso 4 pn, and T" bS.d hnimom 7 te 9 pin.m. ad activity comt $2 for memberes and $4.25 for non-nwnbei3 For maie kdnforation cat (905) 875-1681. The aube. To-m meus <ram 7.30 to930 bAu? at the Raya Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. on the upper hall. Please arrive at 7:15 prr. Ëveryonds watlcome. For more infoarfli caii (905) 878-364ff or iit www.rnikonsousmaeorgý CaIIng New Parnts a fiée drop- in program for parents and babkes ageduslxmnhsandyounger, muets at theOntarlEhilyYVefsCentre,410 Orante St, <rom 1:30 t0 3:30 p.M. Cai (905) 825-6000, ext. 7299. Milton District Hospital holdi a osde- en-oe bue.w Sid-l-ng dinl wltti a certified lactation consulant <rom 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. To make an ap- pointment cai JI Hicks ai (905) 818-2383, ext 7610 The Mifton Seniors' Actheity Cen- tre, 500 Chi$ds ,Dr. Nals Baud frein 9 to 11:30 amr. Crol (lié <rom 9 iam. tuo noon, Snoo&- or Lem. <rom 9 arn. to nomn, nommudý Ch rfom 10 ta il a.m. SiBad <îromn noon taS 9pin. à -à e <om 1 ta 3 p.m.. Sad"i <rami ;o 3 pmn. OW4g.front 1:30 te 330 pan. Tabl Tmnas <rom 1 to 430 pm and és -- » IN shuman 2:30 to 3:30 pmn =uc activity costs $2 for members and $425 for non-memer Uvm.S.g Uflbldwe runsfrei 730to 10 fp. Mhe cost làs $250. For more infoni.- <ion cati (90) 87S-1681. PtlSm as heId at the Mifton toitur Centre <rom 1 to 2:45pim Tbe cost is $15. For m information. cai M90) 878- 7946. nhbmMW Il "W. UMM. -hu .9 Mues at the Swwtse Cafe from 7 ta &X0 a.m. and visiâr are welceme. For more infnrmaion or a mksariri te attend cati Huidi Cherr ai (416) 530-7507. The ,pal Cm" Sem CaiMU I - Am yo mic oc Oakk Ut'YM -dmkr a on yw heir