Hairon Hcakhcsare Thank Vota t> our Wlunytws oebfrNe tram Api 21-21M Hian Huikar ailn DOlrkt Hospita vahrfsfrs al i hud watt and dudicaion rý n 1*h servie e han. fu heIl i Ourakatare deily making ao frorn de Ou Vsio Cf* aadtàputsofeu uxmm-w dyw so muchfowalyou dot Uoef* Cofmmuny Partnn Eflts %e loin usaot goentutmmty prter emntspprtofWnDsWHopitl. sIC Imm~ fl VWÔo.s& W 8*f1 MctfliMs1 M9 Martin Sr- Wilo 11Msbf Unh»31thtOips FtC »0 t5tý tkom oaf MOt M#ha& »S bety bu SaMd Rn Mt I MACi4t SW & ME14 962 Guelh tLm Caqb*dt- ON foir mare iman, MuW the Ens Ciar an t. MAM District Hospital faidatio websdte at w«. orcom Anrdu Caiw *t 9054#-2WM at 7172 or IfWr Sawda*% May 4.2013 fr0am. - Non *»eoe 512 Sels 'e btmen Sel S&aa LMi and AqMîey titi) fltv: $5 for a du brukfas Mlin suqpando the flan Cal Hop"U AaaSry (MOttA »hmr Fvim% May 2D13 'accupêm donatiions 530 pi--& p SMoeds% MW 25, 2013 &W0&m. - tOC p.w Mher Miltan Fflwa*à on ftobe Smre (Spuoeen 'fl*41M NfiIHod on top yumnflad sg mm thés stason and dora themtteNOMaNrnauuand PlantW Doniarns con be dmpped off athe Fargvods on May 24 tram 10:00 a-m. - 8c00 pst. Phase no computurs ar lurge appiances. Ih d A" Som"Fdw b$*en: Saîuda, kmi 22, 2013 8:00 man. - 4:30 pst. MerMihn Fàyoe A funi fid day for du whal fu* dma you wott wam to «mi Mwt pi cafrk mm dwne dms amdp ltg &*md Are you Diabetic? Do ju knwsoanle wuo %bk? Pafi4way to Chang is a lit estyle transformation pragraîn desagned tc yuexpurience the benefrts of a heaithier approach ro living. Tis a yme-Iang'pilef program will ontegrate nutrition. physical fitness, Sun ' amnd stress managemnent. As happiness plays a vital raie in health Life Financial and kneviwy a uniique future of tis program wWl b. positive psydioogy prowiding >vu witb cutting-edge, happineis trairnng. Tis program Fs not a diet. Ifs a muhoi-faceted and comprebensve Ilfestyle program. To be eligible for tis 'piof pragri yau must b. diabetic. Medical screenmgq wMl b. required ta quaify for ttîis progîam . We are lootmng for highly rnotivated individuals who are able ta devote thetlime and energy tward tMn year4tong progam. Participants must be exaited and ready ta cra a healthy and balanced lîfestyle. thanks ta the gmnerous support tram Sun lité Ftnancia/there is no cosi ta participate in the initial 'pilot' program. As space îs limited, ail patentiai candidates woll b. requored ta go through a pre- scrnnn procns iiilu90hftonhnfaitona. or by phane ai 905-338-4690, ext. 6347, MDH Expansion Update Hilton Healthcare Services <MIlS) received approvai foi the expanson of Milton District Haspital in Augusi 2011. Since that lime1 nunierous HHS staff and physacoans have beeo working hard ta develop detailed plans for the exparnsion. The next stage of planning involves workîng ta estabbish the specific guidulines and requiremeats that must be met far the design and construction of the appraxirnatey 320,000 sq. fi of new space. Do Vota Have ac Teenager? In celebiration of Children's Mental Health Week front May 6-12. Hilton Healthcare Services is participating in the orgaoozatîon of a fret Jeen Mental Mmml 1h Q A A Evenîng. Tnn MenW AMt Questo &Wd Assw Ewenln An open forum for NaNan parents and caregivers of teeas Grade 7 - 12. 14len:, Tuesday, May 7, 2013 - 7:00 p.m. ta 9:00 p.m. Resouce Pair begin at 6:30 p.m. %tere.- 0.E. Canference Centre. 2245 Spers Raid, Oakvile ,Feanw*Mg Dr. Staai.y Kutchor, MD, FRCPC, SonLienacl Chair in Adolescent Mental Health and Dinector, I$trkl Hhh Orqanrzation Co/Iaboraig Centre al Dalhousie University and Sarah> Cannon. E ecuîive Director af Parents for Mental Healrh. For more information please contact Sue Brooks suebê a; log an ta www.tenmentalheaakh.or. Email a Patient Natton Healthcare Seirvice is pleased ta offer a complimeruary patient emnail service for those that cannet corne in for a personal vis4t. Log orna EI I mnyàbnhhhRecomand under Quiet tht you wdl find the hink ta £MW,#t~ A volnteer wiIt pnint your message an special piper, seal it and arrange for duliveq. S îq ila ýL:p r... g mâle M .