C. B. VANOSRKAUK NOLDWGS LTrD. 303 OMM SI. E. wiwnoMI. ON $mg*~ 7..-SPM bts: UO.604631 amd SwWb ïI www.connonce Annual -spring compost gyaway to start-soon Resident oen pick Up compotMay6 to 11*a waste managmnent Sb~ Hilton Region wilt once again hMs its popular anmuaJ Sprang Compost Giveaway. The eient wdtl run frow Mondjay, May 6 to Saturday May 11 from 8 am. to 4:30 p.m. at the Hiton Waste Mani- agement Site (I4WMS)e 5400 &R. 25- ln 2012, about 3 1.00tonnes of Ya" waste, such as leaves garder' t4rm- mings and brush.. was col$.cted in ilton and turned into hiqh-qitt compost at HWMS. The rmuaimg compost is now ready, for rmesdnts to use an ttmoâr ow ar- dens and UdscApý pn>cts. Duuing LMs yeurs, compost give- av"y events, 4,M0 residents carnie ta MS and packed up about 2AXX tonnes of compost. Reskl#nts attending the ewent ame encouraged to bring a cash donia- tion or non-perishable food items. in' 2012, Hiton resFdents donated &,000 kg of food and Sl10.65 for l- cal food banks. *Hulton residents are the hest in the province wheri it cornes 10 dcveft- mng residentWa waste away from the Wen.» sad Haiton Rogiona Chak Gary Cmf. -through participation in waste iC- vmrion progrs like the yard wiste cottection program, HuSton house- holds continue to cftvert 60 pet cent of waste away fror the lafill 4> froni 40 per cent un 2007. mmee efforts will help, consww the IfLwt. one of the r.gion% mMs vakMbl physical umets, and Smv taxpayers $ 15 muiuion, Resxdens mre reminded ta bnng thew own bags or reusable contain- ers (mamum seven pef househod) and theïr own shove. Residents are responsibée for showel ing and bagging theîr own comot The compost should b. mSoed wltt topsol or another gardenin MI - 60 per cent topsoil and 40 per cent compost - for the best growing re- suits. [foi, 0 i 'q F 1 'q i ýÀ -IL lk Cý à,