Communtty values are Important to you, They're Important f0, us too. We're your local credit union and - understand that local Is better. Your bnk's just. not that h into youl C P rosperlty ONE isn't a bank fprofltlng from your money, we nr a credit union partnerlrg in your jfinanclal sucoe. Corne se us today andf *xpeu*enc. Vu auedit union dit buunce i Riok tem ono Mngr rroosprsprvyoneca 44 Main St. Eu.0 Milton 906.878.4168 x232 611 Hofy Ave. ,Milton 906.636.8 71 &6x226 www.- p-Cpffva Spdng cîaftsixmfstekn in May Thon kcong for crafts and unique gif ideus The show wit rua trM 9 ain to 4 p.m. on SaM- MnY wamn to Mice the fimS weekend Of May urWCI May 4 anM Sunduy, Ma4W 5. on thMr cakn1dars. Alon wlth a wide vaiiSy of craft andi gif un- Thts when the annual Milton Faim Spsinq dom ttwe wil be entertalnmen andifo Cru!? Show wiH rctum to Coutmry H~Itq Counry H~lag Pat Os lout wt 85W Tm- GMd Gukies fuixhase in Uar ltieen CampbeMl. Boni.s, Guides ad Pathfud- Cflt&ts p.ting kw x 34 Crakwad Cia in en wh saItGl Guide cookies aId calma ban CunÉeNvik. EDUCATION DEVELOPHENT CHARGES Halton Region NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEBETINGS emn ncnVM - rouaYRV n wI& sinrn - TLJEI NUA% M 153 W730 CM BhuM Caési» &kia b.dcBug& Eduachu ce 002 Drry Laie, Iln,.k TAX NOTIE tw e NMW 2l.ZCL »1,ànd". CatatGamà . DUMbard .4S boi a pair n.Un pwAie te Saniem 2S7 6.of thtedua. Axt, ThW payas» af tde adagff . bu M r*ew * Seasu .5.5. dsuiapomntSg at . .Dr -"n pub&e aàe A"y pa 1é -àn- «"a& à* quà vU a mwwmwum M tbu Dsin mc m 04 dw patta ht Dad d do adn a willSa R.i À u Dacuoma satSc -0 e t Sanda e a - 11 0abo SsuczsnUy-Lm Puimc Nfmlffl - nmsaU ar M3 zo e-0 Msn RaMeCMhO aD6a 8*d mug&cn Rduce ce MU try La., ReRagto. T&U wonci n un a 21. MI., U tCuhhe DslarowNWic sc bou WMi hoaevcua puNi mou1a w M te Leto. 571 e dése LEâanm. Adt. TIM rape.. u et un M "a"îtMW Mlf Utm" *0su am" .ai. àmm daSp *mm&a fsee _ywsl tain. S. paie paail the S&WatedMM jiS. ielp_ an é pouamL Aiv mm Wh aitt d h.M»enu me mut a wuuawmm S. D.. h" suopm eaV F S popil. M. Dont S a. m ind a"wMS ..a bua Iml a wde h oé s~at S priât to the smtaSS -i Sain S.2q ip4amý" OmhS*o"JI..t ISS, tt .d <n adaet ct à sèo«eleSohn h@p inas egu& lb. tisne dels Saq batWmi »*aMqe.d a" int.aSAt dét " BS Alf 1"S uwd EC bp-la.>b m vS au SDeft maa.. dryukns Shur aa WR bee ent maà bo i 1. »13, at the amt. .imôsuawh. ef,é.W à * a. humu - 1< C DEAIOf 0M WYLAW ADOrmfl - juza Ms zon 0 ,»p -- c et seb W«s UmChroksan. ceM Mz M<-y Ler - n101i TAUN NOnC émme. 11& »IX Sb Nabo Ct dk 155m âc ab S. uWU4kt pStj awq lb. papa.. a t oü eaq m l". e..s.r é cda aaa 17h SmC .54a " f bï an a @m pue. W" munieS m.S Mwe c Ma. spont taSithspi iO ba tOnn qi tht m.u« ut ha. <nien buum ataaua ere .bm l-. Demi so awpn-t r-eoeiusg uS«d owu -m <né - nSe bbitSE i luSa t Sy MWb d'asnhn-d cehne pnoo tête aoewnps bài S.h Nds a m ta e. the Mt a &1.qpm thaUS te nbmittti te, F" NocNéuà Su-p-f-hlgedeaî of BSaine Sevices a"d fasuoer %h n aa Drt kO R aM -la 802 I>uîy 1aae. Iuliton. amrlo LR 413 Telephouie <905) 33346610 Eaoeùuil- 0M) 632430 - Aé w ofu "10 amD.r&" "« r et BisSa Rd Qm &d" Diadia &ebo hui EHÉ Cabot Dht lin Un