Delav would have negatve efFeets on ÉIfted studens savs tustee .1111ul their childien out if they knew rhty ~had ta ride the bus two houri a day. or the Sweulthy parents would enoail their chlldren 2into privaisichool. _ Bateman-Olmstead said deiaying assessment Iwould have adverse effects on the glfted flu- dents, some Wf wbom display unique behav- lors in class and aren': finting in wiîh the other utudents. Iif we are riat Intervensng early, we are cmia- irig behavioral issues in their future and men- tal heahth issus,7 she said. Trustees alsa questionsd the amouni af train- in nkndlergartsn and Grade i teachersîseceive in identifying giftedness in theur students. WAfinr correspondêng wlth teachers, Hluslco said thar her opinion is that most teachers Sdon't know haw ta loch for giftedness. BSg said the board allers two training ses- Ssions per year ta teachers, one session in the Ssourl, and one in the norihern communities. Tht training istYt mandaîsd, but the appautu- nity ïs provided and reachers are îrwted. When asked how many teachers attend, Boag salid he didn'Vt know, sayîng attendance isn't taken. One trust"t supparted the staff recommen- dution, though asked for sane tweaks. Milton trustee Nmncy MacNelil sMi moving the titan- ket ussesiment up oSw year is a goad move, as it would capture glfted sîudints sooner. Furthermars, she said rtmaovîng the dtadlint for teacher nominations for primary screen- Ing was alsa gooid, as saine iridividuats dan't resporid welt ta deadlines and allow them ta pais. Mowever. if they had the opporturnty ta, nomiat a studerit at a laer date. they could be more indlined ta do so. 'l like thîs. I thînk is a stsp forward,' MacNeill said. Hawsver, she added that eauty yeans teachers need impraved training ta look for giftedness. Site alun asked if tberWs a way the board could hslp parents idtntify giftsdness in theor chilciren. I.E OU *E I i 'a 'S 'j'E OR OE f EAT l-lusko d*dn't agret titis was a siep in the rigt direction. its casier t ay t l"os better. is nat better for kids: she sa.d. Site sald thres a reasan wby ABC Ontario bas asked trustees ta rejeci the recommendatori and why the gallery was packed with parents concemed about the cantinuance of the pri- mary gifted pragram. in addittion, Hluska pravided twa statistkcal anaysus reports ta trustees and staff that pro- mate the contirîuance of thc primary gifted screenîng. Ont of the reports qots on ta say the Grade 4 screentng procesi should bt dis- continued because it under-identfs gifted students and can produe a higher number o! faise positives. Hh>slco alun nated the board's research de- partnent coritinually states lime years of data are required for proper assesiment. Site said the pinary gifted prograin hasn't had tfiat mnany years. J Furtiierinoe, she said the. current Grade 4 co- hart in Burlingtor would enter Grade 5 nnxt yea., where they would bec with teactiers who have many years a! experience teaching sef- canîaîned gifted classes. Along with deferring the dectsion until a W&tu date trustees have aslced the bard staff for a number of directions They incd - Dewelop nd imnplemnt a consuton plan to wttk input tram the boars Spedual Educa- naon Advisory Commnittes, parents o! -ite studens teadmes nd ichool staff on iii- proving aur -lt asseisment pracesi * Sitare ail data regarding elenentary gfed edatin *Shar a hisiory since 2010 of what protes- sionat developinent ouïr kindergan nid" plmnary grade Wfl ff have oecefred tooeii how ta successfutly no"miae fudens for assassinent. Share a plan on h'ow to iwo ts. For mare *Taratiom fli wwwMds&ca. te au of ooe dedçated vohflsou Ie flS