chambes ÇommunityAwards presented to citizens, bi e)h moved ta Campbevile- Active i the Nasagaweya Communfty Coslation Committue for Xi yeurs ste woded with polic, ta male tS area salert creatlng a rura watchm inua Each yei, she organizes and rui» the rad- sUdt titan-ugt An avkt gardener, Woods bas tison meritor of tht Miton Honicuiru Sa- ciety for more tisai 15 years, active wlth gai- d- prajocti around town. She's also an active msmbs of the Destination Campbell- ville mmmrndinty Association beautifyig the communlèty arb -raitn spocual events socis as the villages San Clatis parade. Poson*w Wos sud she guiso mucb out oai vaeorinh erccmnity. Sfishhred testry ofa yowisoe who came outit wbel wits a roadod dean-up ont Apit and said - wMile eatin te hot dog the voluneers are géven - dmurit w the best day ew«f ConUiderig the chflt fanuily haut pi re- iseneut ftm a Dlsney vacation, Woods laughed. 'Gez, they wastt al dut roey on Disney Widand * 4hetDdo wu spend a d«y plc*n sp gubagt Stories MWt dm hp ber gui sWi saki Francois and But FtdIum wewe the joint ClUi- zen of the Véar awvard ro, et for duiïr de- votion ard hnv1wvmont at tht Mitain Centreî for the Ants. OBl ha been lrwoived i music 8 fr Uufi3eR CU tui u SSJ IWIKJl rIt>, JUIBSh rTfTUeIm Uflt MIHNW Martin RT JUflUMJ Conitrats (Busines of the Yau Award 100 umnployees or more), Athena OConnuil ut BANG! Cre- atnoe Commnicatos (Business af the Year 99 employets or less), Milton Chamber of Commerce Presimnt Richardi Sultan, David OConnel of BANG! Creative Communications, Maria Locker ai MOton Mocrmrneuus Ctntreprerieuu of the Vear) and Leslie McLaren of Roxul lnt. (Business Persan ottht Vear). janeooo V#ngsp.cwn W. Osplia sace sfi began piano lessons in Grade 5. Ste bas tison teaching piano tessons ta chol- drus' and adtu for mor titan 35 years. Barti bas been a longime voune i the Milton Musc Tesclur Association, holpirug wfth annua concerts aid projects. Shels also in- wdwod ul" VMwin Canntot Prnentions as adluor lTotse days the couple is invaved i the Mi;- ton Downtown Street Festival, the Strawberry Fait Ribfes arnd the Cruisén' on the fflo Sumn- meirs Nêght classic car show. Rancois got involved in the Milon Santa Clauis Parade, where he was the past presi- dent andc Canada Day festîvit;es. lis grattfying ta give back ta the commu- nit>C' said Bat, addung It Volt like she was at the Academy Awards receiving an Oscar. Wol- unteering is futfilling... meeting new people and visltîng wftb rorAe at thé ans centre> and the seniors' centre. »Wve made a lot of close friends jusi for be- ing thtr&. Joyce Hagevik Volunteer uf tht Vear award recipient Cartonna Sdaa echoed those senti- ments in accepting ber oword. isness oners "l've learned a lot about this cornmunhty by volunteering 'sIe suid. »To be an true citizen 9 of Milton, yau become a volunteer. Sdao. wba along witb ber husband Diego isw involvod in the 'flm Horions Chlldren's Foun- dation of which she's an ambassador, said she Fc was overcome witb emotion when sht heard she had won the award. For years. the bas spoarheaded Tim Horions> Camp Days ai eacb of the coupeWs ibree res-! taurants. S1w bas been responsible for sendi-> ing some 200 childyen ta camp over the last 20 years. »My goal was, and is, ta tend as many children E as possible ta camp. ta tbey con learn leader- sbip skâlls ta grow, the said. ln addition to that, Sdao Is involved in Miltonj Good Neighbours Communuty Day. the Dar-* ling Home for Kids, Arts Milton, the Milton Centre for the Arts, the Mayor's Gala for the ~ Arts and the Italian Canadian Club of Milton,. Sdao called the evening a Iglarlous memory« E that sbe wîll forever short wltb famlly and t frêends. She quotod author Dr. Seuts in ber 03 acceptance speech: Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing Is golng ta ger berter. lt's nboC. Other bighlights of the evening încluded Jobnson Controls LP belng named tht Busi- ness of the Vear, 100 emplayees or more» ISEJ: i" rR Ss:ii!hià à mi u 't,