r-w Regioal chair and police chief put tiieir commitinnt to Dive SAFE progam in writing' By OomIk Kasrsk METROLAND WEST MEDIA GROUP Tb. people in charge of commnlty safety and servces in Maton Region have taken a stand agait distncted drivlng and are askkwg resldesns ta do the samne. Hatton Reglonal GChl Gary Car and Maton Regiona Police Service Chief Steplien Tanne hav sign.d the piedg. againit dlstacted drMrsq, which is part Wf the Regoss and police depsrmenfis Drive SAFE (Safety O*mte.rr Awarenes for Eweryonej program._4 Orntario *Mvn Iaws pohibit drivers ta ulin.0e; tirge typl dlalig or emailing uslng coN phonoes or other hand-held coenrnwatlcns or s.trt. Y* de- = vices Drivers, are abo prohibted front viewig laptopi, DM4 pfl or dlspty wcreens that ame unrolatad ta driv Yet drivers contiue ta do tt which can lead ta sont. casast>pk rets. Accorchng to Alitat Canada, dis-' trat duivig as invotvd i D0Oper cent of callisions.t ltufre 23tinestm iKu ta be'n an accient if youro Man Regiona PoliceChie!Stepk'enTanner<right) and Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr sign pledges against dlstracted driving, whoch texting wNle drivlngsaid Tanner, rufening ta a CMA re- studies have shown can be as dangerous as imnpaire:d dniving. Police are ru nning an enforcement blitz this week. port on GraPta/Ca a CAMmupia, <Fulsw TfkrhabotpAone> nT