9 Spon tUnder-il IClaim second By Stev IâSIanc C ANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF It may b. a littie earty to predict a fuiI-fledged dynasty. B- ut after back-to-back OBA WDivision 1 championships, -the Milton Stags' Under-1 ï Sboys are unquestionaNly the team to beat in Ontario. Sporting ampIè dlepth and expertgquidance from Shane Bascoe - who's coached at ç the collège level - the Stags Ifsrmiy maintained their spot atop the provincial pecking order ail season In fact the Stags faced so few truc challenges ttwoug bout the year - Iosiflg just twlce at their own agie level - that Bascoe had wo put therri into, à U 12 toumrnent In Toronto a month ago wo ensuit conttnued de- velopment leading into the O0AM. »We kind o( had wo create our own adversly saicf Bascoe, who has his team (30-4 overal thés stason> fun- rnn systems taugto k-«e other preteen squads in Ontario. Holdftn thel own aanst the olde1 competition - gokn 2-2 - no dou ti srved as a fi spart fr du j d.ending prnclaix chamtpions hadkin io the 01 showcase lI Swlington. Wlth an Inumomuea combina-m bon of me tuhesnica ffem" ien- sive provmS& Mioo @là§i ouf fm straéigh wlns - ail but on@ dulvsvgd ».hdohaftonm. Stag'OBA tright D-1 tile in convincdnq fashion - to secure another OBA championshlp ban- ne. *We were the top-randoed team again this sea son, but we neyer realIy communicated tluat to the boys: expiaîned Bascoe. 'Wé ai- ways tell them to neyef lose focus 0 and play each gaine like it was th>er last. To re- Vw7peat as champions is very difficuit. and wo ste the guys embracinçi afterwards was, great especially wÎth thrte new players this year. They hadi't won before, so ouf motivation kind of changed. .. to be able to allow the new guys go taste victory.- A chamipionship rematch present- ed nief in Burlilngtori. as tht Stags met up wtl the Bramipton Wurff conU Tht Miton Ste«%Unicer-1 1 boys celebraater captairs t1 , second straigtSA DM.ion ichamplonship baniu. SoeM irites feIkow >outh to annuaaýl HetyHearis Chf"'allenge - xmt empny - vu ~u* w~ N-, Hoarti chUUL ~s -. A y4to yot hiokn strike another blow againit heur disms. And "hi dmn hes brigln seirfou buck-up w tht fighL llt cumeruone of Ns famNy% heafthy hert cmr (li- sphr$nochtoday.com) Wa#mad illmeu-old Jame-s SMet ha qpen tht pan two yeun promotlng sport nid physlca ftnss to dilken and emphasizng how dmu con cuwb tht chances c# hmur problems later lin NIL Efots towa.s Uhat tnd wid scie him lace up tht box- Ingi gomes on Saturday et te. MilOn Soccer Cemte (821 Main St. F-) as part of Ns thfd anm"e 1ehhHut Challenge- Jams wlo trains ut Reebok Crofflit RrePower. wllb joied by tfvee-time woutd duhampion nd 201 lywei an Mary Spencer The event - open wo the puick *umn 2 Io 4:30 p.m-w cljeabagdmos s and varou fam utislinges sucu as Zuwv3a cridgt ~polir wikcki% yoga nd SM. Mosw Gard Kwuz idl aiso be part cith qg~ whge orgunubers are eop*cWqn abiii 15 huWuebuW verdor stations - ,u> huM tlve SMt 0 î - a Ibre ino ccoo ttend or partcWatbe htevemt MILON IFSTY.-E HME HO # PRL U-I Show"Hn Fviâzy 3pmto 9pm Smrday 1lIom5pm Simday 1lm tg 4 ait4ieu eyo*w a *~ p _ t V1 71 L