STransportatoi *is frustration wkh the plan, say- Iln h. k.eps htarlng about how Th. Blg Moite plan i benefit everyone. >but h. dotsnet see how it wlll lm- prove the transportation system. I'The idea is ta mairitain current ser- vice leveis. whkcf are already not acceptable ta a lot of people in the GTAhe sald. IMilton Councillor Colin Besi noted ont only needs ta Iook at Hwy. 401 between James Snow Parkway and Matis Road ta sec the problern Hal- Iton faces and wlll face if infrastruc- ture doein't lceep up with the growth irnposed on le by the Province. He said the Province needs wo step .up and fund its share. H e said Ne would also lilce te pro- vincial government ta step back and ;evaluate the end goal of what the on growth wlll mean, because Ne isn'r seeong te. benefits, especîally if the imunicipalitis iren't g.ttmng the sup- port thty neeci ta flourîsh. Commiutee mentors also expressed concern about the plan as a whole, 't n infrasiruchire must keep Up witi guth, says councillor Recint changes ta Metrallnx'S T4t Slg Moie plan include delaying the d.wlopm.nt and irtp- mentationo a two-way, ail-day rail servkce along the Milton tînt betwnn Meadowwule andf Milton andf the Kitchener Une between Maount Pleasant an Geonofrom a I S-yeav timefraine ta a 16- ta 2Syear timeframe /Coeeachrphmilgoe mlh*nSSâ. 5'Iruibgly uppusinyg the ureU tai y investmene cool that impacts On- tarians property taxes. They're worrieci as wetI chat regional corn- mnuten will be pdyinyg fut d dibpru- portionate amaount of Metratinx's $2 billion annual regional transît expansion. The tumantter- dncinrd inviting representative fromn Metroix, the Mînîstry cf Municipal Affairs andf Housing, the Ministry of Inra- structure andf the Minîsury of Trans- portation to give a presentation ta the planning and public worts com- mninte addresssng growth and the transportation projects proposed for Haltan in Tht Big Move. Members also suppostédl a recoin- mnendatian ta înform Metrohinx that le should co-rdinate its Investinent strategy with the farecasts targee and potin-es af the Growth Plan for te Greater Golden Horseshoe be- fore le delivers te strategy wo the provincial goveinent )une 1.- le should alsa provide a sustainable strfteqy for the funding of iii 62 projece identi&t,% in the Big Moite capital prograni, including duas pn$ect dirtctly bctwfting 1-aiton and, if this as not actuevabký duat the Province b. requested wo revisit the grawth plan assumpetons ta re~ec the exîsflng ecanomer reatieles andi a slows' grawth scenarlo. Juba Le con be reocheti cf Xe@ni*on- conod.onchomptonrcom or on Twirrer, @JskoMdonhks it .n .-~ as n. n~ b piflp a.. a - non a ca~ad1an Il \ ~Lt j' j <1 N Stan et Home * Pack a litterienb lunch Rang trrh foodl. a- keftove mn inuahie eculineni Gettng (o Work * Lenve the cor Le»s nt hom.'lite pUNub rt. tait. Nike or carpool rnsiead, * Iflyou have go dnve mte a mum you roeia ma t'y drêvrngt ied l imit, dmckimg yoezr tire liune oepaay MW i fd M s YOOW véiicle mn fur regular tans- " AMt yow comnpmy if ebeyll pnwvid a diacoum on public nasa, tn auploySs. * Better yet, watt frm heur' At W«ok *Avomd litt titra huyrng >nur lunch Buiig Yotwg (mm plaie or contamner to the cafetea or take out COUnSIT'r * Bng your owa eoline mug w watt. Nmo cafte cha offu a diwucomif utou bang your ota mug. *Buyà auicfihrrfror O offro dscourethe purdtase of houled watts. * Pui ou if âcre am ways you cm itupov ycxw office iwrydbg pxigrumn. *Reduce tt ans of piperi mi by "mgq scrqu pipe ta et pua »d phaknpwm fSa neMa itmm. Whea huamsç for te offr do -og rusut aMW Oey bey (mms ccxqî.nsn wid uutishl focaar pacec md sagificatm -o coxnmr contut. *Fat cuMi priai jobs fIoui f if de compay "o d" titttiaes v.gnLabfr based i. ignd 100% pe- consumer w« *Sei cpia conçosmgf hm wW dispo saiaicdor in yoew office kIh * acounug buM mit lu vet for tous trace msags inscat crair nid. Bar yaecoeowe *Em ume dt mil risSaid edecron s uunxcde& Lavkîg Work *TUm off mil kSit coeqm mil monm AâSg - omyt Io dmff pawar uf arbdo <f aoe mUWR tBk (mm - ta - phigue wa ..ruhdays. Boatt ret Air * Plant ATre P HA RM A CY Mws cm m11iz un StuE nOeU-48 - seti E___M a hb M ri Cr