Ar. you contemplig kardwood Alccu, a new kitchon or .n.rgy efficient solutions for your .xisting or n*w hnme# Ara youi wondnbring havi ta puy for Ibis renovation project? -m -e fl\10Fi.usdq n impleu siwa upon-pumsoeSeawed "l ofsse*o a Co0 & Mese Iy lUs . 1k.e odvntage of record Boy inserest rotes cnd spreod \ /Fnonce your renovohon utodmc t iffhmef o Use o secured fine o! credit or home equify lBoa b poy your renovohion hnancung repoyinent oe a ong peniod - new purchase by oddung the. euh moted tot your for your renmooon. Secunngyouî renowoion ton agoinit of tne by refnancing your morigage. mogage wiO CMHC Mortgge Loon biurante. Vou "h equity in ycur home con typically h up to 80% o f. con obfoin finoncing with o.4y 5% dlowni paymen for boA 0" properly volue; access ib sonty Une. pucm fyu om n wte«o fru o9%o Barrow up ta 85% ofjvour home's appraiseti value (aesrni at oute oU orhmWnii renovolionsfrU 5 !0 . ostondng morigage bolonce. I* -tasser jefreits t ondmnon secured i fnoncing Poy lest istei on credift ord or pers olton rotes * Funtis otivanceti for up Io 95% oMAM value cier reneoaions * Accesind i S ny him Aoees. %s lni rnrndis.ôve*No otiditionol hmesor puemlurns for progres acbvnces 0hoe ol o«mf Sudable for large scil eooin *OPON Compehiiereuf rates *CMI-C issues prerniurn rebotes for Enrgy soving frnvadons T&t s. unr morflebroker todupgo nviw pourrmnonsi uâlduasIk »Rh Coa" w an ApproWdMortgqePionner ,ith Mntqe Architarrs. Mortgag.qumaSnonand 0oenom e udàwdw* .n 4ùk 4Mn. t is.Jh oab uhd phone.:905-878-7213 or by <mail: jh.oa@caro.John Cocon ktunbdte iL.t ta. rqmmCmwar>. Sda «ban par awin*g muw m mnw cougm nu»MýÉM uHomos, or the Tuosday Bost Homes. Top tips for tlrst-time homebuyers Moer dan <ver befooe, flrss4îme htwndi<4yen arconsideflng housing afncktt&ty "Wwanî consners mc be coemonbte wiîh the linaincoal oesponuhdnaes of ownhng a home. -ni iiî! important ta detenntae what you cari allord an eider te nmanàt 'tonable lalestyle once you've mate mthe leap, says Miu .Sopr. president of Royal LtPage CanadaTo asses if you are zrady for hcnwewnership, So.LperCr cts tats guidetur: 1. Dmasbe >'w %«nwu.Take yxwu assets (eanungs. uweswwnnts. savmps, vehKIce and cxeritems you uwn) and subtract your hiabdamaies (car bans, limes cf crech, overdrahas and credu casds). A positive number as a goud sign thai you may bc rtidy to puntseypur firsi homne 1 Mrl aMd. eumtamatTop agents have extensve expern Mn iddemonstaze dedacanon andi connu m thelpîng tmini clients. Asic yosar fmily and hi=&dsfor a rér- rai, or exploit 't.! <sue wesàmcs (mas n-w to 'tnt profilles on agents, închidmmini heraxeo f exprtise and tanpmagrs spoken. A reul estei agent wili have knowl- edge of accurate ral-time murket dam to leverae yaIIrrgouaung position. as wt11 as aires teo perns ofren even before they are hsodý 3b 4a uns4f,.wbku a".13K important tw you te lx close te trançi nd amewnïues? Do you înoend teow vour amdy or' do vota have a nwerd or cxtra space? Dectrman the facors essennial te vota in a hom nted whuch cnes you mayavlet te lve wihot This watt lrlp »xa nanrow votai search arbd choose a homne thai 's wuihtn youetr fina- ciii ieans. wwwncwscanadacwn ÇIIIJScLL ~Ere Ms - -- r a rP ouh e' Ca sua *t eu*rgivdUm Kt* qwmmosnfifl OMMIhdK onts &. b» M~%US ~* ~ m55 wWI.. Utaont. tuf Ni. bc ISIÎ f OWSZM Acfflangla ucupuedon #w condNS t«on fl r e et oa t aol*mm.cM ntu Nnp~tofa#w ea&eflsig w »ocaupd by the unoucu u O &mni.tow ot wae W amifW or nau. Ml n&t le clwged ltu, butthé b"»adte fU adelhMout M betwpsdmr * Uv tSe mie lie pMésths 'sonte r4« t bcaicywen"i Uwmn 0i t»pqO uc n. wh««- m giator PD*s0 g rne i eong pro. 900à Cw flft mq r«nos lsd AMfltg is muu.4 an a#« c i tardd niq eàte mn a "Sue»Pvdwed on bubifcfdfie Catewt,%onmd Dnttroi "tageBond WONDERING HOW TO PAY FOR YOUR HOME RENOVATION? 1 CLICK HERE Ji 1 ce vir dý, r t mo s