ARE YOU DIFFERENT? GET READYTO A P P Lb À A Hiton Region physîctan recrultment pro- gram brought 22 new famlly physicians te Hilton in 2012, according ta a Regkioa report presenteti to regional council Mardi 27. Tht iitiative, wtiih was crete in 2002, lias been activel attracting prospective ph».i- clans ta Burllngton. Halton HUIs. Milton and Oukvufle througli mu.*etln andi promotion strateges thut Inclue cormwdry tours, particpton in radte sows-. recrueitin aid networking events mnd website, www.halton- doctors-ca. Th. report which hgight's the program's achlevements stte a total Of 182 doctors have been recruiteti ta Hilton communities since 2003 te atdiress the issue of tomMiy med- icîne physicien shortages ini the area. HMalto-SY collaborative approacli te physicien recru itmnent is a key factor ini the proqrams succesÇ said Regional Chair Gary Car. »Workmng together with oui four local munci- polit 'ci, local hospitas. clênhcs anti commuai- ry representatives, we are achievlng our goal of protecting public health by attracting new physicians te estabilîli andi maintain medical practîces litre tin HaitWrJ The report aise reneais thaït Hiton bas re- tuineti 74per cent of lus physocians, represent- lng 134 fuli-time permanent doctors Tht statsti tMes into account retiremnents, relocations andi physiciens wlie took ow famfi practices since 2003. The Region ugio continues to support the Hilton McMaster Famllfy Heaith Centre fmly teachina unît, whic-h wIMl mone ta it permaw- rient location ut Joseph tant Mseroiil Hmos -ia in Burllngto r<tt year. There are six farst-year andt fmn second-rair famity miedicine resients baseti at thie site, with thc second-year resids gradutlng this July. Eight ncw furs-year residents wil join the pro- grain shortly atter A <it of newly recrulteti doctors accepting; pi- tbents across Hatton cia be louand by visitln www.haimnxcMnewphysicans. uau RecruIbnn pmW«n bdngs 22 famlly physicans to aiea