U13 OAM w Eamings released By Julla Le CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Mayor Gord Krantz earned $ 79,989 in salaries, benefits and expenses last year white other members of Mil- ton town council .arned betwen $ 30»00 and $38,000. The salaries and anmial expenses puid to council memnbers and local boards were made public in a report whicb was received by town council Monday niqht. Krmntz. wbo has served as mayor for thie lait 32 years and has been on cowicil sirice 1965, received Sff9,954 in salary; $2,559 in benefits, S1,830 in professiona developinent andl $5.646 in car miteage in 2012. He aio earneci $49,047 in salary and benelits, conference expenses and A car mileage for sttting on Hilton re- glanai caunicl. The majority of councillars earned a base sulasy of about $28.967 viet the exception of Ward 6 CouncifNor Mike aluett mnd Local and Reglonal Councillot Tony Lambert- Ck.ett eamed a base sulsry af about $26,495 because he làaWnt accepted any puy incTeases dunng his tenw. white Lambert earned a base sai- ary of $27.024 because he dedrWed last years pay inacae of about 6.3 per cent. Wltti benefits aNi profs- sianal development factored in, au- ett earned $32,777 whte tamberft earned S30,480, whikh is also the least among his counicil counter- parts. Ward 5 Councillkx Arnold Huffman was the blggest earner at a total of $37,854 - $28,967 in salary, $2990 in benefits and $5.897 in professional devloprrent. At the reguonal level, Councillor Co- lin Best eamed $57,63U mn salary and benefits. cor*rence expenses and car mileage white Lambert wfio aisa sits oni regional counci, totaed $52,212 in salary and experises. Last year, council approved a pay ini- crease of about 19.5 per cent for the miayar and 18.9 per cent for council- lors, which is bein-g phased ini from 2012 ta 2014. tts based on recom- mendatkofa a citizen compensa- tionm committee that reviewed the eamings of thie mayor and council- lors to ensure theïr wages are in line with comparable municipalities. Julia Le can be reached at jle@milron- canadianchampmo.com or on Twifter &lJuiaMihonNeffl.