e Opinion h5We-haftncom 4ai Spning almos heme, usexr I caution near E watervvays ý ihthe arrivai ofsprong tomorrow, we urge residents ci E to be mîndful ai the potenuiat hazards created by the weather at this ime of year. c i While scattered flurries are forecast for most days the t est of this week, sprîng weacher can br'ng a mix of r ain and snow and. cambined wth the annual thaw. .2 local waterways becone full and run fast. E Conservation Hilton (CH) - responsîble for the main- tenance ad operation of four major dams and 12.5 ar f flood control channels in the regoon - has is- sued renmnders ta residents about the dangers chat exist neat streams, rîvers, ponds and lakes, and urge people ta keep famuiy and pets away fram the edge of ai waterways. Parents should be especially vigilant in keeping cl- dren away from any waterway. Fioodîing may ahsa be caused by breakonig ice, whmch clogs the flow. Once it qives way. however, the current couid easily cause problemrs. Slippey and unstable scream banki and extremeiy cotd water temperatures can misa lead ta "ery hazard- ou% conditions close to any body of water, according ta CH. Please keep family members and pets safeiy away from any water's edge and help make this an enjoy- able Mping. For more information, visot CH's website at www.con- servationhaton.on.ca, cati 1905) 336-1158 or emnail web#phrca.on.ca. 3-ertage [Matters Pi Ittli Mýuàrt ilit:k l a pi. iwvint o; îhit: southwtcsî corner of Mlain andi Chartes, sIlIt t, In I 88ý 1 lu m)L it in 1 Q07 co Di \l uowiand. andi sutccdîng ncmhecs tif tar fai lIJ In ti 1 hcrc ïît il 146 Dr tniwijridi wJs nwedmtaii 011iter (il heat Li cunnig tht: IQlt flu cpimcii andi îedttý cd ils sevvCrýt lýýlV N isisîîng on closing ail public cvcntsc The bos sJcmoilthcd in i4c64 îor the pn-t'nîi utirtvs -Submu'ed 14Y tienragr Milton and Milton Iimtorcaf -SocetyN Leittrs welcome Tht ConwJIn Chamflp#on ekornes in t o tht editoir b* resew '-A- flIe t di rieo nda oejea« lintem Lette must e slged wlth tint and kîst nau m i ht owddres amW thetewfphooe number of the wdter included for nrficatkw, pwpos- es. Emailyour Itue ta kmloel*ihmîltnc - trim t-«»oe Wl by mail ro 555 Industriel Dr>, Milton Ont, L9T SEI, oe kmowi air u aur office Our office hours are Monda>, ta Fridoy from 9 amn ta 4 pin Thanks~~~~~~~~~& tocmunyfrIoptLnrDNesupt Oea, Editoé'; On behaif of the volunteers in the Milton District Hospital (MDII> Auxiltary Glft Shop, Uniquely Vours, who have been coliecting and rolln coins since lait fait thank you. Tht Penny Drive has bien generousty sup- pot-ted by the hospftal staff and volunteers as weIi as the citizens and businesses of Milton. The volunteers have bsen recelving coins ini containers of ail shapes and sizes. Over the Christmas holidays, a yoting girl dropped off a large bottie fihled with pennies with a hand- macle card wêshing us a Merry Christmas and teling us that sht was donating ail the pen- nies that sIte had been saving for more than a year. Speciat tanks ta Joyce Anderson from the Fracture Clinic wh» provided us wlth the leg cafl that titi by te aewatons outtide tueq gift shop. Ste coltected anid used onfy simple arnd defective fabnc in the mnakung of chus cast and ater mini casts located in vêt-tous busiinesses around tawn. Tht leg cast bas bien emptied once and is quickly refilling. Tht auxiluary *151 continue this Penny Drive irudehflnely wlth funds raised gong coward the put-chuse af equlpmtnt for tht hospcat. Doruthy Hogfl oeidnr of MI*# Auxiioy andaoenda Trk*e6, dita o f LUqueIy >turs @q A Cam~e C.mme -Ano SIwb Waa - Of *mgr" %k Omm wm au-n& qhr %. 1011S iwe i hmmaIl - PO s C t I 555 Indwtra DnW, Muftrx, Ont. LST 5HI 905-78-2342. Achleflvsng Fax 90"-76-2364 Ciassflled 905-875-33X) Circuttkws 905- 8-&594 7 nww.mtoncnednchampion.com VR - Group Put4ÎSher HR'o0oi ef Gé Manlager Ouutr oflALwtuKww Katy LStoui1111n1 EO#or in Quel mO 04..1 NS.IIIII Raja.II &bnoig Ed#tor Kwm Macd prcon AMner C*wvo D*nVto -mu Pm. Oni Lrie Sales &bngr Ibo GnOadln Cuafqm ib -af e" 1%ady anS 7humi% la à**Ini Aftnslrt a aecw or th onOei dut~ &n me enN or à !.pcrapAfl. w"o muw nonsm, of the mm-fUneWr IcNndb the ewror-gou nein. t<0tfs w. a <easonsue aboeenct fer sfldtLn. w"W noe cbe c#wr te. 6&* me élance 4 d thefle «*Y bu pan or< mi Ib a0Ytý aft The7 Pntmshet rSerme iW cMenMoeff eanonwn