ml22 Ontarlo St. S., Mifton, ON dean by toloing MiIon's bcA recyclig gwidehnes, and oecyde UNs paper when you're inWse readingiM. c3tdia Û. t s s EST.&UCENT 'w/ vlx NEWS & INFORMATION %. Why work with a local REALTOR®I The Oakville, Milton a nd D i t f (1R e 1 E ýt à'e B car d Vour kit-idREALUR ia crnud oeal iur pm~fessionai bdronging 'o 7be Oakvi li. Miko nd IJù,rwi RéeJ Ev*ue Board. in additon t» the Coe.adm nRale wrAuxcsation CREA j and the Onturw) Real Euwr orwîwn mIOREA>. Uit a uàm pr ehw" hn.the là"aIr~ ad oe li -Md ne 1Wbm uya're cbaasng a %aie% pemmo or bmkier in wok with vOU on the purchase orsale aif our home. ac ting youll need to cx>der is whether tc> chtime scaoeneneho has an office b&scd in Milton or nuîside of the comnmunul> An Ontario real esuw hecense a"-% a %aie% jervin tri tradeinn al estate anywherc in the province, Ftwcver. ihere are %ome- compelling misons for using a à"M REALTOR who i% a inember of Th-. Oakvilke. Mïlt(on and DLtrict Real Eswae Boardi wtbn you an buving or meifng pnigetty in Milton. Tbey Know MUtS * Loca ltMhe sales people have 'local knowlcdgegC They have escttive knowledge oi the Town. its coomaities and ail the Ilunja tdmt rake Mil"e unique. *They knnw their way wwud du arceandivi iis can save yau valuabkt ime when you're cm a tight sceule and laoking for that hard-tofnd listing or tuyig te view multiple prupertici in one day. They Kw The LocW l mr" * ihont REALTORS* have fist-band knowledle in tie local market, they know.... 0 Th u CWftiIUs umandtreodsi n tdmame oi Loca]lmarket saatuca amd coopwoisme o Propeetiies dm may ex y.t bc acivey advertiseid ci Wht<hu a poepmny will provie the envrcimnenî the buyer is hxuking for oi Whether a propeny im i" fe r a hum oit investinent ci Whcthe a pupaty bau rmul value They Rave Local Connections *Y'Vut local REALTOR ,*tIl knos* vour propirisy andi ha', the abmlitîv 10markct il't itohtr ltocal agcnt% and theur clients. *A RL.ALT(>R' who livces and %stutkN in thec cnmmunut, ihev scrse almso bas a rwtssurk ot Conitacts ami cun point >ou in the icdrection nIU)ALqualiilîcdt. reliahle and i mnuietrnai servxices. such asý oi Repairinen o Cleancr'. ti t-inancial Scrnuc nuc I' ý.tmig1agc Rdic. .aik '..dcs 1> uIwwr% They Know The Local Issiues *Thicy arce xtremely knu)%ledgeïthle and cspcrlcncd on the localI usuc% that arc unique 10 .Miton own and rural puent.Su.h as o Scptic systeins. o Wacr esr ung o Mlu-tonale% representàtives ame connected and ntoned cn ail local u>.se ihai pertaîns Io communavy plans and future residential growth. a Halten Conservation regulauc.m% o NEC (Niagara Eàcarpment Commission) restinçîlonh Couvemlcmdy Located in the Communlty Wheu you use a lo"a REALTOR'. it cari save you ney«. headache and fine. When buying or selbng a Propeny by using an out-of -own sales perso it mav apçtear vau are saving ume and rney. With a lom- ales perSa, you can bc confident that you wuil have the uound and sature adsice dma cones froni using a local REALTOR' who knows the community, 90547847777 t pu M" Um& wm a muw cumom OuMM lu wd Pu*od mo 1 NEW LISTIýic