- -mq n MiWonmi sot docora nig offMs ~ Commission submits repor wfth wredowing of iding mnap, indluding chanes for Halton sy huftLe CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Miltoni May see a nicing of its ownl in the next ferai election. Th. fedl Electoal Woundarie Commiwssion Wo Ontario recently submtttd is report ne- drawing the provincels federai electoral map to the Chiai Electora Mfier of Canada after hosting a number of public heanings across the province in October mnd November. The report, which includes changes t0 liai- tons electoral boundaries, was recently tabled in the Hou.se of Conmmoras. Mexnbmr of PadianentI were given the chance to rview the report anid now have the oppor- tunitY toNSe objections to it ome the next few weelcs befor the MaP as etched in stone. The COMMissio hau made a substamaial numn- ber of changes to the electaral map, c"etng 15 new electoral districts in the regions 0f Hahon, xitcherm Haniffon Brampton. mis- sisaupg Skncoeý Yo&c Torontoi, Ottawa, Sel- eille and Durham. The report shows Halton has one new elector- ai dikt for atotal of forin the regonThey me MâtOni 0livi#e Soui~ Odte 144> d - Blington North and &ifingtom HonouirabieGre Valin, the chair of th. the«-vmdxr commufssson saïid" they - ceiwd advice from humckeds of citizns aid Orga.dZatio acrois th. provirce which he. -" *he dedsion 'The comission is satisfied thue il bas bal- mnced als statutory obligtion vwth e vlews of the people of Ontario in stdving for the -" of effective.uer.emtionf h. said. The Kalton portion of th. report detads how a public hearing in Oakile to discuss Hatton boundaies caused the commission to re-ex- arri4ne the region and make adjustments tu ts proposai. A further public hearing in Oakviile discussed the changes to the orIginai electoral bound- aies proposai. which included having Milton spilt iuflo two different electoral boundaries, sharing the ridings of Burtington North and Hafton HUISi. After hearng feectuack from the pubic whïch included Town of Milton cterk Troy Mcharg speakin on behaif of town counicil. th. Com- mission deckded to revert toits initial proposal with minor adjustments. Milton's riding. as shown in the report, is com- posed of the Town of Milton and a part of the. City of Burtingion Iying northwest of Dundas Stret and Hwy. 407. Milton Mayof Gord Krantz told the Champion keeping Mifton togettur would b. the ideal situation as refiected in the report. ,lt certainly keeps the community fromn being9 divid.d into two rudungi. wtuch in my opinion ïs a positive move« he said, adding that he beWive the comrnission did a gooci job at Wis tenig to th. public"s adice. Ki mntz noted that wheu residents vote in th. next fedierai election. theyli have one voice to spea& on behaïf of the whole community The report alio reffects doirig away witm the Hatton ridmg aind havéngi the ridbn names re- flect the. areas ühe represents. Kiantz said therWs no way to satisy every resi- dent but the. rdingIs shown in the report rea- -«bl refiec the communtyý To see the report and maps showing how the -ilrq aie divided vist wwkW-eiti Jua Le cme b. reached at Ijlemoncanach- anchmplocomor on Twir rJultaMIIton- CU -O - wion ~ Drosser a MhTOI' Q~n %Es Boa $1 8 9 O*. a RI S39499 USU wL 1 5 PwSo Diig %ocuv 8um $1 996 $74e~ ~ ncum 051 I - n ~ 'mn pi u Ve , n 00 le m ~~M rd' NeU tu Wn laUnn - b gal ADM "W vms 8à.w1L d stu » -o n - MM j«'p AU = 3 is.W Mmsw - OUisi n ns n