RogNo to deed deweopumen chage hffin M Mahan Ilalton Regiorus deveiciprent charges (DC) bylaw will b. vkgrosly defendied when it goci before the Ontano municipal Board <OMB) lter this moi t'f. Last week.ý regional council aproved a reo- lutionin a 21-1 vote dlecting staff to take any and ail action necessary to, deifend the R. gSols position and interests to the 0MB when il cornes to its OCs bytaw. The resolution was passed, with only Surting- ton CouncillOr JaCk Dennwso voting against ft. fo11owlng a confideinial sessio where councillors received a legai Lqdate by Region- ai staff On the appeais of the DCs bylaw, which was approved by councl Lit April. Thf MR wil hpAring tb. aprmba Pmr forward bY devekoPers on February 25 at the Kalton Regmonai Centre over the course of 10 days. Regional councit unanmiously supported Naitoi 1 ilhi Regkonai Councitior Cl"r Somef - vmileýs intentor to run for the third vice-pres- klent POsitfon Of the Federation of Canadien Municipalities (FCM) at ils meeting 6as week. Somervlle lias served ai a boari member for the organizatiori. whicl acm as a national votce for Canadian munécipadties. for frve >eas and ws one of 11lý uecriotu1 serve on- uare, The election wiIl take place at the FCM annua conférence in )une. Regional couincil approved an adjustment 10 te 2013 Public IIealtb operating budget t0 include $50000 of provincial ftundng for the. NeahthY Babies Healthy Children program.i The progamn ensures all faMies have acceis ta effective Vid consimm ent fy intervention. It prornotes optimal physical, cogriltive, coin- In reading ou the resolftin wNch wus moved by OMke Mayor Oob Bkuton and; seconded by Milton Local and RegioMa Councillor Colin Bust~ Regionai Chair Gary Carr said defending its DCs bytaw wi11 ensure that grcowth continues to pay for kte and that existing taxpayers and businesses arentî impacted by the couts associated wwth new residential growth beyond the minimum rw quirement by provincial legisiation. Il wil aiso ensure the Region% A Credit rat- ing is maintained and isWt impacted ln any way by the coit of new growth in the region. he read. OCs are imposed on lands being develôped to rfàccnwr gmwrb.r.Iar.d mn açinriaed with the infrastructure that~s needed and pays for services like water and wastewater, roads, po- licing, social housing and services for seniors. rnunkcative and psychosocial development of children prenatal 0, n9e three. pfoNd àR wwuim cr mln %W"na staff ame ev.wg local municipal protocols for the construction of radiocmý- mui*ations stnxJtures Mek cei phone towmr to develop, a prtocoi for Reginal staff when they review proposais for the construction of dtitd-p.rty àr0 - _xmunications structures. Regiona staff have been asked ta prepare a report looking at reduoed ams for resédents to dmp off worwk and 1W MMst at the lie Sui site or to have pick-up mn mature hamiets. CA FTHEVYEAR 2013 AJAC BEST NEW 2003AJAC BESI NEW 523 ELANTRA . 9milff «FIê 23 ELANTRAGT(-. $1081 116 ma299a, ii. 10 Ual. iWia15u01W 1. 0 . u ...............u I+a4vi n &d& comf 1285 STEELES AVE E, MILTON 905-875-1 120