Opinio N tIL t g- I 'I E c> c.c) t- £ c FoHlowths tMpsfor Smf wuowmbil ing on the trIls Uhareas of the province covered in sniow aftef last weeks storm, its no wonder local residents are taking to the great outdoors - astride their snow- mobiles. But before you head out for a leisunely ride, the On- tafio Provincial Police (0f>?) andi the Ontario Fed- eration of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) remlnd riders ta talce several precautions. While the OPP is best known for patrolling Ontario roads, the agency is auso committed to savng lves on Ontarils trails and waterways. The OFSC. corn- mtted to proactive leadership in promoting salle and responsible rlding on and off Ontario snowmio- bile trahis. too, wants ta do what it ca., ta ensure lo- cal residents are safie on snow-covered trails. And to ensure snowmroblles make it home, sale and sound. theyre reminded to take charge of their safety and well-being by preparing their machine, gear and equipment before they rev up their sied. Here are a few tlps for snowmobile enthusiasts, as set out by th~e 0?? and OFSC. - efore hftng the trails, service your sed. Thtis wil help prevent any breakdlowns that can leave yosa and your passenger stranded. - Have a repairitr on board, one that s outfltted with the proper tools to address minor breakdowns. - Carry a hmrit&id kit. Pre-assembled flrst aid kits are avalable at ouldoon and sponting good stores, as well as on the web - Acquire a survival kit. whlch can help make spend- ing the day - or nmght - out in the ccod much easier and safer. These, too, can be p.archased ut outdoor and sporting good stores. - Go high tech. A variety of devices, including Glob- al PosMtoning System units, celîphones, satellite phones and SPOT Personal Trackers, can prove very useful, especially during ernergency situations. - Cali on yow r fnends. Invite a fiend ta join you for a ride, as rding as a pair or in a group is safer thun going solo. - Know your sleds safety features. Its always gjood ta review your sled's safety manual. In addition, read the Sufe Riders messaglng on the OFSC web site, where you cân obtain important safety infor- mation. These safety tips are designed ta ensure you and your rtdlng companions aie safe on trai - no matter how experienced a rider you are. We sure hope youlIl consider them. \VV'u must ele coundilkxs mho wiII minimi7w- nrnrw-rhtv hikp-r Tll 1 i il 8 lii Ai *U Deor Editor: Re:'Towri council must control spending, keep taxes Iow'in the January 29 Cham- pion. As a property tax-paying Miltonamn for the last 37 years, 1 appreciate Counciflor Rîck Malboeuf keeping us informied of what h. believes has been poor judgment dis- played in the expenditure of our property tax dollars. In my opinion, the concerns he expressedi certainly have mneft. Even with the stots revenue windfeIll, retentiy $6 milik-n, not available to other municipalities. Miltoni property tax increases consistently ex- ceed the rate of inflation. Councillors are entrusted ta sperid tax- rwPîi t)ULM i 111W. payers' hard earned dollars They have the onerous duty and primary responsibility to ensure that the funds are spent wlsely. We must elect councfillos whose main focus is to control spending. hence mini- mizing propenty tax increases. Councillors' email addresses and ward bounda ries are readily avaîlable at the Town of Milton website, www.milton.ca. 1 encourae property tax payers to contact their respective local and regioni court- cilons and express their conceins. Property tax payeri should reiflain in- formed and exercise thein vote accord- lnqly at the next municipal election. Trig Smith mitron wd Jferttage fMatters ln 1405, the twti-siore> structure on the right was huili for the Bank of lHamilton.iThe h2nLc ranaprand hi. lami iaved tin the atahed hË.jup dft) lTae Ranak c4! 1amilion mcrged in 1924 wuth the Rank of Commerce ln 1957. a new bulding for the Bank of C.ommerte replaced hoth buildingsiThe bank building was recently Sold and is currently Ycgurv's and Jamba Juice The property is bocated ai 14 - Main St. E, - 5m>bmted liv 1frrtage Milton and Miltson Héiorical Society (eaaian C 11-% m Il1> I() N 555 findutiI W ,. P.WtonOnt LYT SEl 905878-2 A4verimg Fax. 90!>e7&2364 Vi? -Grm<pPUMWhe PmuNvoy EsSor lnct KIM uba Mm"M % On Lhm Son mufibn lue .àwmmchSBmt pbee- 0" a w a~ fofla «MC e 0M oe Mm fa t>a wfaot fIWtat Oaun W tw o e ituM ataoe ad, 0* aunuawm enbe. M D a am*uoe m raw The OWOO mmone #«W 0 'mcp aaâreuUa or WMCCAB AudtOd -m" uaffle r @MM 2o.-M. saam