D'ejý Stopa ook te METROLAND WEST MEDIA CROUP n M Crime Stoppers Wf Maltons, new co-ordinator hopes ta boost the organuzation's presence in local ichools so, Young people understand how the program works andf that anonymiîty figures prominesnly i its succesi. Nalton poike Det. Canat Pau Prteau hinted ai the futur. Wf Crime Stoppers during a te- cent interview ut NaNaon police headquarters. Proteau tooli over tht post Wf Crime Stappers co-ordinator from Sgt Gary Gond who held thetroile for six yenrs Prteau admitted he junwed at the position because. ht sui4 Crime Stoppers (s an «sen- tial part Wf keeping Halton ont Wf the salon comfmunities in Canada. »I the Crime Stoppers program wusfl around. there would b. tons Wf iformation that wouldVt b. passed on to police because a lot Wf people dont wat ta corne forwar he said. »Th anonymfty of the program is what maies rt special andf unique andf dtIs what mies (t work. lts sa nteresting that we have this pro- gramt andi ks not even furid.d by us. r~d Mim to ste Rt kep, going and rd lite ta improve on itWi1can* Protesu joined Halton police i 2M0. wort- ing firit in Oakvile and tien bis native Suri- iflgton. Mis carmer bas talen niumemous twist and turfs from uniform panaoi ta a position as a high school Miaison officer i Burigton *That nas 1nerestÎngý I get along oealy wefi witf i th teens. Soeu peuple tut we juil walt th halls or it go W%. arruit kids and corne out, but ne do everythino] sid Pro- 'Wé do presenlatians on bullying. drugi cWv ics, carters W. do walt the bai ta mate out presence visible, but weve aso donc L- clotie operaions around tue ichools look- ing for druig use, sSfn dut kind of thing' Gary MdLan, chair Wf dt Crme Stapers Wf Natan board, nid Proteus wor i the hlgh schoots andf hm sbulty ta relat ta loal youths malte hm an ideS choice for Crime Stappers co-ordinator as the organlmflon regulwty hlà sdx -rsn«os Th. Crime Stoppers co-ondlnator ks aIso re sponsible for tating tipi recelved ta the po- lice as wil as camping statistics. sslsting the board with projcis holding communkty presentations, and presentinq cases where tipi may b. warraned ta tht board. 'rd lite ta re more inta the Ngh schools wlth the Crime Stoppers We're flndlng more #tha ne ame goln awsy from a face-to-face Soci- ety. Itfs a technology and texts culture. The kidi are hutge orn textlng so, I tinkt ua is re- alty samnethig that is reall gosng ta develop over tue rien few Yeats" nid Proteau. 'Every school now bas a big scrttn TV in the auditorium or lunch room. l'm hoping ta g« tht Crime Stoppes mnage up there or k4o on the Crime Wf the Wee or sometuing re- lated ta the sctiools. Tht more Itsi seeui on tht $cy«en the more *"u are galng ta psy atten- tion ta il. fln hopln tiat wilI really increase tie nuviber W li ps and crim solvedf" Mctean said the idea hs valld as every time Crime Stoppers dots a presentation in a hlgh ichoal tun's a noticeable increase I tipi de- Mwreddw«ough taxtisxj ian (r9 Ight say vi Crimne SOers co-ordinato Paul Prote.u was an ideaicholice for thi. position. Proteau% tenure as Halton's Crime Stoppers with him as a boardf co-ordlnuor 15 expected to last thîte ta five lps cari be made ta Crime Stoppefs of Hl- ytus. ton by calling (905> 825-8477 (lIPS), by vis- 'We're glad ta have Paul onboard, naid. itlng www.haltoncrlmtsoppers.com or by Mctean, I thlnk hes, got the righî profile ta texting'IP2OU'wRh your message to CRIMES do a great job. W. "oo forward to working (274637). (bsaoem OaS. St sud 1~ 2t. Dnrlu aid.) la Il - il lu