townedenta I 905-876-1188 ww.hweno -.LCom M Ckitov -a 83 nDD Cold Som - WkitareMviey and bow do ttbAm? Coid some are causod by Mhe Herpe Simplex wuS, and can occur in agos ragrtg frm adolecen to the Weldety.ey romnain domant along nerve pathways wniU d"e are racwibd by some form of tiMMe, ofW en e rm of stres or UV lo~t such as the m- Thya C e0 c dd by an kig or tng sonssUon.This Is imne to teat themi Othotise tmw l ey vm wN vnuiycrW t du oheai over a 2 we* period and cai be %ur4uçhgly during that im. Troatmont tityconiteof atmrat topicai agents such as Ztwir and AbewhiNch are applled to the Imm onovy 2 hours kfro n Nh smpoms untit healng has occurred. 1 ham been using a lase to W eacoesu oarsoupl o wtar fti gtgs&c k etkis to lt us Mas mm as you foote b tngling or fithin, becauso that m when R is rnoe effectiv. The laser speeds fli healing proceemin can usually preven the lesion from cruetng. They also donft apear to reoccur at the tSum SPOL 6941 tDem Roed, Suite 203, Mlton 905-875-3345 e 1kw To Choos A Hearlg CUide En semdu a hmne cIlc yo.w dom ix or ew ucai'may refer ymu cor you amy chom ,a CJ.nic o. yow own ince une cfrl s ne.dod.ladecidimgcedie bent heuing chak cfor you. timr e ev- «a comidoeios E.Ammi..: Yau wiII likely be wmig svcMu visits. ta the clinue patficuawly if a hrig aid isa-lm dembrfore. a couaernen loca- tua. ia reended. FoUow-up appomemmts for iminor hcwing aid aiuljm .paurcha of uiu8 aid boarie.m aniai'uq and beiq aid chuanga ane typia. OMo M B oCes:leclai hâ id bc open oa niular busiswith an, ofF" *Wusa taff tthe#yrui canviuit weekly if ruoxe&d-Make ure th houaie choaule eopen wtt! b.coeuvenimi for yen. Saf Oe of the mmoitnuqMmm tcousiderations is the staff. Saff mma be icensed and qWified ta test and fit beafiag aids. An Auulogitmbave g hamt a wnveaity mtm egr ec in audi- ology and be icensed thmgh thei Collegc of Audiologists and SpmedI-Lan~guagePumlogiats ai Ontaio <CASIPO). Heanng .auiarnciM spe c *it c atifled doraugh a colle:. lcvel progran ad cma fh s ui .g ibut may or may flotb. a". oda di esm- me Fod à apricsùin awtorn yen neconfortable and confi- dent ouou som e impncIiaenid tistens tîey concemnaor requests yen mmy have. Seheiha . he shou"d carry a munber of différent typesand a" c of ning, . a n extensive eloctonof heanng aids availalle to accemowdaem mm budgets, lîfestyles. persaSW latesatnd endiLDul fuel ovetwbelrned by aH dieue decialooL An Unau~ ofn.ncW sbooumnf ,udrhi Q.Shoud l IInorpoatmy busines? A: P ioN. t WOSSform mw v h.based on Ia or on an-tax reasom .NS l-tarns may wickfraccessi Wnftd Iiabley or the possihihy t#w cetain oernpanues vviàlyi~ do business vwitt a cOqxoun.7iNs 's ry commori i9 you hiwnd 10 access the . U As a soie ppieux ym <xmico s repomtd on KW personal tas retwn. taxad on the basis cf grduatLad tax mi ps For corporatinm dreskboi (tarin the frit$500.000 ci actiiwebusiess Wbwis eu td abois 15.5% and elicess s taxed ai abixs 26.5%. il ïr yu retin the pm*5 in the corporation. thee sa ras dekn fera f tx 3091 % ifaCM ebusinss nrwne s urder$500KC "ndyou are personaly at the p muWd iiar»-a 0flte corporan ainuuly pays a*smm o f as cctxoraie afrer tax profits as salaiesAdnst%1h..' s no rmai tas bentf« of ricorpeating r nembrs rmy be more tati effective *ut oOtrwç. Tocoricrporale you need to detemwine a ramne for yats corporation and w4m ovwM b. the sharholdes NMIth"y b.e ertled 10 vong ightti? VWU ü" ypautic in t1he growth of the conwVor pullbe enoied 10 discetionauy dNxkncds? In aider 10 avoid adverse oxorne lmt unpatiom t he saricaof shafflhas 10 b. property irrnplrn&ntrd Traenff business assets and goouiiA t1 the corporawin wM trigWe tati on any uureiied aççrecitio. n. ko der to avod adverse tas kmpIc*ionsfIt s suggested tu haoe oui Lwy. prepai'. a purdme and sale aq.effent and you shoid tlrnly filIe prescrded C RA election tm #W twil eun the assit trander om HST anid from peusona tax on Sany potal maeahzed appecuatio You &me cWbw o u r mW naài * a#a, W .a wid a Our Askie Prflessionls advertorial section is growing. I11" Is an exclusive feature (or*y que adwcutlser per catefioný> To advertise, cati your Canadian Champion Sales rep resentative 905-878-2341 - 11084 AFifih Une, Milton Ph. 4 4-2 Fc R-4-1 - M Iar Stiu »aried Io sqmirone whç,hbas, rhildren [nuqn a previoma mairifg.. WomaId 1 b. financially responsible for lier chitdren if the. manriage dors not worli out? A When a pr,4n rarriet .omronc who bas chtcrtn im a relaîauns-hïp. that per..on cari becotet a %cep parent - R the childrero I rom a purrlv legial pcrpccuove ou ii. the actual rda&taunship that dev'clop% herwccîî the tel)îcpaJrc.î and the stcp children which wîil ultimarcly determinc how the la iw cw the .%tep parent'% right% and obligationi The t.aau..opwîill ticgramJýli onoln.t(CCI J tu01C gct i th children and the leïngth of the marriager 1hmre i,.in unstatcd - .ssumrption iliat the man i vtiluintartiv at cpouuîg the rght% and ohligatbi'isthât go atouig with hong .1 laitier to hCbi chittiren. Thc-w righis anud obligations, do not hoiwevcr replace the righo, and tohligarînoiv tifthe bîologcaI f.ohru but art on addimi to b mr Il a %tep pare-nt duvori e, the biologicit parent ti the- t hildo-en, thrcourt %& il examne lrtht relationship between the step parent a.nd the %tep c.hidreti Sc.) determanc what on-going rigits and .îbt.,auoons eso.u If the court determîsnes tltjo the omari hegasn pla% oog hr totlv ofl fatber to the chaîdren. the couri will im-pose paorival rigbis and obligaion% upon îth.uîman ThLN os reteored to As stepping lOto the shoc- of the parenh. or 1%1liis tlontulc-i. ~in loto parentïsAs wch the man mnay end up %% sh the sanie righu% and oblogation.% as the hiologit-al faihran sltof siupport and accebs. 1the relati)tLs-hip betweetî the man and the woiman*.t children may continue, creating both a chsilt msupport obligation andt dighi se spendti tme wth îhem. Any child support payable by a step-parent as not reduceti jusbecause addiuîonal support ts received or payable by anosher parent for the arne child. Both "Fathers" would pay full child support. w CIR O P RA CT M c l800OntarioSt. S. Chfropractlc and Pregnancy Greater Comfort and Safer Births How cati chlropractic help? The grawing amouit (of rcscarch is showing thai chiropractic care duning pregnancv is an essential choice duning prenatal carie. Proecxltimng unnticed nhalansxs in the s.pine hccomc tre%-sed durîng pregnancy. These pronounced discxurnforts make i dificuht to pcrforrn routine. d"IVyactivice. Chiropractie care îhîoughout pregnants can reliese andi esegiprewent the cuimxn iidscomnfuris exKencr,%Ced in pregnancy. 1)octors of Chiro>practie work specifically with your pelvis throughout pregnanc> resîonng a tlaie of balance andi creating an env iromrenu for an e-a'.er. quickef. salér delaserv. This baance i% createti h> usmng the WehsîIer Technique. which requires pos)t gr:duae training. andi helps to preo.ent dysiocia (a dillicuir labour). Also. %pecifie chiropractie adju-sîments reduce interférencvi b the rierve sysiem allowing your uterus bto unction ai il% maximnum potential. Chiropractic care i% shown Io reduce the necd flor pain moedication and compieaieti medical intervention%. An ounceJflI prevention is worth a po)unti of cure'& L« If y«. have My q.a..toas or wu ,t. w,am mS% ,pleas. vilit « an omb.At or COlU m et 905478-2333. I l'-4 -4 j 1! 4 I i G