U. 01 Cdme mapping w3II help kep a O 1o nfred li Knowedge is power. 1 Thatls part of the reasoning behind Haton Regional xPolices decision to Iaunch a mapping function that jý wilI allow residents to monitor criminal activity in a Sparticular rieghbourhood. according to Halton Po- Slice Chief Steve Tanner. Tanner made the comment at the recent launch of the furiction, which is available on the police web- site www.haltonpolice.ca. Police disputch data is stripped of personal infor- mation, including the exact address, and sent se- curely ta CrmeReports.com, which hasts the crime mapping software. The public can access the data through the Haton Regional Police Services web- Nite usider thie CrtîuwFile-s/Mappr>c iViui aioflbut- Ineton refiectedi on the map will be shown within 100 numbers of the address, ta protect indivîd ual's privacy. while stili being within the gênerai vucin- ity ta 91We people an accurate idea of crime in their neighbourhiood. The crime mapping data wull include police-dis- patched cails for property darmage. sexual assault, assault. robbery, break and enter, theft, umpaired drivng. homicide, attempted murder, offensive weapons, drug-felated offences. and varous traffic- reWaed offences such as irnpaired drlving, hit and run, and motor vehie Injuries and fatal ties. The idea behind the map s ta allow the public to undierstand crime t rends arnd ttus better help po- lice in poeventlng crime. Resients are often surprised ta leam a break-in had occurred on their street or that a particular neighbourhood had been vandalized. This is where the map cani help keep comnlunities informed. However, we do wonder if anyane in the eal es-F tate or the tourism industries wlll be equally as en- thraffledwtt this mapping device.A Crime can happen anywhere, and the more people realize that. and take precautions ta sateguardi Pai thernielves and theur property, the better. 1- m àm mtm.oe ctf Cknadln 55 industnial Dnie, Mon, Ont L9T 5El 90"-782341 * A*&kesg Fax- 90!>87f>2364 Ckam~ d:905.>875-3300 Ooettikbm 90"87".94 7 VP - Group Pubhsheer Rgi" ne G i Mme Dwactor cd AderftPn Ky à*m EdRor in auW orubom Dector Saut PM On rmSasm Uwb% ~bs cN Qumcm*- -L a offl aotmto-4« oo cd 0» .mum§m t* Éhe erlWKm4» io W a m -o i ilm wf-vg*m**nou o oforhW a. ~~~~l a. omew r was im - a. 'v u - d Ielp for hospital ýndrea CaeGM t PAlo itit optlFudation accepts a cheque for $2Z684 frm local sIn9ef/songwritef )on Abrams. The fuàrbds were raised from hs rent EP Rueas. arty, wîtf the hirst siçe 'Fr the Love of the Ga~ecufrntly avuifaNe on Ilwîes, Abrdnu also mde a donbation <o the Mtnor Hockey Foundation of Onro. L'ULua 1[;oaivAld'1iJL ~ A reporters bc oent on disconhinued penny The Canadian penny has joined the $2 bill in becomning a thing of the past. Wlîh the Royal Canadian Pint officially halting the circu- laton of the penny eariier thus wee4t. 1 couldn't help but feel nostalgîc about the lttie copper-coloured coin that had filled two piggy banks over the course af my child- hood. «Find a penny, psk t up and ail day long you'Il have good luck' wa-, the rhyrne 1 rernember instinctively Sayng ev- Julia Le erytime I pocketed the shîny crcular curfency after se REPORTER îng t glimmer on the street, Growing up, 1 rememnber going on specific quests in search of rhern around mny bouse. A successful day of digging throuh couch cushions would yield a couple of pennies that would then be traded at the corner store for some one-cent gummies. On good days Id lbave the corner store with a srnall brown paper bag ful af little Swedish berries. At eîght or nine years aId 1 also had the successful job of removing the white hair tram older famîly members heads. 1 tharged a penny for each white hair 1 picked from the top of each persons head, which was a successfufl l=~ - w-GALA __ dfAwards -te -k ý -i- .ý ý* auwe N 10 Oum mi À-e -kqihliw The Û*MML kum