lobIta 1s It il w.th hearlbreaking sadness that the family of David Thonm Newlove announce his sudden psngon Jnuary3th. 2013 et oh g f 23 in Creston. B.C. lies devastated parents Stephen and Kathefine Cwrran arm struggling te eccept the less of their precious son. Dave wal adored and !S alredy terri bly missd by sisters Kèyfa and Uta Crrn. Ne wli v. on in the tho#aghts MWd memro "jýndParents Rose Anna adFred Ilelsoni John iand Marg CVme and Aunts Tifelove anad Mary Pedverse, Traey Faulkner and oncles S*mne and Stuart Cutran and Andrew lleedrkk. Cousins Bryden Cutan, ilMmHnélchsand NoeliFaulkner wecalwasvety close te Daves hewtandhe in rmai intheiri flaves spirit touched colintIess ame lves. Ne wil brever b. loveul and missed. Nee. Friands will be received at On JiS. Jones a Son Funeral Hoe., 1582 Trafalgar Road. north cf Mapie Avenue, Georgetown. 905-877-3631 on Frtday froue 2-4 and 7-9 Pmn. Pitlcdconvnittal service imt b. hMW In the chapelon Saturday febuery 90% 2013 et 11-00 amrnh aemory contributions te thc Georgeto Food Batik would b. appmdeauLTo sendepresions of - atyvii fPassed aw y suddn y et Park' Avenue Manot in BurlangIon on luesdu% Febreaay S. 2013 *t the MgM of 85eafs. Toy Widol. := husband ofThea. Lavaq Ifather of Lileancd her ubn Johne Lcmwen and Diana and ber husbaed John Elsebroek. Sadly missed by b. Wcndcdre Arigela j(Mark Tucker). Chriltophcri Lauressen (Vlcky>. Mareus, Adame and his great gjranddaughtersI Survved by hi, brothers and lister; Hermart. John and Oîcny. I Predeceasd by s brothers; ed. friands ère invited te visit e Ui I MEEIsiE-KOCKEm FuNERALI NOW1 114 Main St. E. Milton 905478-M52 on Friday fror 2-4 Pme nid 7-9 pn. Thé fursral serice wi b. huMd in th uicfwi lhome chapel on Satwfdey. February 9. 2013 at 10:00 am. Interment te foilow at Evergr.en C«metery. As expressions of srrpatthy, nmorial donations te the Alzhlmers Soclcty wouid b. appredaftd. Ldes of condoiencé. shared storîes and memorial donations rnay be left for the famuly onlène atet w mckieuscocher.ca p flneWS.ca 1 Obituaries J1 à Obituaries fiU Mn SOM(Foeain) 1.11 01 Ge1gwn i ACMLwlum now aaay on Suraday January ». 013intw yweem W 01tlm sA Amd S>Iies 5M WU b»in ut O m mfiho m4W Z2e .1914 la fte M NEdU ,a <Mu) ancl WMiarForm. Dm rMoll i Pst Ewwson c ainoum Shem (ROgM)> ulim 01 IliHaa. »on <Dumena>Sylea of milan andl wIUB (Kare) Sylfa a1 Gtorplow. Aima, groafly musabel grard&Àdmran17 .at grndien. 4 gt-9"ma rmicl MmrsRoMmlndm na of'anla, L" M Oof Bnanread Daom Merdi etof Chmw bollieDon F«emof awç W W anl evral ràumCfl aidrphow . Pîudmceamuby SMMsirsE*m rWnýtEvetin Mm und May lenid brDihTm utb.COU ~Farem rnar ,a woerlui nersing carer working ini (NIendale iO<n m.lbigN aI. uR ai Afend" enaued in ber onour. 5he Prec1tmoge. rois. Mis. ytsva# a vondomr, dmr d t* w iM... MmIUGrenwod Caeiey, angNunon **M d FpÀmy Mat IM p. F by a Ciaêm ul uts ecehon n Go.gboui AIltael enée aia Èm auinadem..l ofie od*GMOMMIp n HoIw Mm 1be .*~ncdhIMM hï aswih adus tht w. aunnmrce thc pecc eu " sn of John et the Milton District Hospital on friday. February 1. 2013 in bis 9Sth year. John Coulson. beloved husband of Dorten- Lovînq father cf Susan Stroual (John), Davd (Pare).»Manj Aliison (0&#«) Denise Hut =nd Muray (LaenIeL AmeLucas(George) and Lisa Gilmour (Jcan-Guy>. Sadly «Bse by his 12 grandcdr.nmand 4 Voeit grcndchllde. UneeJohnny tu many nieces anal nephews. Predececsed by his brother, andl sisters. Ethel staele. McmGeorge, EaeL Mer% £Me and Maurie. Tha* No uhs car. staff et the Milton Disrict lHospital, Acclaim HeM ancd a specWa thank y"ouo lina. Farnily and friands are Invited tu visft et the MCKIt5iEKOCNEm FUNECAL1 HOMEl 114 Main $1. E. Miltoni 905-878-4452 on Tuesday, Februery' 124 2013 from, 12:00 pin to 2:00 pue. lh. funeral service mill fallow ini the funeral homne chapel at 2:00 pm. If deiired, memoriel donations te the Salvanon Army, Leevyllie Unitedl Chufch or Acclaîre Heeth would b. appreca ted. Letters of coridolence. shrdstories and memariai donations n"y b. left for the faenly cule at ww.rncersle4codirce !news.c AUGM ,b~ O~tudy) Passed 1aWy et Milton District Mospitatin 4s %th year on Moriday lFerur> 42013. Beoved husbandj f rgteand father of Harold,. Norman and his wife Stacey andl grcndfather ta Michael anal JDcriî.le. A lonigime residerit of IMilt on, Rudy wiII be faridly .remernbered by (riends and nei9hbours. Th@ family will recelve visitors at the J. SCOTT EARLY FUMiUtAi MNME. 21 James Street. Miton (905) 878-2669 on Friday .frm 2 -4 à 7-9 p.m. A graveside service will talce place on Saturday at 11:30 a.m. et Milton Evegreen Cernetery. Messags cf condolence may be Ieft online et www.earlyfunefalhome.com. A special thariks 's extendeal te Milton District Hospital and tb the C.C.A.C. for ter care. births, birthckys, onrnriveroritis & obituaries In Memoriams l ack Snow lune 9. 1945' - Fi'ph',rglIf1 1 There is a face we shia y A vore ue shah l ~ysfocal A mnoly Io tu rm oer (on@ ii cdur te us ai. Affl srenembereal Afirn. tlanya&W Jeff Uùmadta aid Thiomas DM ,aid Ln JohnPtrGre,, lI Loviag Memxwofu SWelbd a kay word for nch >fhe NIubVIby i Sain dy us otemeller Som edw musknw a wfm, li To ciasp ber hanal in iii beloland Formvr in Our hmu Low&auSr. T"r. Carb.0 Pla e Ja aD I0 i, (at2 90-3-40 or c aW ca 8 edha o.se r.e a cw c: lIn Memorsams la Iovkm emSora Mfredo "Fred" Bonin NS-. 16, 1927 -Feb. 11. 2012 Wr âgt oty >m mté £ouv oday. but " is uMuIh n e 3W hong$t ôfwym etrray and dffl bofor ta"imo 3Wtiuof 5Y" ain lne, and oOlu sph w>ur name 1W hoar r mor:r3 and a pt.,, on a f#cm. Yor memors a hvp saka.. " * écà Weil «Verr part C'id h lin usukiru - àkav Yom in aur heat Yaur kcw we Euiclict, lio, Lma" "lêd Remua. Une &M i kb-f, 1" a.d S"e. 8 Blrth Announemênt MarialTeffa Peila Ostehur9. 1913 - Jabn.y 8, M03 One Monoth as passed swuic fdSad day llImd one8 »v fnw s caay, Giod ook hef heme.l tis sW But i u m u hieshe lth stMt A.ny adey he narneis spoaen. AMd ry an hour she $ a ur w ugphts. A kg on Our fanru chm nasbroken. Shtw 0 goleOflIOur'home but mot from oui hmafs A mnus Mibe buidon February lk. 2013 - 5-W PN BishopRea&ç gHo iSchoal (Audiona a" Aaulul a"Nu.. ICFFUAN AMl& Anche.(ru.mo'*>e)id ç braDer Ria , .mnr IeD l uloam o t h of Lochian An gus .jr More and Judy £&a1e KAfa uts MMu (4 Nom) LiuaI&yson)> Uanl.Jason J& Angela, Lam & UzOienGroo0 Grandm'a Mtlie as mcl as may iovng rendsSpecî.il thank you Io Dr Nachcwn and to OR stâfl who ensureal Loclai ss* u.anrs. and tb ag th@ murSes for flw rexcelleil Cane 1