tSpoils IAt nigat. Miton Sprînger Alexftobson, 1il delivers ber dismount on the beom durlng the second provncial t qualifying meer. held re- 5 cently ai Milton Sports1 -Centre. 5h. was among Sthe hosr club standours htfor tfh. weekend, as teSpringers colected 19 mneduls overali, Iincling seven golds, Madisona Riley deliv- met Wokig second- pèce honouus overal in an especilly large 1 gymnosis> nlne-yeor-old Level 5 clam. Her besi efforts were reserved for the b.arm on wNhch she placed tiNrd. Robsori also eamed al-around silver, dolng soin the Level 6 ranki. (hanks (o a golden perfomiance .% nbeam. lmproving ber overail score by a fulI tbree points, Lexi Paika captured overail gold in a %mail inne-year-cld. Level 6 division. SIt did so onthe strengthofaà is-place frit ln ber floor rutm Aun - &A rthe duaM oveS Ji"daks 2-yen- aid Lev a 8copetitor Ketara *Jo.~-Tynll.who finihd bucen bath vau* nid bum. The third a&W f&Wiprovincial qudf ir~sldathrjt SFebruary23and 2 M ae Scrutn. c - -P"e caweflwa .âaWmlb ».Î4uwwmklon.con silnr for aedalie Gent sftUng seond in wodd fJlnd Travis Gerr#Wits lnpichope con- tinu utotasoir Thriving under tht new Olympîc forma: - wfth an extra round of jumps - striai skier Trovis Gents caprured Ns second Wortcf Cup sii ver inii retets Fiday nughe in Onu Volly.Ut. WIth bis Iorosttvlp to thepo- dium. the 21-year-old MW- tonian - sViio as sucong aspirations of reodtn the Rtmla - sIts eccnd ith* only or Chinfl No Zongyang. 'Tm on top of " t wrld.'saidajubi- lardGeneswacscooed 11 5M3wfth aofoK à^ U trpfle thir tiple bock 4) tritW Ifou-am super final mo<ire tho a point highe thon he dd for his funtoreer WodCup si»Lveanmnth fi nVol Saint-Corne, Quebec. 'Thon's nor much 1 caulut have done botter todw. aand te pet second place wtth whar I did was awesoniC Under th. ueww Oynpic format uer- ilts hone to perfomna foiur jumips in total(ontqualiicanion jupanpthon a round of 12, round of eighr and a super finalof fkm). As if thon wasnt dRlfait enough jumpers are not ai- lowed to ripes trick comdbton in any of rItefinal tiresrounids. Sa.iy*ang bhs wq Ihm dit second round - placig 11- - Genêts adt- mies tht nn tanin rok o mental Md physkcal touon hlm. rorn compentt on Snoev it was o conupletey differ ".str>'ml odtumiy super tire« remortwd Ger- rts, foftowng otMorte fin event where o poclure finish could hulp tarn eatlss on et rt>'nn*atmc to, the Olyipic resm et W boe sand*ng round for about fie hours. You Mus se omuch anti- wyto keep activtion lemvels whoe they-re suppsou to be rta youH be ueadyo junWwwhenyou haveît' - - %gFkL% 8er e- nmore encofl Wqvasthe t nyess execution Getdlwmerd oM ts quod twisting triple i the second las! roud.Il Wd5 d a .tkd ipvve- ment ovin rthe 1i-place frt>h. hart scored vash hNs qaMd*aa N o netks taulier anL* PlodutNew York - wheuu Ne on-rfu ad b dopdbockon rte larKig 1 footmU rm flnolty on tht rght ura&U"dGerrs. 5 AVAILALE REGWLAR LENGTN