mm.oeAm Mapfl B>' DavtdLua METROLANO WEST MEDIA GROUP Hilton reidlents wbo wanr tvo krow more about the cniminal acthiiy happening in their neigihouritoods cari now accessi du tirfor- mation thuough thvei.Hilon Regional Police Service website. #*lton polie unwfl e new Cime Map- ping fture vo titeir webste, which can be viewed at www.l onpolle.a/CrlntReFks/ Coi 1ÎpWWPri dfuItauw.durino a recent Halton police services board meeting. Thi freandLplsys a mmap c( l4Son and symbolsînicaià aspecific type ofcrm tha occurred (e4g Assetthi symbolimd by a If the user clicks on the s>yvibo they wél <e- con htmwkn about tht date. vine and wmaton te Xw*M" toke- **Tle piMic des w o wwhil s h ap pendwin rite commattisvsy # n" ihe puy tw"s iandi dms vite7uskW sald tMS ton Polie Chieo Steh Tnr . ail thtcrimesthat a-ehappening bnte Re- gmo f Hiton wtt otw dUris whether tit.y kv. ber. or m- travellingthrougth ie a&e7 -tanner sadite Create an abrUutpdaWeaud mgq cdlte site los sidmsml, voterecoiNee- ruS Serti vAcrievera crime ivepoted vo lb.We idmvh eMantts wli becmeImore aware of wthiai happe*qug rcad tfm M~ hope cdv~u wiâtet hs temto«na and become a litie more suspictous wtten thc are nobified of tNngj happeninbg and sffltvo k"olcfor suspiclos veNclas suspi- clous people i their !---tovu -o0band twIp us idlentfy te perpovuns Of tho add cdm t, lonIM& crimes more quicklymid Tanner. lTe criminal occurrences are updated auto- matkcally evcry 24-heurs av midnighv. lTe type of crimes that cari be listed on the. site include brelinq andi enterînq. homicide, robbery. theft. Iiefv cf vehicle, theft frorrive- bicte, sexual assault. assouit. property crime, drug offences andt raffic collisions irfwbkh injuries were caused Residents can also use ttu&Date Range option vo meec wlat crimes happened over te pust titret dan seven days, 14 day: or 30 dan: Nwnurous munidipalities already have titis kmndof Crime Mapplng frtureav""ab. 'Tanner nted It wns lmplemntedb irgston jwhen ite was chief of te Kington Poice De- patment 1 aw the succuscf ik ad the positive fred- Iback from te public in KirnptorC said Tan- F7or mev"sano buainer that weubhoutd bedo- wqdi Haiton Police Supeftntendenv Signy Pitmnên saiti anotiter excellent friture vo the site Is that iv idurectty connected vo Haiton Crime Stoppers. That mnans resmdents can click on an incident they have knowledgeof, click lte tip option andi senti an anonymous orS i p vo cd"neStoppera As te site itagely automnated te coits of lwephng k in place are low. Iv it ont>' con vite polIce service about $2.000pev yenr, accord- ing to Pttian. Residents carilsmo check back as far as six mondis vo set wiat crmes have taken place inaà partculuar ruof Hilton. Havig Mia mmorn: vo be an avtomateti neighbourhood witch syst.m should ofchu trumendous returri on teinvestvment nmade, sud Milton Police Board Chair Robert MaicKt 1245 Steeles Ave E, 905-875- 1700 ns. AUTO BODY < ROYAL ATLANTIC> UPC. .a- .JL. . Complete collision repair and refinishing services Check out our Loyoky Programi unir a ------------- 155 mpissing Rd, Milton (905) 878m2721 nomme lemm