Financial problems stem from grvwing renovaton costs: laquinto Ulyears to save. A handwritten note said to be from the Hatton They contac ted a lawyer who said its unhikely police fraud unit was also on' the dloor. ;ndicat- they'll ever se tïb. roney agaun. ing an investigation was underway. laquinto 'We are devastated, Dancey wrote in the ad. said he us being investigateci. thougli Haltori 'We have no way to ever get back the dream police could not be reached to confirm this. weddïng we worked so incredibly liard for»~ The property Is owried by Ezio and Adrian Ant- Orchard said they made a S2,000 payrnient ai gelucci. the end of December, a few weeks before the Ezio Angelucci said Thursday they agreed ta venue was shu.t dowrt. grve laquinto the fîrst five months rent free laquinto said he beoan to fali behind in his whert he took over last January. $ 21,000 monthly rent last )une. When he was unable ta pay the lent and utili- The problemns stemmed ftrm the growing tues after that, Angelucci sud they dferred renovation costs, whch he initially estirnated the rent with rte expectation theyd get fi ai about $350,000. back down the foad. *Every time 1 opened up a walI. it was in bad 'What toak nme 30 years to build h. screwed it shape, he said. »The electrical part of it vvas up un six mnonths,»' Angelucci said.The4 renova- dangerous and it wasn't insulated. The cost fions arerit even done and 1 need to pick up of renovattnq erideri up being triplerS. Il was the péeces* upward dose to $600,000 and f dîdn't ever, laquinto is al5o part owner of Atrium Ban- finish it al7 quet Centre in Burington. Re sa.d the venue He said he reached ou t o the Iandktrds for fi- 's honouring deposits fromn Haiton Nulis Place nancial help, but nothing camne of it. and they've saved between 6iv. and 10 wed- I toki them that they've seen the amnount of cinrgs. work in the renovations that woukf stay with Joanne Isabella, vice-president of Ote#a's the buiding th-at 1 cant pereonaIIy take,' Ne Banquet and Confrence Centre of OakviNe, said. said laquinto was a partner until the begin- A notice on the door of Haiton Nils Place, ning of January when h. was bought out. placeci there Jan. 14 by Naton Baiif Services, The buyout. she add.d, 'was sonwthing that said laquinto owed at least S73,000 in back was in the works well before thés mess a Pal- rent, plus ôadditional ren'per the contract. ton Nuils Place* BRAXTON 100% W mdhwm Avauabe in Burcjundy Leather O-rwý DEM fhdc sufflony scia Avaiuabue un L non Colouvr Oiy As Shown Bonus! Save the HST on ail Regular Priced & Custom Orders!' UWLMNWmr fOPBU 9M4 t@eoISk«l. VM" (M Mm - Sa t om- 4pm a- 181 (kULEUE..î cmmUI Ifl smToe1m *t Ray -4m0à g m rd MmIlli %y 4m 0 auAuwtluP ml f<Vaow Wb 9mÊog cog, 5UMW? M2I$5l7 t Ow  tw iWNikxudt OgJS441 6 1 lbe Q f mm Ew nti 9mesw~ rh. ns4165 4w'i 915i e! .~nw -47O119 . J$*$-~ x a êh 1~j1~~i5gU.14 1 Y 0 ý ?~' V*i~Î~ 1b'fA NOtM M 0 9r ~ I.. N Halton District Schmol Board Nil.. hvfMRuYm toi Ceradc 6&3Opm 5 100 Appbeby unme