HeIp HDSB Rnm ame Mif new dmfyshod The Halton Dis; ict School Boardcis asking the public wo help narre an elementîry school in Milton scheduled 10 open in September. The school is currently under construction at 625 Sauve Si. Namne Niqestmon forms and ballot boxes wulI be placed in neighbourhood schools and public librantes. The locations include: " Bruce Trail Public School 1199 Costîgon Rd.) * Hawthorne Public School (850 Bennett glvd.) - Toger Jeet Sîngh Public School (650 Vîtes - E.W. Foster Public School (320 Coxe Blvd.) - Sam Sherrîti Public School (649 haurler Ave.) " W.l. Dick Public School (351 llighside Dr.) " Milton lobuaries (Main Brmnch Mt 1010 Main St. E. and the Beuty Banch at 945 Fourth Uine) Entries mnay also be submitted ttwough the Hilton District School Bourd website at www. hdsb.ca. through fax at (905) 335-4447 or by muiling the Communications Depariment, Hilton District School Board.,lPO. Box 5005 STN LCD 1,. Burington, ON. L7R 32. Board trustees are expected to select the rne for the new sdtlumiaitabord meeting this sprng Canoer society seeks 'extrme'iolnteey Cîlling ail advenrure seekung race enthuui- asti. The Canaduan Cancer Society Haiton Unît i looking for volunteers tw form a new leader- ship cormnrttee for a five-kilomnetre extrerne obstacle and endurance event to be held thos ytr Volunreers must love and have experimed the thnill of an îthlettc obstacle challenge. as this new event is ail about survival of the fit- test - aHin ithie natw of a good cause. Nalton unit organizes sey tht .eal candi- dates shoud be Nghly organhzad motivated and creative individuaks that have a passim for the comrnunity and have knowledge of obstacle advenwure styled eenta. For miore informsation about the challenge, contact Kelly Mckaughmn aMefihe (90) 845-5231, ext 3133 or kmclaughiin@onario. cancer.ca. Join TERRA @0Home and local farmers ai the TERRA 0 Home Mo'eIiShop for local 1mFvus Mtm delicious baked goods and artiuan cot