15NU -rRS f P TrNO NST : do: anc Hatton's new CAO a familiar faoe ElyJulia Le CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Jane MacCaskilt is rnoviny on up in her carter. MacCaskill, who bhïi a number of differerit raies at Haton Region over the last 25 years, has been appointeti Haitons new Chief Administration Of- ficer (CAOÏ. Regional counicil unanii- mously endorsed the recommenda-1 tion made by a 5election commituee in_ yesterday in Council Chambers. u Regionai Chair Gary Carr once again thariled formner CAO Pat Moyie for bis work as weil as Dr. Bob Nosal, for filuing in tht raie while a new CAO was being selected. Ht anîd ather counicillors wet cometi MacCa- skill ia b er raie with a round of applause. 'Jane bas an impressive background and ex- pertise in Halton Region, said Carr. Her sound financiai and fiscal accountabmilty and strang leadership prove that Jane is the ititl candi date ta continue ta ketp Hatan a sirarig andi prosperous Region. Ht continueti, 'larn iooking forward to working with Jane in ber new capac- ity and know she wili do an excellent job ta ensure Halion remains a great place ta love, work. raïse a family andi retire» MacCaskiil, wha previously helti the position of Commissioner of Corporate Services andi Regional Treasurer for 12 years wil assume ber new responsibilities imrnediaiey. -1 arn pleaseci anci honoured ta 1* gîven thM opportunity, said MacCaski l l ook forward, ini this new raie to coritinuing ta work with Chair Carr and Regional Council and my colleagues ta deutie on their and the communitys priftkes for Hatton Regio - MacCaskifI bas also served as era Manager and Chief Financial Officur M for the Halton Housing Corporation cm over ber 25-year career at the Regiori. SheÈs a chartered accountant and a graduat of the University of Waterloo. 51w aiso earned an MBA from Queens University. Jiuba Le con lie reached atrnleoononadian- chaompion.com or on Twftter êluaMiltonAkw-&s FamUy skangpat in viIagg coming up The annual Campbettville Family Skate Party wîIl bbe ed Sunday. Feb. 17. I-Iosted by the 2' Carnpbelville Gui Guides. the event runs fram 5:30 ta 9 p.m. ai the Old CampbelhMtIe Bell Park on Càmpnl Avenue, Admisson is $2 per persan, or $5 per family. Chilciren four andi under are free. A snow sculpting competition MiU abco bu held. Hot drinks will be suppietta&IL I. l1 2aOO%* Where are you parking your RRSP contribution? wnTU lu8 Men S~ eluet 160 Main stvu.t South »05.4S3.9760 4011 DIXIE SAM OUN 427 1 DUNDAS SM8 Cree&ben Md i Maithean 1420 Kennedy oad 2Zm? UundM 5,:neqt aI CLOIIO SUNDAY I I90520&1550 416.751.0007 19go5.270.412I tý'- fleýed '-mf Ttrn to tik abouti ere ir- t hs yw'5* r t 'n "ik PptUrW R(,-rtt-oA>miaw 0iScot Fds dvs 295 Agiancu Rd LUn4 1E Lie.~ ý, ; ko , 1 1 IP lh IQ atal .... ~ ~Mmtofl. ON 19T 4WS fii'. r ýjl.i i' v ~TMl(647) 247-1245 'd' l", A Je.~' 49 ,. C {t * *f'.-'e" - À-r I te fty- tA- e "*.'f J ',' Nij- 1. é Bank GUELM 219 ÇIfVMMb Pkwy. North $19.823.1360