'glluC, In Pî flC H A' ) (0N LLr malsndmedia A M N ws ~wn, n~- rwaliMwQ t.1I DII uE fl VIy ne .CJL.CY auiJOw I ~-I i scrar frweddng fac--M ae FamUy Day fsiu fThe second annuel Family Day Winter Fest 1 - woather peymltting - wiil b. held M the Milon Foir Grounds Monda», Feb. 18. IThe fairground gates MiII open aI 9 min., vthademohitondeb ohNitte fentivtes at1 pm. The festival willMasc fea- fuie a mldway, petting zoo, pony rides and a pancake breakfast. Admission is $5 per persan, w'th chidren under six getting in for fret. moi -ifte PA*w -LM> Toronto Star Annia Hobden and Jason Bowos put dowuià depos« ta seawre tht e délng of toitf dreans a mnt affe r hy got engaged& lnowing the difFculty in genôngq a place for talc specia day. Kobden 22. and Bowes, 23, booked Kalton HeI Place Ian Aut Nov, t.e couple wos I dyl eu a bach the $4200Ü"hoy - ta event pionner Remia lquinto wbo ns ovictod ftrnithe Mil- ton venue lasmot for failng to puy over drocmonths cent As a resuit.sanie 50 couples are out towa sands of! dali Hoixien anid Bowe-s have been Wt cash- strapped lithe mootts lnding up te thour )wie 15 wedding. We touglhfthat sxo k <tHalton its Place) had been têtre forevr and that kt wasjust un- der new owneuut wouldsWUbaaprmeexpe- uiencC Hobdon said. Vts a limge chw* of oui weddng budget' Iaqno taid The Star h. bogan leasing the iUMn owesaid bis fianeket Anna Hobden.m- out $4200 'i payimwthy rnade taRemalaquonta ta' use the. n Closed Hafton Iilis Place (aI Wtft) fixther une15weddny receptio. (aiS QsTu wimtbm. h w venue Ian Jnuwy but renovation coits bal- loonod, forcing hlm imb arisison the cent. He soU h. piM o Nae for bmnlruptcy. 'I noer recelved anc pay chaque froni Ibi jobhe sokt'Althecmaneyl1put li is perA- ai ney. rw lo)st well avec a haif a milion dolare The pers"nimanoy lost doosn't inclde the deposiki le added, whèch are alsa gant, though'rvo boon wocking with ecanmud ev- eiy couple to try and save theur weddunigi An emailsont by laquinto Jan. 25 ta the cou- pies involved explaned Ns conipany closed d'e ~%wW -Ted HaSey W ld*huub-lbp - avec a landlord-tenanî dispute. Whilt Hobden mand Bases were Iucky te bock anothe venue for the date thlid selecttd, otiiers sont b. sefortunate. Weople are going ta have ta mmd dasht t bock' Hobden sald. 'People that have dates telt are soan are gaing ta have a tough tinmer Ont cf t.e couples affocted pasted an adl on Kijiji looking for donations of wedding- celaîed items. Darryl Oichard mand Sernanîha Dancey, stie have a young chuld, sanS :liey lest about $3.00, monty k îtook thent vLLII .11-w pO 1_11- 9L