P r t 1860-2013 - 153 Yea rs ol doi ng busi ness i n MilIton lite TownofMilton drawsLs stwrngthftm thtbuîinesses anti oesdents w/w liv. hte. Front the 1700s through 2013, Mihion continues la drain people Io the aiea. Attracteti by abundant insouis, a Positive communily almospheoe anti an ideal location, Miltoni continues Io exprience ongozng success and gmowth. Tht MWloR (anadian Citampion wuldui/eto honourthe indiMiuals w/w have vent uredM it business ownerhip anti continue to serve our communitv.1W appnriate the efforts of business ownen who sbîive Wo meet the neetis of the marketploce and /mnride our tonwuith the rwcrssary produeits anti knoiWle. Tht Business Jionour HoU paýys homage to thewçebusineslses that are thtfoundation ofthetboum- reating oportu nit les for rmplo'ment, ecunomic development, <datation anti cuit une. Ta/ce a monit ookg,*through f hs>e pages and congratulate the businesses for their gvod standing and longevity in mur commun :1v. C H A M t'I11 Servùsgthe Milton omwuity smurs1860 t 1?~~ i MeKersie-Kocher Funeral Home r s int 114 »l3L EL, M M.7SM2 fI L i Q rI TU 70UMWUStE.MIS SM7lil r> ç ~1 '/4 p??5 s pprty 'IO U25Ys Se*ig tenosmihcf m" ssci Ç a - - M? ',-9,'-«-9Ml-, ý ý . ý q-F«M" en Gex c er qr- - i 1 P.14 1 1 ri