,,GratefuI coach t.ook chance on her 20 111111beare te ranesail-time cr Ar i; tin and mi; a ut she showcd up, pae >blocks leader, callectîng eght against Far- strong, played aggress.ve and dcmanded the 'leigli Dickinson ta surpass l-Illy Osander bail inside. I rhink ttiat's what separated ber (262). Adding threc blocks la s; Wednesday a; froin belng someone who was jus; going ta gSt.Jolins, she naw has 318. cantribute, to naw bc.ng aur best playeC. fThese numbers arc even more natcworthy The NCAA standaur s quick ta redîrect some jwhen anecocnsaders tha; Alexander didn't ai tha; praise back ta Hlîsmnan and lier tcamn- I en star; playing basketbalt until she was in mates, whose fai - she stressed - bas Grade 7. pravidcd thecocnfidence ta take ber gaine ta Dagdout ta a team tryout by a frîcrod, she thc next level. made the cul primarîly because of ber size. A twa-time AII-Big East selection and pre-sea- 5 Ibe coach said 'l con'; teacli helght, but I son Ai-Canicr ence honaurce, Alexander bas Ecan teacli skill.llve alwoys been grateful tha; been namced thc 8.9 East Player af the Week S ti gave mie dut chance. I gueus 1 wîsli dia; twicc this season, and neited a carcer-high Smy parents had gouten me ia basketball 34 points an December 4 to single-handcdly 2soorier, but they've always sald that tbcy onscare Wagncr in a 66-28 blowaut. Sdidn't want ta push us ino sports. I jus; wisti But indrvdual accolades ccntainly arco'; the q l'd stanted carlier so Id b. furtber ahead now, ifacus - not with a lengthy post-season mun Sbecause I stiNl have a long way ta go (on my jwî;hin syracuses reacti. o verall dewliopmcntY » I know l'e said this cvcry ycar, but I reaffly Addinq speed ta ber natural ablffty and han- bel eve this is the bet; eam we've liai. We've ong ber pernetei skiffs over the pas; three qat a lot af raakâes wbo've camne in tire and years, sald Syracuse head coachi Quintin cantbu;ed ancd wcvc go; saine strong Hilisman, bas made Alexander a campicte veterans as wcil. I say we bave a very good player. chance in thc playaffs. «Mdway througli ber sophamare season, 'After that... Id lave ta play ps'afess.onaly. whcn she was pretty mucli aur anly pas; Theres nothinq better tit;ta get pald ta pldyrt fimsid, when skihe hsd that Ioad on ber' play a spart you lave. Cod wlling, Uiat'l hap- shoulders, we knew site was gongta be a peet'* special talent fram that point as< Hilsman Steve Leelonc con be reached or sfrb#oncmi- told ;the Champion earllcr thos manth. »Prflty tanconodîanchompion.com or on Tw#tr inucti ail the interior scorinq feil an ber. and MitonOnSporrs. 'Minor atams xleded y OakviIe ItannngkNoa btaolnggoohe 8and<tvf etscof id s goshdinotendm unable ta tutd on an .aly le@&Md, Uns ' pedod - on ça indMttaldki - uht. nîhw1 animuSmd tu*k fou of teS.Na.Scia stud a% toion. d-th 4 plhytEs Saetday - ft.Mg -1 mnvpm- dwuuglt rd *MWlfiatwoemsbo - oewkm*nflawà- Sm final mw$wdngain. agakm u OvdlbefluruuaSws C*on a unnngiii - set for Febvuaoe 7 - plus a t.flhg d oae63-1 -l crthUtpawê b uag UMd gmnfoea t a ten À us .ft»mat~5oWCas OM*IA qarwfinS ufid s aid UNS DuOadded a In te flic psod SSwi.â I haut Om s ScaCsuba duy -moA oa mit b a545 b ~llgS1dfuhvstM neonktdet du pêstkgS.cdrbwdyug Vteoendsplltfor Jr. A Icewék Big speclal-tuuins play and an impressiv pet- formance by cali-up g- B enjainStacker pravided pst the nght formula for tht te- Hawks Fflday. On a nigh; when ;hey were beav*ty out-iDiot by visiting Toronto. Blacter served as the. equat- Or - ;urninq back four dazen iDiots in a 4-3 overtinie vktory. ibis snapped a seven-game los.ng slud for the lcelawlcs and ~ht a litde ligin on fading playoff liopes. Miton kmflle 10 of il penalties and scored three urnes on the powerplay. Two Motagse goals came froin evening «tandout Stane Bennen, wha scored a woud-e ga in mr wltfi 4: 10 remalnlng and struc again 1:29 lmn sudden d*th Austin %osack was anather bngh;t spot on the. n4w. tcantribufln a goalandi twa assitb. i lb. ettelawks made a strg bWd for a week- end sweep the folowing nigh before beông Spkjd 3-2 in Toront. Janathan Buwa put Mukn abcad laie in thc hm tperiot. ie o"a*ni f te baofaithe ntwsMichael Capiotta j Pche mode 31 sove in the nrraw Iom, qmiich drappedt th teftawks ta 14-32. Georgetown Slopitch Invileas you to play bail. An informnation meeting for new teams, players and umpires wiIl be held on Thursday, Feb. 21 st at 7:00 pm at the McGibbon Motel. Leagnus mtment tees of $400 are due by Mardi 6tfr 2013. ceoî town Soi~tch League GSL is apon ta mon and womon 19 or ame. Plesse Mit aur webett V~. 801. %vwawmkp*:.Oem for mofe informatio. Sponsors welcamed. Spaoe 's Iimited so act naw! Ut en£afwrMeW MwasMWisdn à"yaai.ia&u G eoretown League The O.ogotown SIo-Ptch Laga Bin ooklng for UMIPIRES for the 2013 Son. Nao xporience noessary League wM pravide training. Those nterested are welcome to attend aur information meeting on Thursciay. February 21lst at 7 pm at the McGibbon or contact: umplroes@goagtowsloptch.co