51 | Thursday, June 4, 2015 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insidehalton.com Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 MEN'S RUNNERS, Reebok, with air insoles, Size 8, $50. 905-730-4230 MEN'S SAFETY shoes size 10.5, brand new, $40 905-829-4436 MEN'S SAFETY shoes size 11, brand new, $40 905-829-4436 NEW CEMENT steps, 24x24x7", reinforced rods, $28, 905-842-0029 NEW COVERALLS, 50, tan, best Canadian brand. $40. 905-842-0029 NEW SUNBEAM gold toaster adjustable slots $5 obo 905-689-28 OAK HARVEST table, 26x48, ideal for desk or kitchen table, $85. 905-849-7661 PARTY LITE brown iron Candle/flower/plant stand-large glass vase insert $40. 289-442-1891 PATIO CHAIR set, white plastic, high-back, sturdy, $30. 905-730-4230 Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Free Articles WASHER AND Dryer both in working condition. Free. 905-690-8909 4 APHGANS, $25, call COMPUTER MONITOR: 905-634-3572 for details HPW2207, wide screen LCD, Max. Res., stand 42" ROUND solid wood incl., exc. condition. $65, table & 4 chairs, light 905-632-8569 Oak colored, $80. COMPUTER MONITOR: 905-689-2532 LG L1780U, 17-inch, bracket ACTIFRY DEEP fryer, wall-mounted uses just 1 tbs of oil, incl., exc. condition. $50, new, $95, 905-827-4872 905-632-8569 HUTCH. ANTIQUE FIGURINE, $2 CORNER Upper window doors, 905-689-2804 wood shelves, 1 drawer, bottom doors. ARM CHAIR, folding, red 2 $100 and yellow stripes with a 32Wx71.5H, sling, $25. 905-689-7111 (905)845-8006 DEEP GLASS dinner BBQ COLEMAN natural plate, nice pattern misafe, $2, gas 3 burner and side crowave burner. Used only 6 905-689-2804 times. Moving, must go. LIGHT, $100. Campbellville. DININGROOM $25. (905)829-4436 905-203-0370 DOLL BUGGY, blue GenBEE KEEPING plastic dron, good cond, older helmet and 7" smoker, style, $40, $25. 905-659-1937 905-827-4872 BIKE TREK MT200 Girls ENTERTAINMENT UNIT, Bike Purple, exc. condi- light wood, 75x19x34", tion. $90 (originally new cond, $75, $200), 905-632-8569 905-336-2610 BLACK & Decker work- ESTEE LAUDER Gift box, mate 300, $25, 6 travel sized perfumes 905-842-3507 Pleasures, Beautiful, Youth Dew, White Linen, BLACK IRON bed frame, Dazzling and Gold, $60. scroll like design- 647-477-9530 head/foot of frame, double, $100. 289-442-1891 EVA AMOUR 4 piece gift set - Eau de Perfume, COLLECTOR PLATE, Shower Gel, Roller Ball smooth haired dachs- & Eau de Perfume hund, Tove Svendsen. Spray, $45. $30. 905-304-1430 647-477-9530 EXTENSION CORD for HALL WAY bench, white electric lawn mover, $10 steel decorative frame, obo, 905-689-2804 custom floral padded seat, 44"Lx16"Wx18"H, FIREPLACE GATE, great only $60, 905-319-7383 condition, $25. HAMILTON BEACH juicer (905)829-4436 extractor, $25. FOAM MATTRESS, dou- 905-845-8006 ble size, 5" thick. Brand new! $90. 905-681-9496 HDTV ANTENNA, can get about 30 free chanGARDEN FURNITURE, nels. $40. 905-339-2717 next to new table and 4 chairs, $50, IKEA PINE desk and chair, 30x24, excellent 905-335-2064 condition, $60. GARDEN MINI Spread- 905-849-7661 er,Spade, post hole digger, $15, LAWN MOWER, push type, excellent condition 905-689-2804 $40. 905-849-7661 GATES, TWO, chain link PUSH and 4 part rolls of fenc- LAWNMOWER, ing $100 obo, type, exc. cond. $40. 905-849-7661 905-849-7661 GATES, TWO, chain link and 4 part rolls of fencing $100 obo, 905-849-7661 LIGHT SPHERE globe, indoor, outdoor, never used, brilliant 200 lights, 15" diameter, only $50, 905-319-7383 GIRLS BICYCLE, Trek LADIES, MT 200, purple, Excel- LUGGAGE, lent condition. $90. Samsonite, teal blue, two pieces, 26x20 and 905-632-8569. 23x17 $95, GOLF BAG, burgundy, 905-849-7661 never used, #70, only LUGGAGE, LADIES $25, 905-577-3332 Samsonite, teal blue, GOLF CLUBS RH com- two pieces, 26x20 and plete set woods and 23x17 $95, irons $50, incl bag, 905-849-7661 905-315-9636 MASTERCRAFT AIR GOOD QUALITY 9 Bad- Compressor, 4 gallon, minton Racquets with 1.5 HP, 135 PSI, New, feathers for all $9 obo never used, $75. 905-689-2804 905-335-6445. PATIO SET, 7 pieces, 5 chairs, glass table & um- SHOP COAT size 42, brella, $95, Tan, slightly used, clean, pressed, no tears, $20, 905-527-0569 905-842-0029 SEWING MACHINE, Singer, with cover, $80. SKIL CIRCULAR saw, 7 (905)845-8006 1/4", $25, 905-842-3507 SMALL WHITE Kenmore dish washer $25, 905-334-1276 PATIO TABLE - good WOODEN TABLE, 3.5', quality, plastic, sturdy, $75, 905-659-1937, white, $100. must pick up DININGROOM SUITE, 905-730-4230 formal maple set, 2 Articles for Sale RARE ANTIQUE Philco leafs, a 2 pedestal table, tube floor radio, profes8 chairs, (fits 10 comsionally converted to fortably) hutch, buffet, bar, needs tubes, $90 **A1 MATTRESS FAC- large marble sideboard, obo, 905-632-3954. Call TORY DIRECT, delivery $1500. available. All sizes 905-990-1747 ROLL-A-WAY BED, ex- including custom split tremely comfortable, boxsprings, Orthopedic slightly used, steel frame & wheels, only $100, 20 year sets starting $240. 30 year tight-top 905-319-7383 sets starting $340. GORGEOUS ANTIQUE SAMSUNG CENTRE Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop chinese breakfront cabi& `Crown' series, channel, subwoofer, (5 sets from net. 64" wide x 18" deep disc CD changer/stereo Eurotop x 84" high. Solid walnut. as is) $60. $390. New Waterbeds, $1200. 905-466-8605 Futons, end-of-line/ 289-442-1891 discontinued items LUMBER SALE. Farm SECTIONAL SOFA set available. fence boards. 2"x6"x16" with pullout bed, 2 years 905-847-2020 120 pcs. 2"x8"x16' old, mint condition, light 905-681-9496, spruce boards, 30 pcs. green. Must pick up, 905-563-6903. 2"x10"x14' spruce boards, Brampton area. 68 pcs. 2"x10"x10" 905-874-1877 spruce boards, 12 pcs. 4"x4"x10' pt posts, apSHIRTS, MEN'S, 4 proximately 50 pcs. brand new, medium, 2"x4"x16' pt. 16 pcs. from Nevada and 8"x8"x16' pt 4 pcs. All in George, tags still on, condition. BEST CARPETING Deals! good $15. 905-632-0970 25 yards Pad/ Install 905-336-1146. SHIRTS, MEN'S, (5) 1 $385. All types/ Colours. new shirt, rest barely Repairs, re-stretching, SINGLE, ELECTRIC, adused, all medium sized, cleaning. Call Dena or justable bed, complete very good cond. $75. Paul at 905-849-4847. with mattress, $200 obo. 905-632-0970 Call 905-878-9250 We won't be undersold! SOLID OAK circular kitchen table, 42" diameter with 12" insert to form 42"x54" and 4 spindle back oak chairs. Excellent condition. AskSINGLE BED suite, ing $450. Call dresser with mirror, end 905-878-1578 table, desk and chair. 2 patio tables, each with 4 chairs and umbrellas. Appliances Coffee table, sofa table, end table, marble and glass. All in excellent KENMORE STOVE, doucondition. 905-689-5813 ble oven, electric, white, good condition, glass top, 5 burners, $400. STEEL BUILDINGS/ Met- Call 905-336-0216 al buildings up to 60% off! 30x40, 40x60, WASHER, KENMORE, 50x80, 60x100, 80x100 white, heavy duty, elecsell for balance owed. tric, good working conCall: 1-800-457-2206 www. dition, $200. Call crownsteelbuildings.ca 905-847-6447 Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards) I have several 1000 yds. Of new Stainmaster and 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. CARPET Furniture MOVING SALE: bedroom set, dining set (8 chairs), sectional sofa, coffee table with pull-out ottomans (4), bar stools (4), etc. Call 905-878-0262 or 416-827-2970 (Milton) Steve 905-633-8192 Place your FREE ADS in your local newspaper For household articles for sale priced at $100 or less SOFA & chair, 7.5' sofa with matching chair, $100, 905-659-1937, must pick up SOLID GRAVITY Chair stripe green colour cotton, $5, 905-689-2804 Or just ll out this coupon and: Dr. Classifieds,5046 5040Mainway Mainway Mail : Classifieds, Unit Burlington Unit 2, #1, Burlington ON 5Z1 ON L7L L7L 7G5 Attn: Free Ads Or: Place by phone at 905-632-4440 for only $5.00 + HST Includes a free graphic. SOUTHWESTERN table, 905-659-1937, pick up SOUTHWESTERN ROR, 905-659-1937, pick up HALL $75, must MIR$75, must CENTRE SALE garage saLe GARAGE List your with us and cLose the door on your Fax : 905-632-8165 STAMP ALBUM, USA, good cond, a few hundred stamps, $30, 905-336-2610 STAMP ALBUMS, Canada, hundreds, mint/used, 1870-1999, $100, 905-336-2610 STATIONARY COMMODE with back arm rest . $20 obo, 905-689-2804 SUADE SUITCASE, brand new, 28", $30. (905)829-4436 TREADMILL folding type with power incline, works well. $100. Campbellville. 905-203-0370 WHITE, 5 drawer chest, 44x16", $25, 905-842-3507 WHITE FRIGIDAIRE Fridge, good cond, $100, 905-334-1276 WHITE KENMORE Stove, $50, 905-334-1276 WHITE ROYAL Doulton China, Profile pattern N5176 never used, 5 piece place setting, $60. 905-827-4020 WOMEN'S DEPENDS briefs pull-ups sizes l-xl. Max protection. $100. 289-698-3038 · Private Party Only · Maximum 15 words per ad; one item per ad · Community newspapers run 1 week; Daily newspapers run 3 days · Plants, pets, tickets and firewood excluded from offer · Ads publish at first available opportunity; publication dates are not guaranteed · Must be 18+ to place an ad · Metroland Media reserves the right to edit or refuse any submission unwanted items! an ad in our garage saLe Listing is an easy and inexpensive way to reach thousands of readers a day. your ad aLso appears onLine at yourcLassifieds.ca you'LL attract more buyers because they know we have the most compLete Listing in the area's garage saLes. SUBMITTED TO APPEAR IN MY LOCAL NEWSPAPER: _______________________ AD COPY $ - - PRICE PHONE NO. (NAME OF NEWSPAPER) Call one of our helpful Classified Consultants for your GaraGe sale paCkaGe option details. NAME________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________ CITY____________________ POSTAL CODE____________________ HOME # ______________________________ (this number must appear in ad) R0013240554 905-527-5555 or 1-800-263-6480 Or email it to classified@metrolandwest.com To place your ad by phone call PLEASE PRINT. R0013264696