T H E B R O N T E W H I T E O A K L E G A C Y 15 | Thursday, June 4, 2015 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com oakville's NEW DISCOUNT STORE BRaND NaMes aT loW PRiCes! CHECK OUT THESE BIG DEALS! PATIO SEAT AND TABLE WITH CUSHIONS | photo by Graham Paine Oakville Beaver (Follow on Twitter @halton_photog or facebook.com/HaltonPhotog) Pictured above, Town of Oakville forestry workers planted 60 saplings grown from the historic Bronte White Oak tree that stands in front of the Halton Regional Centre on Bronte Road. The planting took place in Iroquois Shoreline Woods Park, in a section of the park that recently had a controlled burn to help with re-forestation. Town of Oakville forestry summer student employees Colin Song, left, and Stephanie Over check the condition of the leaves of these saplings as they unload them, ready for planting. Below, Town forester John McNeil shows an acorn from the heritage oak in front of the tree itself on Bronte Road. $ compare at 299 $ 99 450 GARDEN SHED $ | photo by Eric Riehl Oakville Beaver (Follow on Twitter @halton_photog or facebook.com/HaltonPhotog) Sale Priced 688 88 BIG-DEAL.ca 5111 New StreetStreet Appleby Vi 520 Kerr Oh Let the Sunshine In.... Prune your trees! Read our story this month on the Oakville Humane Society Burlington Oakville 519-333-DEAL (3325) 905.842.0221 Like us on Facebook.com/Big Deal Oakville BIG-DE Check for our daily updates. 905-491-6860 · f a s h i o n · e l e c t ro n i c s · h o m e d e c o r · t o y s & g a m e s · h e a l t h & b e a u t y · h o u s e w a re s · b e d d i n g & l i n e n s · household supplies · seasonal · luggage & bags