The Enterprise, ouipomc, Nov. 20th, i9ob NOMINATION NOTICE Notice is hereto given that pursuant to By-law No. 112, a Meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Township of Haldimand will be held in the Town Hall, Grafton on, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21st. 1958, 1 to 2 ' o'clock, Standard time for the purpose of nominat ing candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors for the said Township to serve for the year 1959; and Can iidates for the office of School Trustee for the Haldimand North and the Haldimand South School Areas to serve for the year 1959, and 1960, and if more than the necessary number of candidates to fill the said offices are proposed and seconded, and a poll required, such poll shall be opened on Monday, December 1st, 1958, at 10 "o'clock in the morning and remain open until 6 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day in each polling subdivision of the said township at the places set forth in the schedule hereunto annexed to determine the said election. LIST OF POLLING PLACES Polling Sub-Division No. 1-- Comprising Lots 1 to .7, inclusive, Concession C. B. A. and 1; and Lots 1 to 3 inclusive, Conces sion 2, Polling Place at or near residence of Mrs. Mary Cherry, Lot 2, Concession B Polling Sub-Division No. 2-- Comprising Lots 8 to 10 inclusive, Concession C, and Lots 8 to 16 inclusive, Concessions B. A. and 1. Polling Place at or near residence of H.. Rusaw, Lot 13, Concession A. Polling Sub-Division No. 3-- Comprising Lots 17 to 25, inclusive, Concessions B, A, 1 and 3; and Lots 17 to 23, inclusive, Concession 3. Polling Place at or near the iTownship Hall Grafton, Polling Sub-Division No. 4-- Comprising Lots 26 and 27, Concession B, Lots 26 to 35, inclusive, Concessions A, 1 and 2. Polling Place at or near Wilson's Machine Shop, Lot 31, Concession 1. Polling Sub-Division No. 5-- Comprising L°ts 4 to 16, inclusive, Concession 2, Lots 1 to 16, inclusive, Concession 3, and Lots 1 to 13, inclusive, Concessions I and 5. Polling Place at oi near residence of A. E. Roffey Lot 11, Concession 0. Polling Sub-Division No. 6-- Comprising Lets 14 to 22, •elusive, Concessions 4 and 5 and Lots 11 to 22, inclusive, Concessions 6 and 7. Polling Place at or near United Church Hall, Lot 18 Concession 5. Polling Sub-Division No. 7-- Comprising Lots 24 to 35, elusive, Concessions 3 and Lots 23 to 35, inclusive, Concessions 4> 5 and 6. Polling Place at or n< residence of George Stephen, Lot 29, Concession 4. Polling Sub-Division No. 8-- Comprising Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, Concessions 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Polling Place at or near Parish Hall, Lot 5, Concession 9. Polling Sub-Division No. 9-- Comprising Lots 11 to 22, inclusive, Concessions, 8, 9 and 10. Polling Place at or near Com-munitv Hall, Lot 21, Concession 9. Polling Sub-Divison No. 10-- Comprising Lots 23 to 35, in-elusive, Concessions 7, 8, 9 and 10. Polling Place at or near the residence of Stuart Greer, Lot 27. Concession 9. MACKENZIE RUTHERFORD Clerk and Treasurer Grafton. October 30th, 1958 GOD SAVE THE QUEEN COUNCIL MAY DOUBLE BOUNTY ON FOXES Cobourg--The final meeting of the United Counties for 1958 will be held at the United Counties building, Cobourg, Nov. 25 to 27th. Among items to be discussed on the agenda will be the problem of rabid animals which are on the increase in the United Counties. It is probable the mem bers will be asked' to sanction a $2 grant to be added to the prov incial grant of $2 for every fox killed. One of the final acts of the council members will be to elect a warden for 1959 to fill the vacancy of the retiring warden, Ray Bothwell, Fraserville. The annual Warden's Banquet will be held at the Cobourg Pav-ilion at 6.30 p.m., Nov. 27th. ELECTION NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Village ot Colborne wil be held in the Town Hall, Colborne on FRIDAY,NOVEMBER 21st 1958, at 7.30 p.m. for the purpose of nominatingcan-didates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors for the said Village to ser^e for the year 1959 and candidates to serve as Public School Trustees for the years 1959 and 1960 and a candidate to serve as Public Utilities Commissioner for the years 1959 & I960 and that if more than the necessary number of candidates to fill the said offices are proposed and seconded, a poll demanded, such poll shall be opened on MONDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1958 t nine-thirty o'clock in the forenoon and will remain open until six-thirty o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, in each Polling Sub-P'vision In the said Village, at the places sot forth in the Schedule hereunto annexed, to determine the said election: Schedule Polling Sub-Divisions and Places for holding election: o. 1--Comprising all that portion of said Village lying West of Elgin and North of King Streets, at or near the Town Hall. No. 2--Comprising all that part of the said Village lying West of Elgin Street and South of and including King Street, at or near the Town Hall No. S--Comprising all that portion ot said Village lying East of Elgin or near the residence of Mrs. Lillian Scott, King Street Eas-t Of which all parsons are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly LEONARD GORDON, Village Clerk. Colborne, November 6th, 1958. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Farm Service Dea d, Old and Crippled FARM STOCK Removed Free of Charge. 24-HOUR SERVICE Phone Collect Cobourg FR-2-3721 or Head Office Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI BOWLING SCORES Tuesdav, November 11,1958 7 to 9 P.M. Teams Hull a Hoops..................... 80 Points Happy Six........................... 30 Points Hotshots.............................. 29 Points Old Timers .......„_............ 24 Point* Pill Pushers........................ 23 Points Cunningham....................... 11 Points Ladies HighSingle.C. Scrogg......„.................. 281 High Triple, C. Scrogg........................ 706 HigbAverage. J.Ryan ..................... 197 Men High Single, N. Black ........................ 262 High Triple, P. Dore ..........................710 High Average, P, Dore ..................... 203 9 to 11 p.m. McBonald .................................. 32 Campbell .......................................... 28 Lee...................................................... 27 Philp............................................... 26 Honey............................................... 20 Commack........................................ 14 T.adies' High Single, F. Lee......................... 291 High Triple G Harvey....................... 731 High Average , F. McDonald......... 194 Men High Single.. T. McDonald......... 302 High Triple, T. McDonald......... 786 High A verge, H. Willard............... 213 A. D. HALL NOTARY PUBLIC BARRISTER, SOLICITOR 'borne :-• Oitarf CASTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Nick Carter and Jane of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Carter's mother, Mrs. C. Quinn. Mr. and Mrs. R. Moffat of Trenton and Mr. and Mrs. G. Warner and Brad visited Mrs. F. Warner on Sunday. Miss Nina Andrus of Peterboro is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bush. Mr. M. McCrimmon, Mr. O. Inglis, Mr. C. Inglis, Mr. Lloyd Inglis and Mr. A. Wolfraim visit ed Mr. Alex Clark in Weston Hospital on Wednesday. The W.I. held a very successful Smorgasbord supper on Saturday night in the town hall. A bazaar table also had a lot of customers. Over 80 enjoyed the bountiful meal and a friendly time was spent. NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Municipal Electors of theTownship of Cramahe will be held in the Town HaU. Castleton, on Friday, November 21st . 1958, at one Oclock Standard Time,for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councillors and School Trustees in theSchool Areas called Cramahe North and Cramahe South, for the said Township to serve for the year Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-nine, and that if the necessary number of candidates to fUl the said offices are proposed and seconder, and a Poll demanded suoh Poll shall be opened on Monday December 1st, 1958 at the hour of 10 o' clock in the forenoon and remain open until Six o'clock id the afternoon of * he same day, in each Polling Sub-Division in the said Township it too places set forth in the schedule hereunto annexed to determine 'aid election SCHEDULE Polling sub-divisions and pi; for holding Elections': No. 1--Comprising lots from 27 to 85 tooth inclusive in the Broken Front, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th concessions at or near Fred Heagle's resi No. 2--Comprising lots from 11 to 26, both inclusive, in the Broken Front, 1st, 2nd and south half of 3rd concession at or near the Hall, Salem No. 3--Comprising lots from 11 to 26, both inclusive in the north half of 3rd concessions and 4th, 5th and 6th concessions at or near Eden Church Hall, Dundonald. No. 4--Comprising lots from 11 to 26. both inclusive in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th concessions at or near the residence of Douglas Turney, Morganston. No. 5--Comprising lots from 27 to 35, both inclusive in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th concessions, and lots 26 to 85 both inclusive in the 6th concession at or near Town Hall, Castleton G. R. BEAVIS, Township Clem. Castleton. October 30th, 1958. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN QUEEN b HOTEL COLBORNF COMFORTABLE ROOMS EXCELLENT MEALS ^V»« Class Accommodation* At TAXI SERVICE 24 Hour Service All Calls given prompt ana effic-ent Attention. B. A. IRI3H Phone 165 Colborne, Ont. BUSH SCHOOL Mrs. Harry Jones and Yvonne visited her sister Mrs. Vigus in Toronto recently. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goodrich and Muriel visited Mr. Fred Goodrich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Philp of Alorganston visited Mr. and Mrs Alan Jones Saturday evening. Air. and Mrs. Harry Jones spent Saturday near Kingston. Air. and Mrs Bob Barlow have completed their new building and now have 15,000 little chickens. Air. and Mrs. Lyle Jones and children were Sunday night supper guests of Mr. and Airs. Clare Jones and Mr. Ralph Jones was a Saturday supper guest. , Washing Machine Repairs SERVICE TO ANY MAKE A. Full Line of Beatty Products WM. GORDON SMITH Phone 169 -- Colborne For Farms and Town Properties consult GEORGE WILLIAM COVERT Real Estate Br«k«r Division St. Colhorac Phone 235 Farm Properties a Specialty W. J. Covert, Salesman for Castleton Area. Phone 38-r-o Nulty s Photographic Studio Rolls Developed with 8 Prints 55c. Mail Orders Postage paid by us Picture Framing Camera Supplies 29 Front St., Trenton Ontf Phone 6383 W. S. BELL, Jeweller and Watch Repairer Watches.and Clocks Repaired Work Guaranteed Roofing and Renair Jobs REASONABLE RATES WM. H AMIV! OIS o Phone 335 Colborne r Some people have a flair for giving. They have a talent and taste for choosing the most exciting Christmas presents. They give the good things that make living more pleasurable.-Many of these people will give modern electric appliances this Christmas--and they'll insist on having them ready for use on Christmas day, because they know these app^ances will make Christmas (and every day for that matter) a new and exciting experience. So; this year, do a little hinting. Just say you'd like something wonderful for the household--something the whole family can enjoy. And don't be surprised if you ?et a superb, modern automatic electric appliance to help you "live better electrically'--the safe, clean, modern way. lONTARIOlkf^J HYDRO! ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH ... COSTS SO LITTLE