Tea and Bake Sale Sponsored by The Ladies Auxiliary of The Canadian Legion Will be held at The Legion Centre -- ON -- Saturday, Nov. 22nd Tea Served from 3 to 6 P.M. -- 35c. Christmas Tea, Bazaar And Home Cooking Sponsored by IColborne Chapter No. 82. Order of Eastern Star At Masonic Temple BRIGHTON Wednesday, Nov. 26 From 2*30 to 5.30 p.m. Admission to Tea and Draw on Door Prize 35c SHOOT SIX DEER AND ONE MOOSE The deer hunters at Big Bend Madawaska Camp near Whitney had exceptionally good luck during the deer hunting season that closed on Saturday. During their two weeks at camp the party of 13 men shot 6 THE ENTERPRISE COLBORNE, NOV, 20th 1958 Mrs. S. J. Cox spent Monday 6t the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. xxxx Messrs. Harold and Larry Annual Bazaar, Tea, & Sale of Home Baking Sponsored by The Willing Workers of Old St, Andrews Church In the S.S. Hall Saturday, Nov. 29th, Tea from 3 to 6 p.m.--35c Colborne Town Hall 8 P.M SATURDAY Nov. 22 "Pride Of The Blue Grass" SHOWING AT CROWN THEATRE, Brighton Friday 7 & 9 p. m. "Flight To Mars" Sat. 7 & 9 p. m.-Pride of The Blue Grass JENINGS FUELS Advancein Sales Price Reading Anthracite Stove and Nut $27.50 per Ton Cash on Delivery Phone 351, Colborne Doug. Haig Plumbing and Heating Appliances Pressure Systems DeLaval Agency BRIGHTON Pfaone-Office 21. R esidence 388 ! I Have Buyers FOR Fruit Farms Dairy and Stock Farms Market Gardens deer and one moose. Ted Lee of attended the Royal Wint<:r Colbome shot three, H Vvillarc p Toronto on Saturday, of Colborne 1, Jack Newton of. xxxx Cobourg 1 and Dalton Woods of Migs Dorothy Hodges of Tor-Peterboro shooting one large'Qntent a few days last week. buck and a moose. .with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Post. The members ot the camp dur. I xxxx ing the second week were: S. j Mr. and Mrs. joe Genova and Powers. Sarnia; Chas. Titford, fam;iy 0f Toronto visited Mr. Toronto; Dalton Woods, Peter- and Mrs> Roy Collins on S unclav boro, Albert Prentice, Cobourg', | xxxx S. Edwards, Cobourg; Jack New] Mr. and Mrs. M. Drinkwater ton, Cobourg; Duke Prance, Lon ;spent a few days this week don; D. Packard, Dttndonald';'the home of their daughter I Alf Dove, Ted Lee, H. Willard,'and Mrs. F. Fleming at Kingston L. Audenaert. Colborne, Capt. j xxxx Snyder. Brockville. j Mr. E. Rimmer and daughter -o- [Miss Leonie Rimmer spent Mon- IN MEMORIAM !day at Royal Winter Fair in Tor ' " , onto. BALL--In loving memory of a xxxx dear father and grandfather, j Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Head and Charles Ball, who passed away Mr. Frank Spence of Toronto November 22nd, 1956. spent the weekend with Mr Fred Your presence is ever near ns, Spence. Your love remains with us yet, : xxxx You were the kind of a father ! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potter and Your loved ones will never forget family of Warkworth spent Sun-Lovingly remembered by Bill,! day with " Mrs. Francis Arm-June and family. -strong. BALL--In loving memory of a ' Mrs. Walter McGregor is visit dear father and grandfather : jng at the home of her son Mr. Charles Frederick Ball, who pas-;and Mrs. Murray McGregor in sed away November 22nd, 1956. jGuelph. Two years have passed away xxxx Since "that sad day ! Mrs. H. Greatrix of Picton When one we loved was called , spent a few days recently at the home of her daughter Mrs God took him home--It was his : Ralph Learmonth. Homes and What have you got to offer. SEE SAM COVELL Real Estate Broker Brighton, Ontario nil Within our hearts he Sadly missed by son Beverley and family. eth still. Fred, Coming Events The Colborne and Ridge Road Womens Institutes are sponsor-' ing the showing of Films of the j Junior Farmers trip through j England and Scotland at the ; Town Hall, Colborne on Wednesday evening, November 20th at 8 p.m. Members of all Insti- j tutes and visitors will be welcomed. There will be an auction sent to the Springhill Disaster Fund. Lunch will be served by the ladies and will all members bring a pie if possible. Northumberland County Historical Society Meeting. Thursday. November 27. 8 p.m. at the ihome of Mr. and ^^rs. George j Morrison. Carrying Place. xxxx ■■ A Progressive Euchre will be held in Dundonald Hall on Fri-ty evening. November 28th at o'clock sponsored by No. 1 group of Eden W.A. Lunch and! prizes. Admission 35c. Tea and Bazaar-- ATea and Bazaar and sale of Home Baking will be held in Castleton Town, Hall, Saturday, Nov. 29th from 3 to 6 p.m. under auspices of W.A. of Castleton United Church. Christmas Tea. Bazaar and Home Cooking sale sponsored by j Colborne Chapter No. 82 Order iof Eastern Stars at Masonic Tern Iple, Brighton, Wed. Nov. 26th | from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. Admission !to Tea and draw on door prize ,35c. j XXXX ! Reserve November 29th, annual Tea and Bazaar. Sr. Willing Workers of Old St. Andrews j Church. j Reserve December 6th. Annual tea, bazaar and Home Bake Sale. Women's Association of the United Church. Reserve Saturday, November 22nd for a Tea and Bake Sale under the auspices of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, to be held at thi Legion Centre from 3 to 6 P:M. Tea 35c. Reserve this date--December 3 for Fresh Raspberry Tea and Bazaar to be held in the parish Hall, Trinity Anglican Church Colborne under the auspices of St. Peter's Ladies Guild, Lake port. Ad ission to tea 50 cts Reserve Saturday, December 13 for Bazaar and Sale of Home Baking in former Legion rooms Coyle Block from 10 a.m. to. 1 o'clock under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Lakeport. Mr. Erskine Rivington of Carp was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Taylor at the parsonage over the weekend. xxxx Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson and children, Phyllis, David and Jimmy of Belleville spent Sunday with Mrs. S. M. Skinner, xxxx Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Drink-water spent the weekend in Can nington at the home of his son Mr. and Mrs. Elgie Drinkwater. Mr. Russell id Mr. < Ha : Hay Kings- The many friends of Col. Wolf raim will regret to learn he had a fall on Tuesday and about 7 a m. Wednesday morning suffered, a stroke. Lt. Clare Haynes. Mrs. Hay-nes and Allen left on Saturday for Camp Shilo. Manitoba after spending some weeks with his mother Mrs. J. F. Haynes. xxxx Mrs. Clarence Potter and granddaughter Miss Margaret Potter of Warkworth spent the weekend with her mother Mi Francis Armstrong at the home of Mrs. S. J. Cox. xxxx Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haynes and son Richard of Oshawa and Mrs. Wm. Matthews with Ford and Nancy Lynn of Port Hope spent Sunday with their mothi Mrs. J. F. Haynes. BORN GRANT--Dora and Hugh Grai of Newmarket are happy to announce the birth of their son. Charles William Grant on | Saturday, November 1st, 1958. ANOTHER COLBORNE BOY GRADUATES Following seven years of work in Credit and three years of successful study with the University of Toronto and the Canadian Credit Institute, Mr. Fraser^Mor ton was one of the forty-seven graduates from across Canada to receive the M.C.I, degree: Member the Credit Institute. The graduation dinner and the conferring of the degrees were held November 12th at the, Royal York Hotel, Toronto. After teaching school for three years in Brighton,' Mr.. Morton began his career in Credit in 1951 with Personal Finance Co., Toronto. Since 1953 he has been employed by Simpsons-Sears, Limited in various Credit positions and is at present, Credit Manager of their Kingston Retail Store. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morton, Colborne. Fraser is a graduate of Colborne High School and Teacher's College, Peterboro. INSURANCE' Auto, burglary. Fire, Floaters Liability, Plate Gic WM. J. TROOP, Jr. Phone 114 Colbo»ne I. G. A. NEW STORE HOURS BY SPECIAL REQUEST OF SO MANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS, COMMENCING Friday, January 9th/59 We will remain OPEN till 9 o'clock FRIDAY evening, and CLOSE at 6 o'clock SATURDAY WE HOPE THAT THIS WILL PROVE BENEFICIAL 10 ALL OUR CUSTOMERS. Plumbing and Heating Free Estimates All Work and Materials Guaranteed for One Year. S. C A R R r-^vs^iu vv._GQLj30RNE. TOWNSHIP of HALDIMAND TAXES. On December l?th, 1958 a Penalty of 4% will be added to all 1958 Taxes remaining unpaid. This Penalty is in addition to the Statutory interest which is added each month in which they remain in arrears. Please take notice and act accordingly. MACKENZIE RUTHERFORD, Tax Collector, Township of Haldimand L. V. BEAMISH Plumbing & Heating ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS AND NEW WORK All Work and Material Guaranteed. -- FREE ESTIMATES -- \ Phone: Business 159W j Residence 159J Colborne Howard's SEVT Telephone I47W SALON Colborne T.V SALEM RADIO & SERVICE Electrohome Sales AERIALS All Work Guaranteed JOHN FENAUGHTY Phone 254-r-23 COLBORNE.