Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 30 Oct 1958, p. 5

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the Enterprise, uoipurne, Oct. 30th,, iV6b THE ENTtK^KlSa Established 18S6 printers and Publishers Kirifc Streti. i"'oiUirne. Ont Authorized as second class mail J.st Office Department, Ottawa. Advertising Rates on Reouest A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of Colborne and the surrounding district, in Northumberland County, published Thursdays at the office of TSe Enterprise. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 per year in Canada $3.00 per year elsewhere (Payable in advance) 6c per single copy J. H Gale. Publisher Phone 6 W W D. McGLENNON AGENCY Complete Insurance Service Auromobile Financing Representing IWestern Farmers Wind Insurance Hamilton Township Farmers Mutual Brunswick'Block Colborne Phone 20 BOWLING SCORES THE CANADIAN ARTHRITIS SIMPSON-WILSON Tuesday, October 21, 195? & RHEUMATISM SOCIETY 7 to 9 P.M. Teams ORGANIZING BRANCH IN Hull a Hoops..................... 21 Points I morthttmupot amtV akt£ Happy Six-,....................... 18 Points :NORTHUMBERLAND AND Pill Pushers.................. 14 Points DURHAM Hotshots............................ 13 Points - Old Timers .................. 13 Pojntt ! Announcement has been made C' s,mPson at the RCAF Station Cunmngham ........... fiPoints by Dr. R u Uwson, Chairman ^ HfchSinele. J. Ryan*8.................... 2 72 °f th? Medical Advisory Commit High Triple, C. Scrogg .................... 689 tee- that Plans are under way for High Average. j.Ryan ..................... 190 the establishment of a branch of Men -Miss Eleanor Wilson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jame: Wilson was married to Mr. Daniel Simpson, son of Mr. and Mr; C. Simpsc Trenon Friday evening. The bride looked lovely in a tailored suit of rose beige and wore a corsage of pink carna-the Canadian Arthritis and'Rheu *5ons> Miss Nancy Bilcox of Col- High Triple. P. Oore ........ ............... 710 High Average, P, Oore...................206 9 to U P.M. Campbell .......................................... 19 I Philp ........................................ 16 McDonald ....................____________ 15 berland-Durham district For the past ten months this district has been served by the borne was her attendant and Mr. Tony Ritchie was attendant to the groom. A reception was held for the wedding party and Lee... Honey.......................... Commack..... ................. T.adiee' High Single. O. McGlenaon.. 284 INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Homes -- Farms Automobile Financing All classes of General Insurance including Tobacco Farms and Crops LONG BROS. Pat Cunningham, Representative Phone 274W King St. Colborne REAL ESTATE and GENERAL INSURANCE ALF MINAKER Phone 76 Colborn. Ont G. Harvey Men High Single. T.Lee........................ 302 High Triple, T. McDonald ....... 786 High A verge H, Willard............... 217 Condensed \dvertising. i EDWIN HQWELL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC NOTARY PUBLIC Park and Toronto Sts.--Colborne QUEEN'S HOTEL COLBORNE COMFORTABLE ROOM! EXCELLENT MEALS First - Class JAMES M. BLACKLOCK ORAPTON .ttfc.f --* Directors Society under the direction of a fr,en,ds at Mr- and Mrs- J- Stin" Medical Advisory Board compris man s- The haPP>' C0UP,e left °n ing Dr. Lawson, Chairman; Dr. a tnP to Niagara Falls. J. D. H. Isles, Colborne; and Dr. CASTLETON Peter Hunt of Port Hope. These - ices were established origin- Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn of through the untiring efforts Burlington, N.J., spent the week 190 oi Dr. Charlotte Horner, M.H.O. end with Mrs. Chas. Quinn and who has felt for some time the attended the funeral of his bro-2 need of a qualified physiotherap- ther the late Arthur Quinn. 6 ist in the district. Mr. and Mrs. Oran Day, Mr. ._ The Northumberland-Dutham and' Mrs. John Day and Mr. and branch have offices in the County Mrs. Kirkpatrick visited Mr. and Building in Cobourg and will Mrs. Earl Davey at Brighton on WANTED--A quantity of straw serve from Brighton to Port Sunday. and hay. Gordon McGregor, Hope. Mr. and Mrs. A. Young of phone 113-22, Colborne.-- Hamilton visited Mr. and Mrs. A _ _ ..------- GUIDE YOUR CHILD'S Wolfraim on Sunday. Oil Space Heater for Sale--With BEHAVIOR Mr. and Mrs. B. Moffat of oil drum and taps and piping, j - Trenton and Mrs. F. Warner vi- $20.00. Apply Dr. J. lies, phone ' If your child is an angel at two sjted' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Warner 116. Colborne. swears at four, lies at six, is diffi- 0n Sunday. --cult at 11 and argumentative at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Quinn FOR SALE--A Jenny Lind bed 15, he is simply growing up nor- anci children of Ottawa and Mr. with springs and mattress 48"; mally. This is the opinion of Dr. an(] Mrs. Fred Quinn of Kirk-Vanity table, wash tub and board \ Arnold Gessell, co-founder of the \&n(\ Lake spent several days at wicker Fernery, 2 kitchen chairs, jYale Clinic of Child Develop- j\|r and Mrs. Gerald Quinns and baby bath tub, kitchen stool, ^ent who discusses the all-imp- attended the funeral of their fath wire bicycle carrier, hand lawn ^ortant question of behavior pat- er? Mr. Arthur Quinn on Friday, mower. R. Pacey, phone 282, Col Jterns in the current issue of The Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lee and borne, Ont. jStar Weekly. Andy of Oshawa visited Mr. and -:--,, ,. Dr- Gessell, who has had years Mrs. John Day on Monday. FOR SALE-Bassinette 18x36, of experience in studying the Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kirpat-Crib Mattress 2<xol, crib mat- psychological make-up and the r;ck and daughter of Port Hope \TefJ°x5f; ve"etian shades 24T development of children of all sperft the weekend at Mr. and 2o-30 wide. House paint and ,ages tells readers how to inter- j Mrs. Oran Day. enamels. Colours only. Above ar- pret these behavior patterns, ! Mrs Ron Chapman was hos-ticles half price. Used large JThis is an extremely interesting ^ess to a miscellaneous shower round heater complete with pipes j Star Weekly article, one which on Wednesday evening for Miss coal or wood $10.00 N. S. McNal-hyill enable parents to recognize Eleanor Wilson. She received ly, phone 22, Colborne. j symptoms of maladjustment ana many lovely and usefui gifts. A ™->t, ~T~" A . . , , more important, to use the know lovely lunch was served and all FOR SALE-SaO. bushels of ledge to steer their children's de 'enjoyed a pleasant evening, mangles and turnips, dug; also jvelopment back to proper If-" a Franklin Heater, can be used I as a fire place, good condition. | UNITED COUNTIES Phone 134-R-1-2, J. A. Barr. i POPULATION RISE Motor Hearse in Night and Dtj Call Attended FOR SAlE-Findlay Automatic ™N TALLY coal and wood heater with1 Cobourg-Convi pipes. Like i able. Phone: BARNES FUNERAL HOME Modern Equipment Funeral Home Accommodation at No Extra Charge Personal Service day or night PHONE ill -- OOLBOBNE Seamstress and Alterations. Mrs V. McMahon, phone 68-R,41., Colborne. ARNOLD BOOLE AUCTIONEER U you want your saje handled fat ' fauineM like way with sattfectioa absolutely guaranteed, call or write ARNOLD POOLS Hastings Ontario Por Farms and Town Properties consult CrEORGE WILLIAM COVERT Real Estate Broker Division St. Colborne Phone 235 Farm Properties a Specialty W. J. Covert, Salesman for Cast-leton Area. Phone 38-r-5 Unity s Photographic Studio Rolls Developed with 8 Prints 55c. Mail Orders Postage paid by us Picture Framing Camera Supplies 29 Front St., Trenton Ont Phene 6383 ( Mr. Melbourne McGregor is 'visiting his son Mr. and Mrs. 'Percy McGregor in Toronto far few weeks. ~ t Mr. and Mrs. Jack May and ncing evidence daughter are spending two m of the growth of the United weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. May r^!hr»rnP 100 i Counties of Northumberland and Mr, and Mrs. Bill Hunter and UV- !Durham was given last Tuesday Lynn and Mrs. Abott of Niagara by United Counties Assessor, T, Falls were guests of Mr. and G. Shields. Mrs. John Day on Thursday. In the space of seven years-- The funeral for Mr. Arthur 1951-58 the population grew from Quinn who died at Campbellford --8<?6I "! 894'Si oj ]o»n ui 090'T9 Hospital on Wednesday was an increase of 12.8 per cent, held in Castleton United church While some of this represents a on Friday afternoon with mas-natural growth, Mr. Shields said, onic honors. Rev. L. Lovering of-some resulted from foundation of fieiating. Burial at Castleton new industries in the area. ' cemetery. He is survived by 3 In a county breakdown, Dur- sons, Harold at Ottawa, Fred at ham showed an increase of 12.8 Kirkland Lake and Gerald at per cent from 28,223 to 36,236 Castleton. Mr. Quinn had lived while Northumberland had an most of his life in this commun-11.4 per cent increase from 32.- ity and was well known and will 83? to 37.442. be missed by his family and Growth of the individual town friends, ships with the 1951 population The Community Club meeting figures in brackets, is as follows: was held on Tuesday eveninj FOR RENT--Floor sander and Alnwick (63;) 550; Brighton the Orange Hall with ove Edger. It's easv to make your 0,727) 2,205; Cartwright (1,271) present. Plans were made to hold old floors "look like new with a (2,641) 3,566; Cramahe (1.936} a Hallowe'en masquerade part_ few hours of sanding. We keep 1,447; Cavan (1,822) 2.044; Clark for the children and a dance on Floor Finishing Material in 2.019; Darlington (5.23.S) 8.233; Friday night in the town hall, stock. Francis Sash and Door, Haldimand (2,346) 2,653; Hamil Mrs. G. Warner and Mrs. H War ton (2,972) 4,105; Hope (2,208) ner were program convenors. 2,775; Manvers (1.764) 1.941; Bingo was played and a lovely South Monaghan (61.1 'ray (3,021) 3.587; Percy (2,179) 2,210; Seymour (2,415) 2,; 1 The population increa; - the five villages are: Voters'lint 195* .Municipality of the Brighton (2,02? 2,117; Colborne Township of Cramahe. in the (1 i ->•>•} - Hastings (8251 County of Northumberland '.0."<> Hasting> »B*0j FOR SALE--Good used Beatty well pump, 15 ft. of pipe and good cylinder, screen and leath ers. W. W. Rose, phone 2-6orl2 Colborne. Rubber Stamps--Quick delivery on all kinds of Rubber Stamps The Enterprise, phone 6, Colborne. FOR SALE--400 Hy-line pul lets, 1 year old. Phone 54-r-13, Colborne. Prince Edward St., Brightoi Phone 283-W. NOTICE OF POSTING OF - VOTERS' LIST lunch ' , served. ARTHUR A. QUINN pass* Mem NOVICE compiled Millbrook (739) 810; Ne castle (895) 1,015. In the four towns of the two counties, the population frowth is as follows: n.y-nineh'dav-of Oc"tob« i Bowmanville (5,318) 6,906; and Mary Ann Quinn. He was 1958, the Hstlf aU persons entUled- Port Hope '6,327) 7509; Cobourg brought up and spent most of his In the said Municipality Cor (7 818) 9,408; Campbellford 1 nf Parliament and at Hani- >■ ' . ' r hrrubt frr*ii thai t tare with section 8 of the Voters' Usui act and that I have j posted up at m v Arthur A. Quinn of Castleton assed away at the Campbellforo lorial Hospital on Wednesday, October 22nd, 1958 in his 69th year. The deceased was born Novere ber 18th, 1888 at Longford Mills Ontario, the son of William H Farm Service Dead, Old and Crippled FARM STOCK Removed Free of Charge. 24-HOUR SERVICE Phone Cc'iect Cobourg FR-2-3721 or Heid Office Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PRCONI Mrtnbers of Parliament and at Mont- .■„„, „ o»a • elpal Elections and that such hat l-,i> _ remains there for Infraction. j And 1 hereby call upon all rotors Three Boy Scoi to take "Immediate proceeding* to !hy their scoutmaster naye any errors or omissions correct- -i ea according to law. tha last day tot ' appeal being the 12th day of November 1958. Dated thi« V9t). dav of October 19*8 O. K. HEAVES. Township Clerk. Roof inp and Reoair Jobs REASONABLE RATES WIVI. HAMMOND Phone 335 Colborne W. S. BELl, Jeweller and Watch Repairer Watches and Clocks Repaired Work Guaranteed 3" life in Cramahe township lived for shorter periods in Kel-jowna. B.C., and Kirkland Lake, were asked .Ontario, what had; He married Alice May Teal of been their day's good deed. Colborne in 1909 who predeceas- "Well," said the first boy, "I >d him in 1935. Three of their helped to get an old woman ac-' 5 sons survive: • Harold of the ross the road." ' Geological Survey of Canada. "Ye* that was a very kind act.' Ottawa; Fred of Lake Shore And to'the second boy: .Gold Mines, Kirkland Lake; and . "V. hat was your good deed?" Gerald of Cramahe township. ! "Mi. T helped to help to get her Mr. Quinn was a member of across" the Masonic Lodge, Colborne 1 ' I see," said the scoutmaster, and a member of the Warkworth And to the smal'est boy: "what branch of the Canadian Legion iwos your good deed?" 1 He rested at the J. M. Black- I "I helped to help to help her lock Funeral Home at Grafton across ». until 1 p.m. last Friday when he "But surely it was not necess- was brought to Castleton United ary for three of you to help her Church where service was con-^coss?" ducted by Rev. G. L. Lovering. "Oh. b„t it was, sir. She didn't' Interment was at Castleton want to o-o " cemetery with Masonic rites. ALEX. RUTHERFORD Cities Service Products Tires, Batteiies, Accessories, B, F. Goodrich Tires Wheel Balancing and Front End Allinement. Washmobile Service. FREE Pickup and Delivery TOWING SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE Phone 30 Colborne, Ontario. ...then Mother said, 'Let's give them a call tonight'! Isn't there someone you'd like to call,..right now? Telephone tonight* THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA •Long Distance iorgeim. mia-- nights after 6 and all day Sunday L. V. BEAMISH Plumbing & Heating . ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS AND NEW WOKK All Work and Material Guiriit^ai. -- FREE ESTIMATES -- Phone: Business 159W Residence 159J Colborne I Dove's Lunch I Try Our Lunch Room j for good food with prompt and courteous service, Full line of Soft Drinks and Smokes. J Day and Night Service Phone 131 Dove's Lunch l Colborne, Ontario. I -- BUS TICKETS SOLD HERE -

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