uii^iyvt**, u^iooriie, Augusl. 28th 195c MANAGERS WANTED j Male or Female \ Full or Part Time $300.00 minimum nionthlyiHtome guaranteed for spending only a^few-^ioura^weekly in just spare time, more full time. Canadian company has immediate opcj^i.gs lor ambitious men or women to manage local business. No experience necessary as we train you in all phases of the business and no high pressure men are wanted as no selling on your part is required. YOU MUST:- --Be of good character and able to furnish references. --Be able to devote 8 to 10 hours weekly to business. --Be able to make a cash deposit of $1,600.00, which is refundable. If you can meet these qualifications and desire an interview with Company Executive in your area, answer this advertisement immediately. This is one of those unique and rare opportunities that will probably avail itself to you once in a life time. For a personal interview in your area, send us along a letter with a complete resume and include personal references and your phone number. Write to: Department P-100, ' Adelaide St. W, Toronto. Oi J. C. POTTER GOES TO | GERMANY TO TEACH Warkworth Jo nal) and j. C. Potter, son of . .Mrs. Randolph Potter o, this village, left for Germany on Sunday, .August l.th. Pie has been engage•: for a two-year term to teach the children of the NATO forces. Air. Potter will be teaching Canadian students of the Canadian air force base at the hign school level in southwest Germany near the border of Luxemburg and France. He has been on the high school ; staff at Brampton for the past i six years. Previous to that he taught two years in C i high school, following i years of war service < Machine Repays SERVICE TO ANY MAKE A. Full Line of Beatty Products WM.GORDOl SMITH Phone 169 -- Colborne i SALEM RADIO & T.V I StkVltt i Electrohomt Sales AERIALS Ail *Vork (jUfctaritted 1 JOHN FENAUGHTY i Pn ne 254-r-23 COLBORNE. Tomato Peelers Wanted! FOR NIGHT SHIFT ? Canadian Canners Ltd. No. 154 Colborrjp. Phone 103. A ~1 more interest EXCHANGE your 3% wartime ffctorv Bonds FOR THE NEW 25 YEAR CANADA CONVERSION BONDS ALSO AVAILABLE: 4V4% 14 YEAB BONDS 33/4% 7 YEAR. BONDS 3% 3V4 YEAR BONDS your bank, investment -dealer, trust or loan co'tn-Pany or other financfof «dvit-er TODAY and in addition receive an immediate cash adjustment Here's an example of the cash adjustment on a $1000* bond BEGIN--PALMATEER A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized in Oshawa United Church on August 9th when Jeanine, Aliej:n Mary, second; daughter of Mrs. Nora Begin of Colborne was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Paul , Beverly Hayden Palmateer, Tor onto, son of Mrs. Luella Palmateer and the late Elgin R. Palma ,teer, Morganston. j Ferns, palms and pink and .white gladioli made a perfect set iting for the tastefully decorated altar where the double ring cere-'rnony was performed by the Rev. Mervin Bury of Oshawa. The bride was charmingly dressed in a waltz length gown of sheer white nylon with net and silk lace crinoline giving a bouffant effect. Her headdress was satin brocaded, cap style trimmed with rhinestones and .sequins, from which the tulle !veil hung in fingertip length. She iwore sheer white elbow length gloves and carried a bouquet of red and: white carnations, Lily-of-the-valley and maiden hair fern. Her only attendant was Miss Freda Kraft of Toronto who she chose for bridesmaid, She was attractively gowned in sheer mauve nylon frock with hooped crinoline and large pio ture hat with white accessories, and carried a bouquet of white and yellow mums. "r. Clare Cleveland Palmateer of Toronto, brother of the groom acted as groomsman. After the signing of the register the happy couple were welcomed at a reception held at the home of the groom's mother, Luella Catherine Palmateer, Morganston, who received wear ing a strapless formal length gown of rose silk net. A crinoline of lace and net added fullness to the double tiers of net which Iv.;-. from the fitted bodice. A - t:-h;ng net stole, el-!'.-■-..?■•> ,iik nylon gloves and sequin hat were accessories, ielicious wedding dinner was served to the immediate relatives "n a daintily decorated room of jink and' white gladioli and wed ling bells. Lovely and costly gifts were unwrapped by the bride and groom. Best wishes and congratulations were extend ed them. After a shower of confetti they left for a weeks' honeymoon. They will reside at 981 Gerrard St., Toronto where Mr. Palma-. teer is employed. MORGANSTON Master David Darling has re- ■ turned home from a holiday at the home of his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doidge, Brigh ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Murdock of Oshawa are guests this week of her father Mr. Wallace Tumey. Mr. and Mrs. H. George spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. P. Moore at their cottage, PresquiTle Point. Mrs. Vern Ames and Fred of Hamilton visited at the home of her niece, Mr. and Mrs. John Darling and family. Fred Darling returned with them for a visit. Billie Puffer is spending a few days with Wayne Lewis in Tren ton. Mr. Alex, Misses Sara and Grace McComb and Russell Mc-Comb were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan, Belleville. Mrs. George Dawe, Warkworth is visiting her granddaugh ter Mr. and Mrs. Bill Begg. Mrs. Grant Phillips attended the annual meeting of the FWT AO in Toronto this week. Mr. and Airs. Frank Sager of Brighton were guests for a few days this week of Mr. and Mrs. B. Fitchett. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stewart, Baltimore spent a day this week with Mr. and Mrs. D. Turney. Mr. and Mrs Jerry Hall and family of Rochester. N.Y., Mrs. Mable Ireland, Trenton were guests one day this week of Mrs J. Begg and family. Miss Barbara Parker returned home after a week's visit with .Miss Barbara Morton, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phillips of Belleville were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Phillips. Miss Myrtle Hardy visited her cousin Dr. M. E. Davidson, Toronto and attended the C.N.E. Mr. and Mrs. B. Fitchett atten ded the funeral of Mr. Ralph Locklin at Brighton on Thursday.