Orono Weekly limes, WledaDcmbr9 998 - 7) KEDA L NEW SJ by Joan Ander son Kendal United Church cele- brated the second Sunday in Advent with its new minister,' Rev. John Sullivan. The con- gregation r aised various con- cerns and reasons to celebrate. With ightîng the Christ candie, prayers were raised to ask God to care for and comfort Sylvia Toffan and Dorothy Hellebusi. With special Advlent read- ings, the second Advent candie was lit. Chiidren's Moments focused on gifts, demonstrated by a beautifuliy wrapped white gifi box which was for ail the chul- dren in the congregation. After this box was opened, three tiny parceis were unwrapped to reveai Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus in a manger. Rev. Sullivan conciuded these moments with the statement that Jesus was our most precious gift from God, the only way we can attain sai- vation. The children'then pro- ceeded out to'Sunday School. The sermon this morning was based on the theme "In Search of Greatness". It toid the story of the many hardships a young Armenian boy called Joseph deait with in escaping with his parents a mass execution in Armenia. They arrived in Canada before _Worid War 11, and Joesph was able to work withi his uncle, -a photographer. This uncle noticed Joseph's many talents and great potential to be a photographer, and 50 arranged an apprenticeship with an outstanding photographer. Joseph was dedicated and a hard worker, and so deveioped, into Canada's most recognized photographer. He took portraits of many great people worid- wide, world heads of churches, the heads of countries, royalty, prominent actors and actresses. in searching for great people to, photograph, hie inadvertentiy became great himself. His nane - Yousef Karsh! We wonder whether Karsh, had he lived two thousand years ago, wouid have noticed and photographed an impoverished carpenter who, usualiy sur- rounded by a crowd, preached about God and performed mira- cles as he went along his way. Jesus was God's greatest gift to us. A recurring theme this Sunday is echoed in this quota- tion, "Jesus, corne to our hearts like faiiing ramn, corne to refresh, corne to renew, wash al our sins away." The Offering was presented, closing hymn sung and] then we made out way to the Christian Education Roomn for refresh- ments and socializing. Birthdays were ceiebrated as well. UP AND ABOUT Helen Couroux was wei- comed back after recovering from a faîl on her attic steps getting Christmas decorations. Samantha Rideout has recov- ered from her iiiness and was back at church again as well. feeling better. COMMUNITY EVENTS Thrkey dinner a success The L.O.L. 405 heid their Annuai Turkey Dinner at the Kendal U.C. on December 6, 1998. Some of the money was being donated to a local needy family, a s well as food items which were given to the Clarington East Food Bank.' The supper was quite success- fui. Give them a Merry Christmas Sunday, December 13 wili be the iast opportunity to bring gifis to, heip our adopted famiiy celebrate a more joyous Christmas. Donations are asked to be new, size ladies medium for the mother, and sizes tweive and four for the daughters.ý Food and new toys are aiso welcomed for this famiiy. Please bring these gifts to Kendal United Church on Sunday. Bingo! Every Tuesday evening the L.O.L. 405 holds Bingo games. The eariy bird game starts at 6:30 p.m. Corne and join in this popular pastime at the Orange Hall. Family Christmils Eve At 5 p.m. on December 24, Kendai United CIiurch will hold a family-orientpd Christmas Eve service, witt' the children participating. Thiis was started last year, and wag a big success. The early hour accommodates familles with y0ung children, and ail enjoyed the reverent and expectant atmosphere. Everybody is welcome, so please corne. NURSERY CHILD CARE, Kendal United Church offers a staffed nursery for young chul- dren at no charge so that their- parents or grandtpareflts may enjoy Sunday CW.irch service at 11:15 arn in pace of m'id. The chiIdren are being weil cared for by an experienced babysitter. She is consistent and is always there, unless illness prevents her attendance, 50 your children can get used to the same person. This service is welcomed by the young fami- lies attending, and has room for your children too. V& A Servicesj Custom Framing For Ail Your Needs j Yt MoiayOPEN BOUSE!!! j0 Mon~Dayec. 14 ta Saturday, Dec. 19 - 10 arn te 9 Pm S HOURS: Monday-to Friday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.- Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. HWY#2 PAPER TOLE ART SHOWVC ngoing Demonstration.. MERNCRi and Fiamin, W4O (905) 623-8241 How can the Canada Education S avings Grant help your children?, *The Government of Canada is working with Canadians to help familles-save for the post- secondary education so important to every chiid's future. *Now, the Canada Education Savings Grant provides an additionai 20 cents for every dollar you save in a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). " An RESP is a tax-sheitered way to, save for a ch iid's post-secondary education. it can be started by parents, grandparents, relatives or friends. " Each chid can receive a maximum Canada Education Savings Grant of $400 per year (with a savings contribution Of $2,000). Youth Sttge Emplownenti emploi, Strategy jeunesse " if a chiid does not use his or her RESP you can transfer the savings to another chiid or roll the savings int your RRSP. " The important thing is to start today. Even a modest RESP contribution, aiong with the grant, can grow into a nest egg to heip offset the cosi of post-secondary education. " This program is part of Canada's Youth Empioyment Strategy. Need more details? Cali 1 800 935-5555 and ask about the Canada Education Savlngs Grant. UsIng TTY devices cal 1 800 465-7735 Canadci qý