I 4 Orono Weekly 'limes, Wedriesday, December 9. 1998 'TRT' fouls 'Capital's' plansi TRT Sand & Gravel Novices extended Iheir lengthy unbealen slreak wilth a 2-0 win over the Capital Planners, ouI- shooling Ihem 23-10 lasI *Sunday. TRT's balanced offence, rock-solid defence and stand-out goaltending has the leam fighting for top spol in their division. The first period ended *scoreless, but was action packed. On the Ihird shift, winger Katie Definney hustledt back from hier position Ici breakî up a Capilals breakaway. Definney wasn'l only helpingt out lher defence, she nailed ac goal post late in the Ihird. c Il Iook a mini scoring burst j ,< by TRT mid-second t0 put the gamne away. Smokin' cenlerc Josh Dobson pulled a wrap-f around sliding puck under ther pads aI 3:51 from Devin t ~Robinson. Seconds later, Robins on picked up a loose puck from the center face-off, dazzled a couple of defenders c and snapped in a shol, Josh E Dobson assisting. That4 wrapped up the scoring for the night though goalie Tanner Johnson had 10 come up wilh lwo big saves on breakaways, one on the last shift of the game included a 1011gb rebound shol. TRT had Iheir share of chances in the Ihird. Winger Kevin Griffin, ah alone in front, was deniedby a greal pad save, while wingers r Zachary Flood & Blain Cox f Katie Definney, TRT's speedy Winger. bolh camne close mid-period. Family Auto hard to beat This pasl week, the Orono Famnily Auto Bantams played in Port Hope Wednesday night and in Millbrook on Thursday nighl. Orono kept the puck in Port Hope's end for mosl, of thal gamne's first period, but could flot beal the goalie. Port Hope had a few good shots also, but Chris Burrill kepl lhem ouI. The first period ended wilh no score. In the second, Orono drew first blood as Dan Tresise pot- led one in front of the Port Hope goal on a scramible. Lee Allin and Jef Thompson drew assisls. Port Hope quickly lied the score on a one-timner thal beal Burrilt. Orono seemned 10 open things up after Ihat and domninaled mosl of the play. Jeff Thompson made il 2-1 after he walked out in front after a missed breakaway and went upslairs. Scott Wood assisled. The second period ended thal way and boîli leamis needed the rest. In the Ihird, Oronio again domninaled the play and il paid off. Scott Wood scored on a big rebound from Jeff Thompson 10 make il 3-1. Ricky Howe dhen lipped in a Lee Allun point shol 10 go up 4- 1. Malt Reid went end 10 end off the face-off and scored 10 mnake il 5-1. Al l hree goals came on one shift and in less Ihan lwo minutes. Drawing assisîs on these goals were: Jef Thomps.on, Lee Allun, Mat Reid and Ricky Howe. Thal was how the gamne ended, 5-1; anoîher win for Orono. The next night Orono was in Millbrook 10 play a league game. Orono simply dominaI- ed this game from midway through the first period and came ouI on top 10-3. Orono's goals came from: Jesse Gimblett (3), Jeff Thompson (2), Scott Wood (2), Aaron RobinsonTyson Gimblett and Colin Curealz. Assists were given 10: Chris Field (3), Jeff Thompson (2), Lee Allin (2), Colin Cureatz (2), Ricky Howe (2), Scott Wood, Mark McCalister and Chris Bouley. Thanks 10 Jesse and Tyson Gimblett who MIl in admirably for our injured and sick play- ers. On Sunday niglil Orono was at home 10 play an exhibition game againsl the Peterborough Nationals. This game was back and forth wilh lots of chances for both leamns 10 score. Chris Burrill was in goal for Orono once again as Jef Siemion is still baltling an illness. Orono opened the scoring early in the firsl as Jef Thompson hopped on a Derek Heerschop rebound and polted one for a 1-0 lead. Chris Field made a nice pass from the cor- ner 10 also draw an assist. That was the way the period ended, and il stayed Ihat way until well mbt the second. Orono had some close calîs in front of their net as Burritt was down but the defensemen were on the spot and cleared il. Jeff' Thompson added his second goal laIe in the second on a neat little move 10 gel pasl the defense and then put il upslairs. Adam TollelI and- Derek Heerschop gol assists as they were the ones who worked the puck loose for Jeff. Peterboroughi answered that quickly and aI the endof two periods il was 2-1 for Orono. Five minutes mbt the third, Malt Reid found the back of the net on a scramble. Dan Tresise and Jamie Rowe drew assîsîs. Peterborough pulled wilhin one aI 5:22 on anoîher goal-moulli scramble. Orono put the gamne in the books wilh 30 seconds left as Jeff Thomnpson compleled his hal- trick from Colin Curealz and Scott Wood. The final score ended aI 4-2 in favour of Orono. fhecir league record now stands aI 9 wins, 3 losses and 1 lie. NexI homne gamne tfor Orono is Friday nighl a 9:00 p.m. againsî Fenelon Falls. Hope 10 see you there! Building PIace banu taâms are number one in Bewdley- Oronos Building Place ban- who they were in another shut- tain house league teamn waltzed out victory 2-0 ini the champi- into Beyvdley November 28, -onship final. plowing through ail the opposi- Mark Brennan was crowned tion teams proving their superi- Orono's most valuable player ority in lournament play, to of the tournament while stingy dlaim the 'A' Championship goaltender, Darreli Kennedy hardware. The boys played like was almost perfect kicking out a team on a mission. That, the.pucks earning himself two combined with a 110% effort shut-outs. from everyone and the ever- The 'Builders' gave McD's present teamn spirit, resulted in Billiards another shot at beat- the tournament win. ing themn Dec. lst--and it was Enroute 10 the podium, the close. Although tired fromn 'Builders' made quick work of weekend hockey play, the McD's Billiards shutting themn Orono club wasn't 100 tired to out 5-0. They edged by shul the door on the 'billiard' Bowmanville Darlinglon Auto boys coming out on top with a 4-3 and showed Port Hope just 3-2 victory. Orono fuel & Lumber 'B'fiulitsluWoodville The Orono Fuel and Lumber midget rep team have had their fill of hockey of late playing five gaines in four days from November 26-29 which included two regularly sched- uled games and a tournament, in, Woodviile. In regular season play N'ovemiber 26thi, the Fuel and Lumber miidgets were guiests of their Millbrook miidgeî coun- terparts wlhoni they beat hiandi- ly 6- 3. They mioved on to tournia- ment action in Woodville efmerging 'B' consolation final- ists afier three games of play.' Game one saw the boys drop a close 2-1 decision to the Port Carling Thunder. Orono's one goal was scored by Ryan -Tomes, assisted by Mike Knox and Andrew Reid. Shots favo ured Thunder 2 1-11. .1 u L ti t( Iý tir el is di p Ic H ai fa Game two saw the locals win a close 3-2 victory over the Otonabee Wolves. Leaf goal scorers were Andrew Beacock,- Andrew Reid and Jamie Parry. The Wolves held a 14-1,3 edge in shots. Game three of the tourna- ment wýas a 4-2 loss to thie Norwood Horniets withi Ryani Homnes anid Jamie Parry scor- ing for Orono. Shots favoured the Hornets 24-14. Sunday, November 29, Orono Leafs hosted the Beaverlon Bladesý going down 6-3 10 the visilors. Orono led 2- 1 afier two periods, but were badly outplayed in the final frame as the Blades went on to score five unanswered goals. Scoring for the midgets were Andrew Reid, Greg Bester and Jeff Lee. The Leafs outshot Beaverton 25-15. Orono FÉigure Skating Club Aduit Skate Registration JANUARY 39 1999 $170 ineluding CFSA & EOS for 12 weeks starting January 3, 1999 " Pull1 1- 1/2 hours with 2 Professional Coaches " Sunlday 10 to 11:30 a. m. - Beginner Adults " Suniday 10:30 a.m. to 12- noon - Advani!ced Adults For more info)rmattion calu Joain Moffat 983-9561 PLEASE NOTE: There are stili openings in our CANSKATE PROGRAM 1